When is 'Too Late' Really Too Late? The Folly and the Madness The Vision of Sir Winston Churchill - Then and Now Observations on Social Unrest in Egypt and Weather in the US
Blackballing appears in many forms—false accusations of slander, libel, plagiarism, or just plain being ignored (a snub). Slander, libel and plagiarism, of course, could be rebutted via a lawsuit. But smallish organizations and beginning writers (“newbies”) do not have the money, staff or time for long, drawn-out legal actions, so they demure or even give up. Sometimes one is publicly insulted in a meeting or at a public forum by persons he or she believed to be colleagues......
by Beverly Eakman
These days, we argue about equally insane foreign policy choices. It's as if we're walking through a cave wired to explode, and there are dragons hanging from the ceiling and the ground is melting around our feet—and we're supposed to come up with a triumphant escape route. No one wonders how we got into the cave in the first place, or what would happen if we simply retraced our steps and forgot about the whole expedition........
by Jon Rappoport
What we remember most from those long-forgotten trials of fire, is the tremendous spirit of defiance, an unyielding attitude of tenacity in the face of an overwhelming evil. There are no fitting words to use in recounting the admiration that has been shown for that great statesman and hero to all that understand and cherish what we have in our Western civilization, the great Sir Winston Churchill......
by Rabbi Nachum Shifren
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the worldwide food price index is at an all-time high – surpassing its 2008 peak, when skyrocketing costs caused global rioting and pushed as many as 64 million people into poverty. The price of oils, sugar, and cereals have all recently hit new peaks. Egypt is particularly hit hard as the world’s biggest importer of wheat. Riots throughout the world were exacerbated by food prices.....
by Roger Fredinburg
Saturday, 5 February 2011
February 5, 2011
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Britannia Radio