Wow! Is America in Trouble……What do UCLA students know about the Middle East?
An eye-opening video from StandWithUs:
Israel IQ at UCLA
Bard College Allows International Solidarity Movement to Use Campus Resources
Academic leader Leon Botstein knowingly allows Hamas-support group to use campus facilities and money to aid terror front group ISM
by Lee Kaplan/ Stop The ISM
Bard College is a small idyllic liberal arts college located near Annendale-on-the-Hudson in New York State. A shining star for Bard is supposedly its campus president, one Leon Botstein, Botstein has been the President of Bard College for the past seventeen years, a base from which he promotes his dual careers as an educator and music conductor. Botstein is also Jewish, born in Switzerland and the grandson of victims who died in the Holocaust. He is presently the second string conductor for the Jerusalem Philharmonic orchestra.
Botstein has decided to allow the International Solidarity Movement(ISM), a group that openly admits it works with State Department designated terrorist groups such as Hamas, the PFLP, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, to set up shop on his campus using campus facilities and student activity money to...
Christ Killers Strike Again: 21 Christians Murdered under Color of Islam
“Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethern, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:40)
by Bill Levinson
Blast outside Christian church kills 21 and wounds 70 after al Qaeda threats describes how the Twenty-First Century’s Christ Killers slaughtered 21 innocent men, women, and children for being followers of Jesus.
“People went in to church to pray to God but ended up as scattered limbs. This massacre has al Qaeda written all over, the same pattern al Qaeda has adopted in other countries,” said Kameel Sadeeq of the Coptic council in Alexandria.
It is past time to use language like “Christ-killing jihadists” or “Christ-killing Islamofascists” to describe perpetrators of this and countless other acts of mindless violence against practitioners of Christianity. If this is what they do to Jesus’ followers, it is pretty obvious what they would do to Jesus and Matthew 25:40 says that they have...
In support of Constitutional Government in the US
By Ted Belman
I had a conversation with my daughter yesterday on the subject of the US Constitution and Palin’s desire to be ruled by it. She expressed the typical leftist belief that it is subject to interpretation. Today as I was reading Sarah Palin’s new book America By Heart, I read the following four pages in which Palin brilliantly answers her and all her running mates.
I was very impressed wih how she framed her argument.
British historian: “Civilization owes Judaism a debt it can never repay”
Please inform yourself of The Friends of Israel Initiative. Andrew Roberts gave the following opening address at rapturous reception at the British Parliament for the launch of Friends of Israel Innitiative on July 19/10.
I would like to speak to you today as an historian, because it seems to me that the State of Israel has packed more history into her 62 years on the planet than many other nations have in six hundred. There are many surprising things about this tiny, feisty, brave nation the size of Wales, but the most astonishing is that she has survived at all. The very day after the UN declared Israel a country in 1948, five Arab countries attacked, and she has been struggling for her right to life ever since. And that is what we are here for today, to reiterate Israel’s right to self-defense, inherent in all legitimate countries.
From Morocco to Afghanistan, from the Caspian Sea to Aden, the 5.25 million square miles of territory belonging to members of the Arab...
Useful Idiots and Fifth Columnists: The Media Role in the War Against the West
[In this brilliant speech, Melanie Phillips set out the problem, but more important, the solution. T. Belman]
[Address to Honest Reporting conference, Jerusalem, 14 December 2010]
We are living through a global campaign of demonisation and delegitimisation of Israel in which the western media are playing a key role.
The British media are the global leaders of this campaign in their frenzied and obsessional attacks on Israel. In the BBC in particular, such virulence attains unparalleled power and influence since it is stamped with the BBC’s global kitemark of objectivity and trustworthiness.
Israel’s every action is reported malevolently, ascribing to it the worst possible motives and denying its own victimisation. Instead of the truth, which is that every military action by Israel is taken solely to protect itself from attack, it is portrayed falsely as instigating the violent oppression of the Palestinians.
Tyranny around the world — such as the 20-year genocide...
U.S. furious at Barak for exaggerating his role in peace process
It is not Barak’s fault he couldn’t deliver. There were no guarantees. It is the fault of the US that she tried to go around Netanyahu. According to this report, the US now has low expectations and is only staying involved to forestall violence which would such them in again. Ted Belman
The U.S. administration is furious with Defense Minister Ehud Barak over the stalled peace talks, sources have told Haaretz. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama’s senior advisers say that for more than a year and a half Barak misled them about his persuasive powers with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding the peace process.
The Americans will continue working with Barak on security issues, but he will no longer receive special treatment.
A senior Israeli official, who requested anonymity, told Haaretz about his recent hour-long meeting with a senior U.S. official who detailed the reasons Clinton and the White House are so disappointed...
Israel, U.S, UK Collaborating Against Iran
Laura: Supposedly ours and the UK’s intelligence services are cooperating with the Mossad to damage Iran’s nuke program. Mind you, this cooperation appears to be motivated not so much because of the danger presented by Iranian nuclear weapons, but rather to prevent Israel from militarily striking out at Iran, which they apparently view as the greater danger.
‘Mossad, US, UK cooperating to sabotage Iran nukes’
Sabotage acts on Iran included Stuxnet virus, explosion in missile factory, killing of scientists, reports newspaper ‘Le Canard Enchaine.’
US and UK intelligence services are cooperating with the Mossad to sabotage Teheran’s nuclear program in exchange for Israel agreeing not to launch a military strike on Iran, the French weekly Le Canard enchaîné reported on Thursday, quoting French intelligence sources.
Acts of sabotage carried out in the past year in Iran were conducted by Israel with the help of the CIA and MI6, the...
The Relentless Jihad Against Christians
Laura: International institutions and governments remain silent as the global jihad rages and Christians in Africa and the Middle east are persecuted and slaughtered. But have Jews in Jerusalem build an extra bedroom to their home and that becomes an international crisis worthy of UN special sessions. This is an insane world.
Islamic Bomb Attack Kills at Least 30 Celebrating New Years Eve
Pam Geller, Atlas Shrugs
More Islamic slaughter while the world stays silent. SILENT! How depraved and submissive the leftist world press and political elites are. They debase themselves with their silence as they drag free men kicking and screaming to certain catastrophe.
The escalation of Muslim attacks on Christians Christmas week and New Years continues unabated, unchallenged, unanswered. Gd forgive us.
Tragic start to New Year in Nigerian capital Paris News.Net (hat tip Bill)
Officials in Nigeria say a bomb has exploded at a popular market inside an army barracks in the...
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel