Anti-Energy Agenda Could Cause More Rolling Blackouts
While the recent energy turmoil is a result of extreme weather conditions, it is symbolic and a grim foreshadowing of what our energy policy in the United States has become: an anti-energy agenda.
Dylan Ratigan says that the Fed is printing money to cover enormous theft by the big banks, and that money printing is leading to food inflation worldwide. (Bad weather and speculation on commodities are obviously also contributing to rising food prices).
• Find A Job? Good Luck In This Economy – 10 Reasons Why The Latest Unemployment Numbers Are No Reason To Cheer
More social and political turmoil is likely in the future so commodities prices will continue rising, renowned investor Jim Rogers, CEO of Rogers Holdings, told CNBC.
• US cities face financial collapse
Another Economic ‘Martial Law in the Streets’ Moment Approaches
In the fall of 2008, during the lead up to the TARP bailout of the financial industry, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson warned members of Congress that there will be Martial Law in America should they fail to pass the multi-trillion dollar looting of the taxpayer.
This so-called UAH satellite temperature graph is an obvious denier fabrication meant to discredit the true giants of science and saviors of the human species; Al Gore, Hansen, Jones, Mann and the brave scientists of the UN IPCC. Right?
Representative Paul gives his latest update on Congress’ attempt to sneak through an extension of the so-called PATRIOT Act
Related: Republicans Move to Make PATRIOT Act Permanent
Feb 5, 2011
Congressman Paul with some important information regarding the draconian police state legislation.