From the desk of Johnny Fincioen on Tue, 2011-01-11 10:46 A lunatic shoots, kills and wounds in Tucson Arizona about 20 people of which one is a politician, Gabrielle Giffords, representative for the Democratic Party in the House, and …, Sarah Palin and the Tea Party people are to blame. This is what the establishment press suggests. The first thing that pops up in their heads is how can Obama profit from the atrocity. The reactions of the Republicans and representatives of the Tea Party movement focused on the cruel facts of the slaughter without accusations on political opponents. John Boehner, newly elected Speaker of the House, said that an attack on one of them, was an attack on all public serving politicians, and that violence has no place in the American political spectrum. The Republican governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, considers Giffords her friend, and she praised her as having always been a noble public servant. The Tucson Tea Party and many other Tea Party groups condemned the murders, and the use of violence in the political discourse. From the desk of Svein Sellanraa on Mon, 2011-01-10 08:53 Just before the Christmas holidays, the Norwegian students' union decorated a hallway in my school with propaganda posters, the overarching theme of which was that students should know their rights. One poster informed me that the temperature in a classroom is required by law to be between 25 and 28 °C, while another detailed the very specific circumstances under which teachers are allowed to expel students to the principal's office. At around the same time a friend of mine, who is active in the students' union, opined that the youths who were then rioting in London over tuition fees had every right to throw bricks and smash plate-glass windows – after all, he said, education is so important. Later in the conversation, a girl who is also active in the students' union said that it was not ultimately the rioters who were to blame for the riots, but David Cameron's government – it had (according to her) enacted stingy Thatcherite policies, predictably causing misery, unrest, and righteous indignation. She said this as if it were a self-evident truth disputed only by the very evil and the very stupid. From the desk of Diana West on Sat, 2011-01-08 17:07 I am posting (below) a letter from the Danish Free Press Society, the parent organization of the International Free Press Society, of which I am vice president. It is of urgent importance. It tells of the terrible turn of events in Denmark, which for years now has bravely spearheaded the West's fights to save free speech, now and seemingly in perpetuity under assault from both the Marxian Left and the press of sharia (Islamic law) -- and with zero support from diplomatic, governmental, or professional institutions in the United States, home and caretaker of the First Amendment. This appalling lack of support, which translates into a lack of courage and vision, is the main reason the assault of free speech continues to be successful. But et tu, Denmark?Where Did The Bullet Come From?
Generation Y Radicals
The Lights Are Going Out in Denmark
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
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Britannia Radio