California: A Venus Fly Trap for Business
Proposition 65 together with a very liberal unfair competition laws have made California litigation central, the most inhospitable place to do business in the United States. Businesses are persona non grata in California. Many flee the state or elect not to do business in it, shutting down companies and causing many employees either to go on welfare or to leave the state in search of new jobs. The hardy souls who remain in......
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
Obama, Clinton, Piven, Ayers & Soros behind Middle East Meltdown
President Bill Clinton welcomed PLO terrorist Yasser Arafat to the White House and began an assault on U.S. ally Israel as a known Palestinian terrorist leader partied with Bill and Hillary Clinton. The events that followed would include renewed terror strikes on Israeli soil and the Clinton form of democracy rising up in the Palestinian territories......
by JB Williams
The Illuminati: Part 8
Earlier in this series, I mentioned that Thomas Jefferson was an apologist for Weishaupt and a friend of Genet, and the seriousness of the threat the Illuminati posed to the U.S. can be seen in a June 30, 1813 letter John Adams wrote to Jefferson dramatically stating: “You certainly never felt the Terrorism, created by Genet, in 1793, when.....
by Dennis Cuddy
On a dark horse came death too soon
My little brother John, 13 years my junior, smiled his way into life as the last of five siblings. He enjoyed amazing attention from three brothers and a sister. He grew up with sports, excellent schools at which he excelled, and the promise of a wondrous life. After graduation, he attended Michigan State University like the rest of his siblings......
by Frosty Wooldridge
Montana to introduce broad-based State Nullification Act
The Montana State Legislature is first to introduce a broad-based state nullification bill designed to reassert the states right to rein in the federal government by nullifying all unconstitutional acts committed by the three branches of the federal government. Montana HOUSE BILL NO. 382 sponsored by Rep. D. Skees is titled.....
by JB Williams
We are at War
How many times, since September 11, 2001, have we heard that we are not at war with the Muslim religion but only with that a faction of Muslim extremists? This article is not about Muslims, Islam, fanatical religious extremists, but about the war that has begun to be waged here in America for the very soul of our nation. We are at war to salvage the very existence of individual liberty. The Declaration of Independence declares without.....
by Michael LeMieux
The British PM’s Limp-wristed Attack on Multiculturalism
A sad testimonial as to the effete state of Western culture is that even ineffectual, feminized defenses of it are applauded as brave. Case in point: British Prime Minister David Cameron has made news by giving a speech in which he said that “state multiculturalism” has failed. And while he earned three spots on Drudge and a “hear, hear!” from mainstream conservatives, the truth is that whether or not his words are......
by Selwyn Duke
Black American Dreads Black History Month
February 1, 2011, I can't help imagining Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus and all of the other race profiteering usual suspects joyously awakening with a song in their hearts, “It's The Most Wonderful Month of the Year.” Ah yes, another Black History Month, time to pitch as many new “guilt trip” government entitlement programs as possible......
by Lloyd Marcus