Saturday, 26 February 2011

Linda Hunnicutt

Granny made the SPLC hit list !
Yep the SPLC has included the Warrior Granny as one of the Big Bad Boys? WOW ! How did this happen? Does just scribbling down your thoughts make you a threat to humanity or our country, or a threat to those that thrive on the division manifested by such groups as the SPLC and the ACLU ? When you think about hate groups these two certainly should be in the top ten.

For years I was a member of the NAACP until I realized the people in charge were becoming more and more racist and divisive. Pandering to those that would sell their souls and decency for a dollar.

In any event, I am listed under the NC list and feel very priviledged to be associated with such a elevated group.


Alarm & Muster: The Modern Day Alarm Riders

Constitution Party

Cultural Freedom

Granny Warriors

Carolina American Republic

North Carolina Citizens Militia

North Carolina Regional Militia

United Nations of Turtle Island

Washitaw Empire

Washitaw Nation

We Are Change

We the People

Journalist Alert:

Beware the Politicized "Hate Group" Designations by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)

A Special Investigative Analysis from FAIR

Visit our website and support the Granny's in their effort to liberate the Constitution !

Spring is coming and it is time to put the War Wagon on the road again