Blinded and Poisoned by the Light
Congress has denied Americans their freedom of choice and has compelled them to become energy efficient, regardless of the health consequences. True to form, Congress once again presumes to know better than the individual American what is in his or her own best interests. The ban on bulbs is a very simple and direct example of just how paternalistic, controlling, and intrusive the federal government has become......
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
Possible New Age Scheme to Expedite the Age of Aquarius
It now appears it may have started even earlier. President George H. W. Bush first talked publicly about the "New World Order" on September 11, 1991. He reminisced in one of his speeches how he had worked at the United Nations with a group of men who sought the coming of a “New World Order” where the nations of the world “would cooperate rather than compete.” President George Herbert Walker Bush then said that he wanted to make their dream a reality and have the United States lead the way. Just about.......
by Attorney Constance Cumbey
Progressive Marriage Idiocy
Same sex unions cannot be a marriage any more than a Blue Spruce can be an Oak. We can call a Blue Spruce an Oak all day long and it will not change the fact that it is still a Blue Spruce. We can provide the protections and legal standing to accommodate same sex unions to allow for taxes, medical rights, and all the rest with little opposition. But there will always be opposition to redefining something as fundamental to our history as the institution we call marriage......
by Michael LeMieux
Obama Usurps Power of the Judiciary on Behalf of Gays
Social conservatives and strict Constitutionalists are complaining that traditional marriage is under siege by the Obama Administration and its supporters and that President Barack Obama is ready to force homosexual marriage on all 50 States. On Wednesday, President Obama ordered his Attorney General Eric Holder to have the U.S. Justice Department stop defending the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which prohibits homosexual "marriage" and defines marriage as between one man and one woman......
by NWV News
The next 20 years in America
First of all, I am an optimist. I love life! I get a kick out of being alive. I enjoy the American Dream more than most. I play, dance with my wife twice a week and look forward to the summer. I just finished a new book: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World—publishing in May. Last year, I bicycled coast-to-coast across America for the 7th time. Last month, as I closed in on age 65, I skied to the top of a 13,209 foot peak at 31 below zero in Colorado......
by Frosty Wooldridge