Poll: Most Americans Favor End To U.S. Foreign Aid To Middle East, Except Israel
Seventy-six percent (76%) of Republicans believe America should end all foreign aid to Arab countries in the Middle East, a view shared by just a plurality (48%) of Democrats and 50% of adults not affiliated with either major party.
Similarly, 61% of Republicans support a continuation of foreign aid to Israel. But Democrats and unaffiliateds agree by a much narrower 46% to 34% margin.
Most Americans Favor End To U.S. Foreign Aid To Middle East, Except Israel Friday, February 25, 2011
Egypt has long been the second largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid, but despite its apparent turn toward democracy and similar ongoing moves in neighboring countries, most Americans want to end that aid to all Arab nations in the Middle East. Just over half favor continuing foreign aid to the number one recipient, Israel.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that only 20% of American Adults think the United States should continue providing foreign aid to Arab countries in the...
Nazi YouTube site calls on users to flag Jewish sites as offensive
by Bill Levinson
We were looking for material from “The Eternal Jew” and found this YouTube user, who presents the Eternal Jew not in an educational context on the evils of Nazism but as fact. He also asks like-minded users to flag pro-Israel sites to get YouTube to take them down. For the record, we have flagged his site’s background image. If YouTube tolerates this user while removing pro-Israel users, it would put itself in the same situation MoveOn.org’s now nonexistent Action Forum put itself in 2006.
We are normally in favor of free speech no matter how offensive, but this user has asked others to report pro-Israel and Jewish channels in an attempt to get YouTube to take them down. We accordingly clicked on the “Report Background Image” link at the bottom of HIS page and got “Thank you. This user’s background image has been reported.” (The image in question includes offensive stereotypes of Jews.) Keep an eye on this YouTube...
Bibi’s leadership test
Op-ed: Netanyahu must end ambiguity over Israel’s policy regarding Judea and Samaria
Moshe Dann, YNET
Thanks to uprisings throughout the Arab world, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has avoided one of the most difficult domestic – and international – issues on the table: the fate of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, “the settlements,” “the occupation,” and the “two-state” delusion.
Having recognized the “right of the Palestinian people” to a second, or perhaps third Arab Palestinian state, after Jordan and Gaza, and agreeing to a year-long moratorium on Jewish building beyond the Armistice lines of 1949 – a freeze which remains in place despite its expired time-limit and accomplished nothing except a fiercer Palestinian resistance to enter peace negotiations, PM Netanyahu’s leadership is being tested.
Diverting attention from what is happening at home to regional conflicts is an easy flirt that begs the question:...
Report–Obama quietly appoints Muslim Brotherhood to key posts
“Events which are currently unfolding in the Middle East are a consequence of the behind-the-scenes work of Islamic advocates within the Administration.”
by Anthony Martin
An ex-CIA agent and counter-intelligence expert has revealed in a special report that Barack Obama has quietly appointed members of the Muslim Brotherhood to key posts within the Administration. Dr. Clare Lopez, professor at the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, wrote a policy paper in December of 2009 which details the systematic appointment of Sharia-friendly advocates within the State Department and other government agencies.
For example, the Tehran-born Dr. Vali Nasr was appointed to co-direct Obama foreign policy toward Afghanistan and Pakistan. Former Saudi Arabian supplicant Charles Freeman was appointed by Obama to chair the Administration’s National Intelligence Council, but withdrew his name when it was revealed he issued a 2-page...
A first taste of the New Middle East
By Caroline B. Glick, JWR
The “brilliant” “academic” president who theorized that diplomacy-by-apology was more powerful than governing-by-strength is being outmaneuvered — and outright humiliated — by the Arab world: Hamas, the Muslim brotherhood and Fatah
Wednesday night, Israelis received our first taste of the new Middle East with the missile strike on Beersheba and Netivot. Iran’s Palestinian proxy, the local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood known as Hamas carried out its latest war crime right after Iran’s battleships entered Syria’s Latakia port.
Their voyage through the Suez Canal to Syria was an unadulterated triumph for the mullahs. For the first time since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran’s warships sailed across the canal without even being inspected by the Egyptian, US or Israeli navies. On the diplomatic front, the Iranian-dominated new Middle East has had a pronounced impact on the Western-backed...
By Ted Belman
Canada barred Dr. Srdja Trifkovic from entering Canada last week to speak at the University of British Columbia after being invited by the Serbian Students Association. Trifkovic is a hero to Serbs because he was a staunch supporter in their fight against NATO and the Muslims in Kosovo.
This is all the more surprising because Canada’s Maj Gen General Lewis Mackenzie has long said “We Bombed The Wrong Side – Kosovo’s Independence Immoral”. Here is a video interview that was done three years ago.
Dr. Trifkovic has posted an account of what happened at the Chronicles website:
Banned From Canadistan
by Srdja Trifkovic
Srdja TrifkovicOn Thursday, February 24, I was denied entry to Canada. After six hours’ detention and sporadic interrogation at Vancouver airport I was escorted to the next flight to Seattle. It turns out I am “inadmissible on grounds of violating human or international rights for being a proscribed senior...
The Global Caliphate and the Universal Delusion
Here is what is “delusional”: the belief that American principles — freedom of religion, freedom of speech, equality before the law — have a natural place as “universal principles” in a culture grounded in Shariah principles.
I almost forgot how the Pundit Right smacked down Glenn Beck over his wholly rational concern that out of Tahrir Square a new caliphate might arise in the Islamic world until I read William Kristol’s op-ed this week.
Earlier this month, Weekly Standard editor and Fox analyst Kristol had led off the anti-Beck attack with a heated column accusing Beck of “hysteria” for his “rants about the caliphate taking over the Middle East” and connections to the American Left. Kristol was seconded by National Review editor Rich Lowry. The New York Times’ David Brooks entered the debate lambasting Beck for his “delusional ravings about the caliphate coming back” while “the conservative establishment” saw...
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Steph Bergol’s Outstanding Anti-Jihad Propaganda
by Bill Levinson
Click here for a cartoon of Mohammad nailing Jesus to a cross while Jesus protests, “Mohammed, my kingdom is not of this world!” Mohammad replied, “But mine is!” There is also one of Saint Peter (with a scimitar stuck through his chest) turning away Mohammad at the Pearly Gates.
Finally, we find somebody else who is not afraid to portray jihadists as the Christ-killing savages (we know how they treat Jesus’ followers so it is pretty obvious what they would do to Jesus) they are.
Another good one:
Tyrannosaurus Islamicus (2004)
Islam, the bloodthirsty monster!
- Patriot, Lady France and the Cardinal: … with brain the size of a walnut!
See this page for Lady France spraying militant “Muslims” portrayed as cockroaches with insecticide.
One U.S. Code for Patrick Patte, Another for Barack Obama
Internet gambling is illegal unless you are running for President
by Bill Levinson
Patte Avoids Prison Time reports,
Patte, 72, owner of Patte’s Sports Bar and Restaurant in Wilkes-Barre, was sentenced Thursday by U.S. District Court Judge A. Richard Caputo to three years probation, with the first six months on home confinement with electronic monitoring, and a $21,000 fine. …Patte and two other men, Christopher Marion, 33, and Mark Fino, 53, were charged in February 2010 with operating an Internet-based betting ring, willtobet.com. Prosecutors said bettors made wagers through the website, then paid their losses or collected their winnings at the popular bar on West Hollenback Avenue.
Two wrongs do not make a right but, on the other hand, a nation of laws cannot tolerate one set of laws for sports bar owners and another set for Presidential candidates. Unless there is something about the proven facts shown below we don’t understand, conduct that could have sent...
Esther Cailingold, a woman of valour
By Ted Belman
I recently promoted a new book The Prime Ministers written by one who served them, Yehuda Avner. At the age of 18, in November 1947, Avner made aliya from Manchester and crossed the Mediterranean Sea along with hundreds of survivors looking for a new life in what was then Palestine and soon to be Israel.
Now that I have read a third of the book, I can’t recommend it highly enough. I intend to do a number of reviews of the book but for now wanted to share with you, a letter that Avner included in the beginning of the book that moved me to tears.
He tells the story of Esther Cailingold whom he knew from Bnei Akiva in England. She had made aliya in 1946 at the age of 20. Both she and Yehuda lived in Jerusalem at the time so their paths naturally crossed. When the seige of Jerusalem began she volunteered for the Hagana.
One day she told him she was off to the most dangerous place in Jerusalem, the Old City. Why? Because “the Old City’s Jewish Quarter...
Hava Nagila, Texas Style
Thousands of Jordanians protest for democratic gains
Around five thousand Jordanian protestors took to the streets of Amman on Friday demanding political liberalization, wider parliamentary representation and constitutional changes limiting the powers of the throne.
“Reform and change, this is the demand of people,” angry protestors shouted among a mainly Islamists and leftist crowd joined by some tribal and liberal figures marching from the main Husseini mosque in the capital’s downtown to a nearby square.
The Jordanian opposition, spearheaded by the mainstream Islamists, the country’s largest political party, have been protesting for weeks for wider democratic gains as anti-government demonstrations sweep across the Arab world.
They are demanding more say, starting with a modern election law that broadens representation in parliament for inhabitants of the capital and the major cities of Zarqa and Irbid, where most of the country’s seven million population live.
The cities which are...
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel