Every Friday Christian Concern will bring you stories of fundamental significance to Christians and our Nation. To equip you to pray and act. To put the hope of Christ at the centre of our Nation. In this editionChristian Concern - Christian Weekly News. r.
Please visit our website at: www.christianconcern.com
Christian Concern is pleased to be leading the Not Ashamed initiative.
Highlights, Religious Freedom, Family and Social, Abortion, End of Life and Bioethics, Sexual Orientation, Islam, International Persecution, Events Action Alert: RCOG Abortion Guidelines
As we’ve previously reported, The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) has issued a consultation on its new draft abortion guidelines, which are hugely controversial.
For a detailed analysis of these developments please see these two articles by Dr Peter Saunders:
Letter to the College President re RCOG consultation on new abortion guideline along with reply
New RCOG draft guidance perpetuates myth that abortion has few physical or psychological consequences for women
Please can you write to Andrew Lansley CBE MP, Secretary of State for Health.
E-mail address: andrew@lansleyforsouthcambridgeshire.co.uk and lansleya@parliament.uk and mb-sos@dh.gsi.gov.uk
Letters to: Andrew Lansley CBE MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Please also write to Anne Milton MP at publichealth.minister@dh.gsi.gov.uk andanne.milton.mp@parliament.uk at House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Please make the following points in your own words:
Please ask that the Secretary of State for Health would intervene to ensure that this guideline undergoes proper peer review and that all stakeholders have an opportunity to contribute to the consultation.Awake, Arise
Equipping the church to engage in society
We’ve been very encouraged by the response to the recent ‘Awake, Arise’ regional conferences. If you’d be interested in the possibility of an event in your area, please contact us:info@awakearise.org.uk.
We have two national ‘Awake, Arise - Special Focus’ conferences planned. The first, examining Islam, is a residential event (17th – 18th June). The second, concentrating on Family, will take place in central London on Saturday 2nd July. Further details will be available soon but please make a note of the dates if you are interested in attending. Not Ashamed
Visible and vocal for Jesus Christ in public life
We’re looking forward to the next phase of the Not Ashamed campaign during Lent – and we’re preparing a refreshment of the website and some new resources (including the long-awaited, updated church packs).
We would be very keen to receive details of ways in which local churches are already involved in their communities (e.g. debt counselling, crisis pregnancy centres, schools and nurseries, magistrates and local councillors, street pastors, sports and youth clubs, refugee and asylum support, care for the elderly and disabled, fostering, business and social enterprise, prayer ministry, door to door work etc.).
If you or your church are involved in any such ministry, please send us the details. We may not be able to respond personally to every submission but we would like to build up an informal list that highlights the work being done so that we can promote Christian involvement in society.
Please send information to: info@notashamed.org.ukUpdate on Andrea’s Half Marathon
Dear friends and supporters,
I am delighted to be able to tell you that I ran the Brighton Half Marathon in 2 hours and 5 minutes. I was thrilled to be there. My original intention had been to survive the course, then to run it in 2 ½ hours, possibly 2 hours 20 minutes. So to shave so much off my time was just great. I felt elated. It was the first race I’d ever run. Now I can’t wait to run the New York Marathon. I’ve started training for it this week and am going to do a long run across the South Downs tomorrow morning.
I’ve been greatly touched by the many messages of support and want to thank all of those who’ve so generously supported me and the work of Christian Concern. Your sponsorship raised just over £1,000. At Christian Concern our greatest on-going need is the funding to keep our doors open. Thank you for standing alongside us.
I pray our work will grow from strength to strength as we seek to proclaim the Gospel with clarity and conviction.
On the subject of running the race, this morning I attended the funeral of Maxine Hargreaves, wife of Rev. George Hargreaves. Her funeral was inspiring and she truly ran the race. For more, please read my blog here.
AndreaConference: God’s Grace and the Gay Men and Women in our Churches
Core Issues, in association with Exodus International and the True Freedom Trust, are offering two training opportunities for Christian laymen and leaders on Wednesday evening 9th and Thursday (all day) 10th March, 2011.
The conference will examine how churches can reach out to homosexuals without compromising what the Bible says about homosexuality.
Speakers include:
The conference will take place at: St Elizabeth’s Church of Ireland, Church Green, Dundonald, Belfast, BT16 2LP
For a full flyer and further information, please see here.
Other events can be found here.
Friday, 25 February 2011
Posted by
Britannia Radio