Egypt and the Pyramid of Power
However, if you start thinking about the Suez Canal and big ships loaded with oil having a hard time getting through—and you reflect on what that will do to oil you may be on to something, because in order to make the dream of alternative energy come true in the way these things do come true (with lots of conditions attached), gas at the pump has to go up to around eight dollars a gallon. It's a rig-job. Nothing to do with the free market. Globalists are devoted, of course, to.....
by Jon Rappoport
Blind Guides
It is time to reclaim our churches. My inbox will be filled with the stories from readers who “left the church” that their family had been members of for generations because the Gospel had been hi-jacked by the new age/seeker sensitive movement. I’m not sure which is more dangerous, a Gospel with no grace, or a Gospel with no sin. It is time to reclaim the pulpit........
by Coach Dave Daubenmire
Silent assertion boils into reality whether you like it or not
When our president hides from danger or enforcing our laws and our Congress pretends nothing is wrong, they accelerate the same kinds of consequences occurring in Egypt today. As Mark Twain said, “Silent assertion will boil into reality whether you like it or not.” The American people abide by our laws for a civil and workable society. Our president and Congress side-step our laws to make for a horrific and growing consequence for illegals and for citizens alike......
by Frosty Wooldridge