World Gripped By Anti-Government Riots; America Next?
The planet is in a never-ending cycle of anti-government revolt as riots that plagued Europe last year now spread like wildfire through the Middle East and beyond, threatening to accelerate bloody clashes and force the hand of authorities as the risk of a new Tiananmen Square massacre grows ever likelier. Is America next in line to experience unrest that has touched almost every corner of the globe?
Do Not Let The Establishment Divide Us – We Are All Americans
Have you ever noticed how almost all the mainstream news stories carried on the major news networks are slanted in a way that is intended to divide Americans?
WikiLeaks: Ron Paul Explains What Baghdad Embassy Cable Reveals
One of the crown jewels of secret pre-Gulf War negotiations was unveiled tonight when the notorious Glaspie Memo, or as it is now known 90BAGHDAD4237, was released by WikiLeaks.
Grocery prices skyrocket faster than official inflation
Grocery prices increased at more than 50 percent the rate of inflation in 2010, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
• Shut Down The Federal Reserve, Break Up The Big Banks And 16 Other Ideas Barack Obama Could Have Proposed If He Actually Wanted To Fix The Economy
• While the Financial Crisis Commission Report Looks Impressive At First Glance, It Doesn’t Hit Hard Enough … and Won’t Lead to Any Real Change
• A Decade Of Progress Wiped Out By Financial Policy
• Gold Usurps Dollar As Safe Haven for Worried Investors
Bloomberg: Carbon Rationing For UK Seen Within A Decade
IN a post here a couple of days ago, I noted that Green MP Caroline Lucas was calling for a war-time mentality in the UK, as during WWII “people put up with so much disruption and deprivation because they knew there was no alternative”.
• WTF? Scientists Claim “Slow Wind” May Make Trees Extinct
• Dr Wakefield demands retraction from BMJ after documents prove innocence from allegations of vaccine autism data fraud
• Tenth Amendment Center helps states challenge unconstitutional health care bill
Army base locked to solve ‘serious concern’
The commander of an Army base in Utah, which works on how to protect troops against biological and chemical attacks, said it was on lockdown while trying to resolve a “serious concern.”