Tuesday, 8 February 2011

The First Post 

The First Post

Ten things you need to know today

Tuesday: The First Post's super-quick catch-up on the main news talking points

Tunis yesterday, Cairo today, London tomorrow?

Neil Clark: These revolts aren't peculiar to Muslims ? they're about young people having no hope

David Cameron has lost touch with his own party

Big Society charity fiasco shows True Blues are left behind in scramble to appease the Lib Dems

George Osborne raises bank levy to £2.5bn

Business digest: Osborne brings tax in early because banks are in better shape than he?d thought

Robert Kubica almost lost his hand in rally crash

Full details of F1 Renault driver?s injuries emerge as doctors say he will need a year to recover

Shock, horror - Colin Firth is NOT best actor for once

Stammering King Colin passed over in favour of Andrew Garfield at ES awards

Debate rages over plans for ZX Spectrum relaunch

Speccy fans discuss the possibilities as plans emerge to celebrate the ZX Spectrum's 30th birthday with relaunch

Homeless billionaire gets London investors buzzing

Nicolas Berggruen, investor who eschews material possessions, launches ?cash shell?