Each day, the Crux team canvases the investment advisory world to bring you the world's top insight and news. Here are the top selling products in the industry right now...
This cancer cure video circled the globe in 31 minutes
Every 60 seconds someone dies from cancer, and every three minutes someone new is diagnosed. If you know anyone who's suffering from cancer, you must watch this five-minute video. This is the video that the pharmaceutical industry doesn't want you to watch. When this video was first put online, it was viewed by 129,000 people within 31 minutes.
The next "double" of the year
It's only been a month, but 10 stocks have already doubled in 2011: Evergreen Energy, Pluristem Therapeutics, Novogen Limited, Independent Bank Corporation… and six others. You can learn the next set of potential doubles in this 2011 Investor's Forecast. Open it now… Your FREE copy is only available for the next few days.
How much of this $380 billion do you want?
The global shipping industry clocks in at $380 billion… And this new shipping upstart is set to take a huge portion of it. Rumored to be the next Onassis, this company's chief has a fleet of young cargo vessels she rents out for $200,000 a day! But this up-and-coming magnate has done one better than Onassis. Not only did she structure her company to avoid onerous corporate taxes… she also figured out how to pay solid quarterly dividends to investors practically tax-free!
"Paper currencies will soon collapse"
It's already underway… And as this situation unfolds, it could cause the U.S. dollar to disappear as we know it… resulting in an unprecedented financial meltdown… while making a select few very rich. In this exclusive video, an Arizona man explains it all, including how he used a similar situation to turn $650 into over $650,000.
U.S. gov't warning: A cyber attack is imminent
If you do any online banking or shopping, your money might be at serious risk. A group of highly trained cyber terrorists are planning an all-out assault on American wealth, according to Defense Secretary Robert Gates. "There is a considerable current threat," he says. Unfortunately, it's up to you to make sure your wealth is safe… which is why we've put together this report that explains exactly how to do it.
Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux
Saturday, 5 February 2011
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Britannia Radio