Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Brasscheck TV e-mails continue to be heavily
censored by Comcast and others.

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Today's topic is the vast unregulated experiment
being conducted at US airports in which random
people including small children, pregnant women,
and cancer patients are being irradiated by unregulated,
untested radiation equipment known as "body scanners."

Remember why we "need" these things?

According to Michael Chertoff and other corporate-government
criminals, we need them to thwart future underwear bombers.

Here's the truth about the underwear bomber.



Rampant corruption is nothing new in Egypt (or the
United States for that matter.)

What is new is widespread hunger in that country and
other countries throughout the Middle East.

Food prices, a big part of the average Egyptians budget,
have gone through the roof.


Thank Goldman Sachs and friends. You can also thank
them for the price at the gas pump.

How their latest scam works - and how the federal
government is helping them.

From our friends at Real Econ TV.



- Brasscheck