Saturday, 12 February 2011

12-2-11 WeatherAction News of Jet Stream Change

Delta House, 175-177 Borough High Street. London SE1 1HR +44(0)207939 9946 From Piers Corbyn +44(0)7958713320 ,

As via twitter -

Deep Atlantic Low marks WeatherAction ExtraTop warnings 10-12Jan + Return HARSH WINTER BLASTS Brit+Europe

Tropical Cyclone 14 off NW Australia formed 11 Feb confirms WA timing & place forecast Discus+News

USA WeatherAction Essence & Extremes Forecast NEWS Comments + Discussion for events 8-28 Feb WOW snow & supercold hits

Other recent information…

What the sun did to make those SUPERSTORMS and Piers Corbyn issues THREE more top level red warning weather periods this Feb

USA and Australia thrashed by simultaneous record-breaking superstorms - predicted by WeatherAction, driven by solar activity

- nothing to do with CO2 or so-called man-made climate change