Dear Daily Crux reader,
Each day, the Crux team canvases the investment advisory world to bring you the world's top insight and news. Here are the top selling products in the industry right now...
What SIX MILLION Americans are watching
More than six million people have now watched the incredible story of an approaching event that could soon change our entire country… overnight.
This local wildcatter is ready to hit black gold
In North Dakota, he's already a legend among the locals. He's seized control of 453,000 acres in the durum wheat fields. Two miles below sit billions of barrels of oil. This rogue wildcatter drilled 50 oil wells in 2010 with plans to drill 200 more in 2011. He uses the most advanced drilling technologies. If history is any guide, his tiny stock is about to explode 400% or more…
We never saw him coming
A strange man sporting a tank top, gym shorts, and tennis shoes waltzed through our office like he owned the place… Come to find out, he very well could have. This "ordinary guy" had unlocked a simple forgotten investment secret that made investors and himself MILLIONS! And being the regular guy he was, he TOLD us exactly how he did it in this exclusive short video.
Become a worry-free millionaire in three years or less...
I've always been a believer that you should get paid now, while you are still young enough to enjoy your money... and your life. There is one group of investors that has already found success. Not Wall Street guys… real, regular folks. People like you and me.
The secret "messiah" issues his 11th prophecy...
You may find this hard to believe... But over the past 40 years, an Arizona man has issued 10 prophecies about the world economy... with a 100% success rate – making himself and thousands of "cult" followers a fortune. Now he's releasing his newest prediction…
Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux
Saturday, 19 February 2011
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Britannia Radio