Monday, 28 February 2011

Here is your Crux AM update:

Warren Buffett is super-bullish and looking to make "major acquisitions"
"Our elephant gun has been reloaded, and my trigger finger is itchy..."

Top free market economist: Why you should support the public union thugs
"This is not a battle of less government versus more government..."

Twelve fantastic money-saving apps for your smartphone
"Cut costs, track spending, maximize efficiency, and even avoid budget-busting pitfalls..."

"Golden fireworks": An explosive gold rally could start soon
"Gold is on the verge of the most spectacular up-leg of this 10-year bull market..."

Marc Faber answers the most important question in the world
"For the investor, the question is: How do I navigate through this complete disaster that is going to unfold?"

Jim Rogers: The commodities bull market is far from over
"We are running out of known reserves of everything and shortages are going to get worse."


Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux