A Disrespectful Plea In Behalf Of Direct Democracy
From the desk of George Handlery on Fri, 2011-02-25 11:32

Sometimes, a small, in itself insignificant or seemingly anecdotal event can shed light on details of the “big picture” that would otherwise not be comprehended. Through such a case, the road to the title’s subject will take a detour.
Several years ago, your correspondent had a remarkable experience. After years in Switzerland, I discovered that even as a foreigner I could get a permit to purchase a pistol. As a very good marksman –my teacher had Olympic golds- I went after it. My resumed hobby, along with by motorcycling and photography, completed my happiness. That condition provoked a mention about owning arms and related matters in a lecture to “William Tell’s” grandchildren. A few days passed and our bell rang. One of “my kids” stood there holding a longish object.