Attempted Citizen’s Arrest of Avigdor Lieberman
Laura: A leftist loon reporter attempted to make a citizen’s arrest of Avigdor Lieberman in Brussels under the charge of apartheid. Isn’t it the whacko anti-Israel left which actually advocates apartheid and the domination of one racial group over another with its demand that Jews be forbidden from living in certain parts of Israel? So while the jihad in Europe rages, the left carries on with its crazy anti-Israel antics.
Brussels reporter attempts citizens arrest of Israeli minister
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – The Brussels reporter who made headlines around the world last year for attempting to place former UK prime minister Tony Blair under a citizen’s arrest has done it again, this time with the foreign minister of Israel, the hard-right Avigdor Lieberman.
David Cronin, a freelance reporter in the European capital since 1998, on Tuesday morning (22 February) called out to the minister as he entered the press room of the Justus Lipsius building,...
Strange Bedfellows, Egypt and Iran
By Elliot Jager, Jewish Ideas Daily
To the already boiling Middle East cauldron, add the prospect of new bilateral relations between two powers that have historically kept each other at arm’s length: Egypt (Sunni, Arab, lately a client of the United States) and Iran (Shiite, Persian, patron of Hizballah and Hamas). One bone of contention between them has long been the Jewish state of Israel.
Under the West-facing shah, Iran recognized Israel in the 1950s; the act triggered the Arab League’s retaliatory sanctions, instigated by the East-facing Egyptian president, Gamal Abdel Nasser. The shah also protected his country’s 80,000 Jews, and in 1960-61 the Iranian press openly covered the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem. Even today, the Iranian Jewish population numbers some 11,000 souls; by contrast, Egypt’s Jewish community, persecuted and expropriated, had ceased to exist by the late 1960s.
If anything may have helped bring Egypt and Iran together in...
Obama, Wright, Farrakhan and Gadhafi
Obama’s mystery links to Gadhafi uncovered
Obama fails to call for dictator’s removal despite reports of attacks on citizens
By Aaron Klein © 2011 WorldNetDaily
![]() Sen. Barack Obama with Rev. Jeremiah Wright |
JERUSALEM – As pressure mounts on the White House to intervene to stop Moammar Gadhafi’s bloody crackdown in Libya, many commentators have been wondering why Barack Obama has been cautious in his criticism of the dictator after the U.S. president so fervently supported the removal from office of U.S. ally Hosni Mubarak of Egypt.
But Gadhafi has been tied to Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s spiritual adviser for more than 23 years.
The Libyan dictator also has financed and strongly supported the Nation of Islam and its leader, Louis Farrakhan. Obama has ties to Farrakhan and his controversial group.
So far, White House officials have called for an end to the violence but have seemingly ruled out any unilateral action in Libya. Despite...
Rep. Allen West Stands Up To CAIR Official
The New American
by Raven Clabough
Newly elected Republican Congressman Allen West of Florida is not one to pander to his audience, nor does he adhere to doctrines of political correctness. At a Monday town hall meeting held in Pompano Beach, Florida, he exhibited these very qualities during the Question & Answer segment.
During the Q&A session at the town hall meeting, Nezar Hamze, a Koran-wielding Executive Director of the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR), confronted the Congressman and asked him to point out where in the Koran instructions can be found “to carry out attacks against Americans and innocent people.”Hamze said:
You recently told a Marine that the terrorists that attacked the United States, the people that attack America, are following Islam, are following the instructions of the Koran. So, a very simple question…can you show me one verse in this Koran where it says to attack America, attack Americans, attack innocent people?
J Street confab sparks schism in Kadima
“This organization is doing tremendous damage to Israel,” MK Ze’ev Bielski says.
Four Kadima MKs who accepted an invitation to speak at this weekend’s J Street conference in Washington faced criticism on Wednesday from colleagues in their faction who said they should not be supporting the left-wing American lobby.
MKs Nachman Shai, Yoel Hasson, Shlomo Molla and Orit Zuaretz of Kadima will address the conference, along with Labor MKs Amir Peretz and Daniel Ben-Simon. J Street tried unsuccessfully to get more senior Israeli politicians to come, including the most dovish minister in the cabinet, Intelligence Services Minister Dan Meridor (Likud).
J Street angered MKs across the political spectrum when it refused to oppose the UN Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements, a position that precipitated the Israeli Embassy’s decision not to participate in the conference. Though J Street had hoped the resolution...

Netanyahu needs to cut left-wing NGO’s foreign life line
Human rights activists claim that the transparency law is undemocratic.
But don’t they realize they also stand to benefit from such a law? After all, it would also expose the sources of right-wing organizations. But what would be so awful about exposing the sources of the money that finances studies assailing academic freedom, the campaign against the New Israel Fund or land purchases and construction in the settlements?
Evidently, they fear it would also reveal that they themselves have sold their souls to advance the interests of foreign countries. And then, when the inevitable outcry erupt, a law might even be passed forbidding them to accept such donations. And what would these hordes of activists live off of then?
The transparency law would indeed have been unnecessary had these “activists” internalized what sovereignty means. If they had even a basic sense of self-respect, they would have told their donor countries: Thanks, but...
Eric Yoffie’s Union for “Reform Judaism” Proves Glenn Beck Right
We put “Reform Judaism” in quotes because we do not recognize left-wing politics as part of the Jewish religion
by Bill Levinson
Eric Yoffie of the Union for “Reform Judaism,” formerly the Union of “American” “Hebrew” Congregations first brought himself to our attention in 2000 where he used Reform Judaism support the agenda of the disgraced Million Mom March: a dishonest organization we had the personal pleasure of destroying by exposing its misuse of 501(c)(3) tax exempt money to support Democratic candidates. (We supplied the indicated information to J.R. Labbe.)
Eric Yoffie, who seems to confuse the Jewish religion with the Democratic Party’s left wing and vice versa, now has the temerity to accuse Glenn Beck of insulting 1.5 million Reform Jews (of which we happen to be one). We are offended not by Glenn Beck’s observation of an unpleasant truth but rather by Mr. Yoffie’s very creative interpretation of Reform...
Beck, Soros and Reform Judaism
Reform Movement Denounces Glenn Beck’s Attack on Religious Values
NEW YORK — Speaking on his Tuesday radio show, Fox News host Glenn Beck brought up the recent letter that more than 400 rabbis signed and placed as an advertisement in the Wall Street Journal criticizing him for repeatedly comparing his ideological foes to Nazis. He claimed that this letter, coordinated by Jewish Funds for Justice, was dominated by Reform rabbis, and dismissed the Movement as akin to “radicalized Islam.” Reform rabbis, he said, “are generally political in nature. It’s almost like Islam, radicalized Islam in a way.” His comparison was “not about terror,” he stressed, but “about politics, and so it becomes more about politics than it does about faith.”
In response to these remarks, Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie, president of the Union for Reform Judaism issued the following statement:
We are deeply...
The Lara Logan Cover-Up
Huffington Post published Ending Demonization of Jews Must Be Part of Egypt’s Democratic Aspirations , by Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Weisenthal Center. It should also be part of Huffington Posts Liberal aspirations. T. Belman
Jonathan Mark Associate Editor, Jewish Week
‘You almost never hear the word ‘Israel,’” wrote Thomas Friedman in The New York Times (Feb. of the recent Cairo demonstrations.
Not in Cairo, nor in the Times’ coverage of the demonstrations. You didn’t hear the chants that called Hosni Mubarak an “Israeli traitor,” or see the effigy depicting Mubarak “as a vampire with a Star of David on his forehead,”
and there was more than one such effigy near the center of the square. You could only have read about that in the Jerusalem Post (Feb. 3).
You also wouldn’t have known that when CBS correspondent Lara Logan suffered “a brutal and sustained sexual assault,” according to CBS, the 200-man Egyptian mob was chanting, “Jew,...
The Left’s Response To Lara Logan
Laura: This is how morally bankrupt and psychotic the left has become that they label as “racists” anyone who speaks out against islamic gender apartheid, “honor” murders, stonings, floggings, rape, female genital mutilation or any of the other horrific atrocities against women which are sanctioned by islamic societies. For the modern day left, multiculturalism and anti-Americanism are paramount and those beliefs take precedence over the human rights of women and non-muslims.
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel