Here is your Crux PM update:
Must-see: Jim Rogers slams CNBC hosts on soaring commodity prices
"I have been explaining to everybody on CNBC for a year-and-a-half now that food prices are going to go through the roof, they're going to explode..."
Three things to consider before buying any stock
Especially important for new investors...
Egyptian police to Bloomberg reporter: "You will be lynched"
A frightening first-person account of the madness in Egypt...
Why every hard-working American should be loading up on silver
A fantastic reason to own silver that most people have never considered...
Read this before you even think of selling another stock short
"When it comes to shorting, many people are in the dark..."
How to profit from the global resource war
"You must, must participate in the unstoppable trend in prices for food, energy, and metals..."
The sneaky reason unemployment is plunging
An unreal number of Americans now fall into this group...
Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux
Saturday, 5 February 2011
Posted by
Britannia Radio