Phantom Jobs and Bullet Trains Class Warfare-Then and Now, Part 2 Five Key Things To Lower LDL Cholesterol Healthfully, Part 1 Are We Supposed To Be Wealthy?, Part 9
Everyone is suddenly talking about it. Thomas Sowell wrote an article, Bill O’Reilly talked about it on “The Factor,” the Washington Post wrote about it, Fox News got it wrong… everyone is talking about President Obama’s high-speed rail program and the Governors who are rejecting it. I enjoyed being ahead of a large number of journalistic notables when I began writing about high-speed rail (HSR) over a year ago. What little-known journalist wouldn’t enjoy beating the big guys? But what’s more significant to me is the lack of.....
by Marilyn Barnewall
Evils of Free-Enterprise Capitalism. Curious, isn’t it? While America is portrayed globally as repugnant, several hundred thousand immigrants think enough about her to forfeit all they have to get here. Be sure those who have tasted the American pie groan in incredulity at the blame-America-first insults levied by those who hate her. Former Secretary-general of the UN, Kofi Annan, blames America—not Iran, North Korea.......
by Debra Rae
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It is high time that any person trying to improve their LDL cholesterol levels raises their understanding of the subject far beyond the kindergarten-level training of good and bad cholesterol, avoiding foods with cholesterol, and taking toxic high doses of statin drugs to knock down numbers. By the time your body is making higher-than-normal levels of LDL cholesterol you do indeed have.....
by Byron Richards, CCN
The Hebrew word for “abound” is rab and it means exceedingly, full, increase, much, multiply, plenteous. This describes the amount of blessings the faithful man will receive. The Hebrew word for “blessings” is berakah and it means prosperity, liberal. We have seen this word many times before and we will see it again, but we learn by repetition. The next part of this verse references those that.....
by Pastor Roger Anghis
Sunday, 27 February 2011
February 27, 2011
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Britannia Radio