This is by far the best interview I’ve heard on Egypt. Walid Shoebat goes into more detail than I’ve heard anyone go into regarding what created the crisis in Egypt. Now I’ve not listened to Beck’s entire caliphate theory, but Walid does talk about the socialist groups in Egypt creating this crisis and how the Islamists are trying to use it to take power. If anything he seems to be granting credence to at least part of Beck’s theory, which leaves me wondering why Beck hasn’t had him on the show. Shoebat also explains the role of armies in dictatorial countries like Egypt and why we need them on our side, which Obama is undermining. Awesome interview and a must listen. Enjoy! I spent over three hours with one of Beck's producers a few days ago, providing information for this report on the caliphate dreams of Islamic supremacists worldwide, and how they're advancing country-by-country. So be sure to watch this -- Beck is really getting the nature and magnitude of the global jihad threat, and is working to wake up to America.
Sunday, 6 February 2011
Posted by The Right Scoop on Feb 4, 2011
Glenn Beck Show – Feb 4, 2011
Islamic Socialism
Left and Islamic Radicals in America working together for revolution
Code Pink ad on Muslim Brotherhood website: Join us in cleansing our country
Interview with Zudhi Jasser ("spiritual food" imam has a huge audience and preaches killing all Jews)
Interview with Joel Rosenberg (author of The 12th Imam, Inside the Revolution) expert on middle east, explains the Caliphate on a map
What does this all mean economically
Glenn Beck on the spread of Islamic supremacism worldwide
Video (6 minutes)
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Britannia Radio