Sunday, 20 February 2011

Dave's stage rage - and why he needs this Court of Human Wrongs

Actually, as we now know for certain from leaked state documents, the Strasbourg Court of Human Wrongs is a cardboard monster, long used as an excuse by Whitehall and Westminster liberals for implementing policies they secretly desire, but daren’t put before the voters. If we defy it, it has no powers to enforce its will.

This is a phoney war. It is a tactic called ‘triangulation’ perfected for that five-star cynic Bill Clinton by the squalid political fixer Dick Morris – and originally introduced to this country by the Blair machine whose every method has been slavishly copied by Mr Cameron.

What you do is ‘define yourself’ by attacking things that are unpopular with the voters you wish to woo. It commits you to no course of action, but fools them into continuing to support you. It doesn’t work if people are smart enough to see through it.


19th February 2011

    I don’t for a second believe in David Cameron’s claims to be angry about human rights law. I laughed when he said he felt ‘physically sick’ at the prospect of giving votes to prisoners. What absurd, exaggerated language.

His noisy stage rage over the latest decision by the so-called ‘Supreme Court’, concerning the treatment of sex offenders, is just as incredible.

Apart from anything else, the ‘Supreme Court’ (which is actually nothing of the sort) is right about this. English law, stretching back to Magna Carta, believes in limited punishment of bad deeds, not the lifetime totalitarian supervision of criminals. As it is, we get no punishment and a lot of bureaucracy and useless ‘supervision’.

Prime Minister David Cameron said he spoke for the nation when he felt physically ill about prisoners getting the vote

Stage rage: Prime Minister David Cameron said he spoke for the nation when he felt physically ill about prisoners getting the vote

I have seen nothing in Mr Cameron’s bearing, conversation, background or nature to suggest that he cares even slightly about crime and punishment. Bullingdon Club graduates, and people who won’t come clean about whether they have used illegal drugs in the past, are pretty relaxed about law and order, as well they might be. For them, the pain and loss of modern Britain are things that happen to somebody else, far, far away.

What’s more, we should remember that Mr Cameron is not some powerless red-faced major in a decayed spa town, fizzing with frustrated anger over his fourth brandy and ginger ale.

He is the Prime Minister. He writes the Queen’s Speech. He commands the whips, who drive our pathetic, obedient MPs this way and that into the voting lobbies.

If he were ‘physically sick’ about something, then he could act upon it or resign in the attempt. Actually, as we now know for certain from leaked state documents, the Strasbourg Court of Human Wrongs is a cardboard monster, long used as an excuse by Whitehall and Westminster liberals for implementing policies they secretly desire, but daren’t put before the voters. If we defy it, it has no powers to enforce its will.

This is a phoney war. It is a tactic called ‘triangulation’ perfected for that five-star cynic Bill Clinton by the squalid political fixer Dick Morris – and originally introduced to this country by the Blair machine whose every method has been slavishly copied by Mr Cameron.

What you do is ‘define yourself’ by attacking things that are unpopular with the voters you wish to woo. It commits you to no course of action, but fools them into continuing to support you. It doesn’t work if people are smart enough to see through it.

Warm-hearted people power? Try telling that to Lara Logan

Why did it take so long for us to find out about the brutal and obscene treatment of American TV reporter Lara Logan by men in the Cairo crowd? Why do most of the reports of the event leave out the grim fact that her attackers shouted ‘Jew! Jew! Jew!’ at her?

The world’s media have decided that the removal of Egypt’s government is a good thing. This is odd. What is in effect mob rule, with all the horrible dangers involved, is dignified instead as ‘people power’, which sounds so much nicer. The violent sexual assault on a Western woman, tinged with Judophobia, doesn’t fit this picture.

So it leaks out only many days later.

Attack: CBS News correspondent Lara Logan pictured shortly before she was assaulted in Tahrir Square while she was reporting on the Egyptian protests. There is no suggestion any of the men pictured were involved in the attack

Ordeal: CBS News correspondent Lara Logan pictured shortly before she was assaulted in Tahrir Square in Cairo after becoming separated from her TV crew. There is no suggestion any of the men pictured were involved in the attack

Anyone who has spent time talking to Egyptians (or Arabs in general) knows that a disgraceful and shaming Judophobia is common in that part of the world, even among educated and otherwise civilised people. Only a very few reports of the Cairo revolt showed posters of the deposed President Mubarak defaced with crude Stars of David reminiscent of Nazi graffiti.

I suspect the men involved also regarded Ms Logan’s perfectly normal Western dress as improper and sluttish, another aspect of this ‘lovely, warm-hearted’ crowd that the media preferred not to mention.

I have in the past encountered the rough edge of the Egyptian security state – my photographer colleague Philip Ide was roughly seized and stripped of his equipment, and people who had been talking to me about the Iraq War arrested.

I do not wish to defend it, though I wonder if the new Egyptian regime will abandon the thuggery and torture or use them for its own ends.

But I am suspicious of this eyes-wide-shut admiration of a supposed liberation movement. Whose interests does it serve? If some future WikiLeaks discovers that it was all financed and co-ordinated by Iran (as is quite possible), will we all have to change our views about how wonderful it was?

BBC must free Paxman the Leftie

The fatuous fantasy of BBC ‘impartiality’ was on display again last week. The Corporation pretended to be cross with Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman for writing an opinionated article for (you’ve guessed it) the Guardian. I believe they confiscated his Gameboy for two whole weeks.

Mr Paxman expressed the bog-standard view of the London Left about the Iraq War (and for once they were right) that the country had been taken to war thanks to lies told by Mr Blair. And he made some rude remarks about the tightness of Mr Blair’s trousers.

There is nothing remotely surprising about this. Who can doubt that Mr Paxman has opinions? Who would be surprised to know that they are quite like those of the Guardian?

But we are supposed to pretend that he miraculously forgets these views while working for the BBC, that they never influence his tone, his priorities, his line of questioning or his attitude to his interviewees.

What tripe. I say Free Jeremy Paxman. Let Paxman be Paxman, and let all the other BBC presenters also openly admit that they have views, and tell us what they are.
Because when that happens, we will find that almost every single one of them is on the Left, and the BBC will be compelled to hire some presenters who are not.

A distinguished Tory activist, Stephen Parker, has written to me because he can’t get a reply out of any of the Conservative grandees he has contacted. He says the party, which once had more than two million members, is now shrinking alarmingly. It had 258,239 members when David Cameron took over, but is now down to 177,000.

He says: ‘Forty per cent of the members who participated in the election of David Cameron are no longer members. Why? Because the voluntary party is treated with contempt.’

Soon after this letter reached me, it was announced that a character called Andrew Cooper is to be Downing Street’s new ‘strategy chief’. According to Tim Montgomerie, a well-informed Tory and a man of impeccable honesty, Mr Cooper once told him the Tory grassroots were ‘vile’. Mr Cooper denies this, as well as having once said the Tories should support euro membership – but then he would, wouldn’t he?

Inflation threatens. Youth unemployment rises. Are these temporary problems? Or are they, as I fear, signs of a permanent national decline in which we must all learn to accept the lower standard of living – poorer, harsher and more crowded – that
goes with the loss of our old status as a great power and major wealth producer?

The voting system is fine. It is the dead elite parties that sit on top of it, kept alive only by state funding and dodgy billionaires, that need fixing. Vote ‘no’ to AV.