Friday, 04 February 2011 13:15
'At first glance it looks like a graphic from a Discovery Channel programme about a distant ice age. But this astonishing picture shows the world as it is today - with half the Northern Hemisphere covered with snow and ice. The image was released by the National Oceanic And Atmospheric Association (NOAA) on the day half of North America was in the grip of a severe winter storm.'
Read more: Most Of Northern Hemisphere Is Covered Under Snow, Ice
Friday, 04 February 2011 13:10
Friday, 04 February 2011 12:31
'Underlying the sudden, volatile uprising in Egypt and Tunisia is a growing global crisis sparked by soaring food prices and unemployment. The Associated Press reports that roughly 40 percent of Egyptians struggle along at the World Bank-set poverty level of under $2 per day.
Analysts estimate that food price inflation in Egypt is currently at an unsustainable 17 percent yearly. In poorer countries, as much as 60 to 80 percent of people's incomes go for food, compared to just 10 to 20 percent in industrial countries.
An increase of a dollar or so in the cost of a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread for Americans can mean starvation for people in Egypt and other poor countries.'
Read more: How Banks and Investors Are Starving The Third World
Friday, 04 February 2011 12:10
'OK, they want photos. So, let's send them photos! The following article from an Atlanta CBS affiliate (I know..) ran a piece and is claiming to want to know more. So, let's give it to them.'
Read more: Alert: CBS Outlet Calls for Chemtrail Pics--Fire Away!
Friday, 04 February 2011 12:03
'The Pentagon paid hundreds of billions of dollars to defense contractors engaged in criminal or civil fraud -- in some cases paying the companies after they were convicted, according to a new Defense Department report.
At least 91 contractors holding contracts worth $270 billion were the subjects of civil fraud judgments -- and in some cases criminal fraud convictions as well, many of which resulted in fines, suspensions or debarments. Even so, Defense Department contracting officers still assigned $4.9 billion worth of work with these companies after the fraud was uncovered, the report said.'
Read more: Pentagon Reports Billions of Dollars in Contractor Fraud
Friday, 04 February 2011 08:26
'Wal-Mart's lengthy struggle to open in New York City has hit fresh problems -- a controversial report that said America's biggest discounter does not just sell cheap, it makes neighborhoods poorer.
The report concludes that Wal-Mart, the biggest U.S. private employer, kills jobs rather than creates them, drives down wages and is a tax burden because it does not give health and other benefits to many part-time employees, leaving a burden on Medicaid and other public programs.
The New York City Council will hold a public hearing on Thursday on the impact a Wal-Mart would have but the retailer has declined to attend.'
Friday, 04 February 2011 08:23
Friday, 04 February 2011 07:56
'The American people are becoming increasingly angry about the extraordinary amount of power and influence that corporations have in the United States today. A new Gallup poll found that 67 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the size and influence of major corporations in the United States today. Not only that, the most recent Chicago Booth/Kellogg School Financial Trust Index found that only 26 percent of Americans trust our financial system at this point.
The mainstream media is acting as if this is a new phenomenon, but the truth is that a dislike of giant corporations goes all the way back to the founding of this nation. Our founders held a deep distrust for all big concentrations of power, and they intended to set up a nation where no one person or no one institution could become too powerful.'
Friday, 04 February 2011 07:50
'In a letter sent Monday, Consumer Watchdog asked Representative Darrell Issa, the new chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, to investigate the relationship between Google and several government agencies.
The group asked Issa to investigate contracts at several U.S. agencies for Google technology and services, the "secretive" relationship between Google and the U.S. National Security Agency, and the company's use of a U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration airfield in California.'
Friday, 04 February 2011 07:37
'In a shocking new interview, Donald Trump has gone farther than he ever has before in discussing a potential economic collapse in America. Using phrases such as "you’re going to pay $25 for a loaf of bread pretty soon" and "we could end up being another Egypt", Trump explained to Newsmax that he is incredibly concerned about the direction our economy is headed.'
Read more: Even Donald Trump Is Warning That An Economic Collapse Is Coming
Friday, 04 February 2011 06:39
'In the previous article, I wrote about the global implications of Codex Alimentarius. I discussed in some detail the oppressive standards recommended by BfR, which have largely been included in the Codex Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements. However, there is one more provision included in the risk assessment process that even many critics of Codex are unaware of. This is the goal to not only treat nutrients as toxins, but treat toxins as nutrients.
At first, this is not readily apparent. A closer look at the risk assessment provided by BfR provides one with a glimmer of what might one day be a completely Orwellian policy toward vitamins, minerals, and toxins.
Friday, 04 February 2011 06:33
'Internet services were at least partially restored in Cairo on Wednesday after a five-day cut aimed at stymieing protests against President Hosni Mubarak's regime, Internet users said. Egypt's four main Internet service providers cut off access to their customers in a near simultaneous move overnight last Thursday, two days after anti-Mubarak protests -- many coordinated via the Internet -- began.'
Friday, 04 February 2011 06:28
'The United States threatened to take military action against China during a secret "star wars" arms race within the past few years, according to leaked documents obtained by The Daily Telegraph.'
Read more: WikiLeaks: US and China in Military Standoff Over Space Missiles
Friday, 04 February 2011 06:00
'The US is reportedly negotiating with Egyptian officials over a proposal for embattled President Hosni Mubarak to cede power immediately.
The Obama administration has offered the proposal for the 82-year-old Mubarak to step down in order to pave the way for formation of a transitional government headed by Vice President Omar Suleiman with the support of the Egyptian military, The New York Times reported on Thursday.
Citing US administration officials and Arab diplomats, the report further stated that the transitional government will have the backing of Egypt's armed forces chief of staff Sami Enan and Defense Minister Mohamed Hussein Tantawi.'
Read more: 'US Offering Illuminati Plan for Mubarak to Quit'
Friday, 04 February 2011 05:54
'In times of crisis people seek strong leaders and simple solutions. But what if their solutions are identical to the mistakes that caused the very crisis? This is the story of the greatest economic crisis of our age, the one that awaits us.'
Friday, 04 February 2011 05:52
'The army rolled tanks into Cairo's Tahrir Square last Friday - the epicentre of the country’s round-the-clock anti-Mubarak protests - which for over a week had largely been peaceful in nature until groups of people loyal to the President descended on the plaza.
Egypt's military, which (including the air force) has 468,500 active members and 479,000 in the reserves, immediately announced it would not fire upon the citizenry, and gave widespread anti-Mubarak sentiment credence by branding the protests 'legitimate.'
But when clashes between Mubarak antagonists and protagonists broke out on Wednesday, with at least five people dying in the process, the army were deliberate bystanders.'
Friday, 04 February 2011 05:51
'Pakistani forces have bombarded residential areas and police checkpoints in eastern Afghanistan one day after Afghan and Pakistani troops exchanged fire across border, a top Afghan official says.
Major General Aminullah Amarkhel, commander of first zone of border force in eastern Afghanistan, said Pakistani jets targeted the areas in Gushte district in Nangarhar province on Thursday, a Press TV correspondent reported.'
Friday, 04 February 2011 05:50
'Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak says he intends to give up power in the face of protests, but fears there will be more turmoil if he steps down now.
Mubarak, who has shrugged off a chorus of calls for his resignation, said in an interview with ABC on Thursday that he was getting weary of being president and wanted to abandon power, but fears his resignation will unleash a fresh wave of upheaval in the country.
Read more: Mubarak Says Fears Chaos if Resigns
Thursday, 03 February 2011 11:05
'Doing the regime’s bidding, British-based Vodafone shut down Egypt’s phone and internet service. The American company called Narus — owned by Boeing — sold Egypt the surveillance technology that helped identify dissident voices.'
Thursday, 03 February 2011 11:01
Thursday, 03 February 2011 10:41
'A Republican in Georgia's House of Representatives has introduced a bill to eliminate driver's licenses, arguing that the documents are an unnecessary infringement on personal freedom.
Rep. Bobby Franklin, who represents the Atlanta suburb of Marietta, defended the bill to skeptical reporters on Monday, who questioned whether it would be a good idea to eliminate oversight of Georgia's drivers.
"One of your inalienable rights is the right to travel, the right to move about without needing your papers," Franklin told WSB in Atlanta. "You shouldn't have to have permission from the state to exercise a right that has been inalienably given to you from your creator".'
Read more: Georgia Republican’s Bill Would Do Away With Driver’s Licenses
Thursday, 03 February 2011 10:25
'The Shelby County Sheriff has prepared a criminal complaint against a newspaper reporter for asking him questions. Embattled Sheriff Dean Kimpel, who was already under fire for allegations of sexual assault, is now accusing a writer from the Sidney Daily News of telecommunications harassment.'
Read more: Reporter Faces Criminal Charges For Asking Questions
Thursday, 03 February 2011 10:17
'Finnish researchers have found an increased risk of narcolepsy among 4 to 19-year-olds who were given swine flu shots, a government health agency said Tuesday.
A preliminary study by the National Narcolepsy Task Force indicates that children vaccinated with Pandemrix "contributed to the observed increase in incidence of narcolepsy" compared to those who were not vaccinated in the same age group, it said.'
Read more: Finnish Researchers Link Swine Flu Shot to Narcolepsy Risk
Thursday, 03 February 2011 10:13
'More than 300 devices across the whole of the West Midlands will become inactive on April 1.
With a recent survey revealing that around half the country’s cameras are turned off, the number of motorists receiving points on their licence and a £60 fine is likely to plummet. The safety camera programme has been in retreat since the election of the Coalition after the new Government announced that it would no longer provide money to pay for new devices.'
Thursday, 03 February 2011 09:15
'It seems one of the requirements for being an elite globalist is throwing your moral compass to the dogs. But no one notices. The elite have their exclusive clubs and playgrounds to revel in while the media tells us how righteous and good they are.
Only the elites know how corrupt and vile they really are. But that's Luciferianism. Ultimately there are no morals to the "truly enlightened". Those of us who draw the line between good and evil, and good and bad behavior are considered dumb cattle. Their only creed is ultimately greed for power, and it's fueled by lust.'
Thursday, 03 February 2011 08:24
'Cameron suggested that the Forestry Commission was compromised by being both the regulator, as well as the major producer of wood in England – an argument put forward by the environment secretary, Caroline Spelman, on Monday. "We want a system which is better for access and habitat and for natural England," he said.
But the government was embarrassed after its own documents showed that the coalition is expected to lose money by selling off hundreds of thousands of acres of English woodland.'