Thursday, 24 February 2011


1. Judgement Day - Julian Assange Extradition Trial

Anna Ardin, Julian Assange & Sofia Wilen
For the judgement day of Julian Assange’s Extradition trial in London, One Click once again collated what we consider to be some of the best and most informative tweets coming out of the court. Judge Riddle approved the Swedish request to extradite Julian Assange. The ruling will be appealed in the High Court within seven days. Assange’s Swedish lawyer, Bjorn Hurtig, came out as the weakest link. Julian Assange’s bail conditions remain extant. The Appeal is likely to take many months. The European Arrest Warrant is 9/11 knee jerk reaction flawed law. This legal circus is set to run and run. The bills being run up by the Swedish taxpayer and Britain’s legal infrastructure are substantial.
Information Release, The One Click Group
Related Links:
Tweet Record, Julian Assange Extradition Trial Judgement Day 2011-02-24
Information Release, The One Click Group et al
The judicial authority in Sweden -v- Julian Paul Assange
Judiciary Of England And Wales

PayPal cuts service to Courage To Resist for Bradley Manning support

San Francisco, CA - The online payment provider PayPal has frozen the account of Courage to Resist, which in collaboration with the Bradley Manning Support Network is currently raising funds in support of U.S. Army Pfc. Bradley Manning. PayPal was one way people--especially international residents--were able to contribute to the grassroots effort supporting the accused WikiLeaks whistle-blower."We've been in discussions with PayPal for weeks, and by their own admission there's no legal obligation for them to close down our account," noted Loraine Reitman of the Bradley Manning Support Network (Support Network). "This was an internal policy decision by PayPal. They opted to apply an exceptional hurdle for us to clear in order to continue as a customer, whereas we have clearly provided the legally required information and verification. I think our dealings with PayPal should be a cautionary tale for any possibly controversial not -for-profit entity with a PayPal account," Paterson said. "While there may be no legal obligation to provide services, there is an ethical obligation. By shutting out legitimate nonprofit activity, PayPal shows itself to be morally bankrupt."
Press Release, Bradley Manning Support Network
Related Links:
Bradley Manning Advocacy Fund Launched
Information Release, Bradley Manning Advocacy Fund

Bill Gates Funding Of Media Taints Objectivity

Better-known for its battles against global disease, the Gates Foundation has also become a force in journalism. The foundation's contributions to nonprofit and for-profit media have helped spur coverage of global health, development and education issues. But some people worry that its growing support of media organizations blurs the line between journalism and advocacy. The foundation's grants to media organizations such as ABC and The Guardian, one of Britain's leading newspapers, raise obvious conflict-of-interest questions: How can reporting be unbiased when a major player holds the purse strings? Some of the foundation's approaches are controversial, such as its embrace of genetically modified crops and emphasis on technological fixes for health problems. Critics fear foundation funding of media will muffle those debates. And with only three trustees setting the overall strategy — Bill and Melinda Gates and fellow billionaire Warren Buffett &md ash; there's something "deeply anti-democratic" about such a concentration of influence, Miller said. There's nothing new about powerful organizations attempting to massage media and get attention for their causes.
Sandi Doughton & Kristi Heim, The Seattle Times
Related Links:
Guardian Hedge Funds Made £40 Million During Banking Crisis
Guido Fawkes

Net neutrality is dying a slow death in the US

The net neutrality rules enacted by the Federal Communications Commission in the US late last December are facing tough opposition by the new Republican intake in the House of Representatives. As CNET and other media outlets have reported, net neutrality is facing not one, but two different types of legislation that, if passed, would stop net neutrality in its tracks. The bottom line is that net neutrality is regulation on the Internet and less regulation - in the form of not implementing net neutrality - means more jobs and economy that grows.
Big Brother Watch

Combining Pneumococcal & Flu Vaccine Promotes Seizure Risks

Combining the annual flu shot with other vaccines -- particularly the pneumococcal PCV13 vaccine -- may increase a child's risk of a seizure associated with high fever. The new data come from a CDC investigation of an apparent increase in febrile seizure in kids getting flu shots, first reported in January. Preliminary results of the investigation were reported at today's meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), a panel of outside experts that recommends U.S. vaccine policies. The PCV13 vaccine was added to the routine childhood vaccination schedule last April. It takes the place of the older PCV7 vaccine. The newly discovered risk of febrile seizure in kids who get PCV13 at the same time as seasonal flu vaccine does not change current vaccination recommendations.
Daniel J. Denoon, WebMD

UK Census 2011: ConDem Government vs. Electorate Unrest

What's a Jedi Knight to do?
The main reason to oppose the intrusive Census 2011 is not privacy. It is also not the cost. It is the existence of the figures themselves. The Census will have 40-odd questions of varying intrusiveness, including race, civil partnership, and income. The “religion” question is the only optional one. It is compulsory to complete the form – not telling Big Brother who is staying the night at your home on census day will be a criminal offence. As Ronald Reagan taught us: “The ten most dangerous words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help”. So, what to do? Now, as then, it is a criminal offence not to fill in the form. Now, as then, it is the ONS’s policy to only prosecute where there is sufficient evidence to prosecute. In fact, out of the 3 million people who mislaid the form in 2001, only 38 were successfully prosecuted. And most of those were quite extreme cas es where census field staff had been intimidated or abused. There is no reason why that number would be higher for the 2011 Census. The Coalition would not survive widespread unrest resulting from mass prosecutions. In fact, whilst in opposition the Conservatives opposed the intrusive questions. Of course, some of us will want to be counted. The 390,000 Jedi Knights who declared themselves in the 2001 Census will want to stand up for their rights, and be counted as such again.
JP Floru, Adam Smith Institute
Related Links:
UK ConDem Government Launches Census 2011 Bureaucratic Assault
Ian Dunt,
The census has become far too nosey
Philip Johnston, Daily Telegraph
Census spies will track every home: Anger at 'intrusion of vast computer network'
Steve Doughty, Daily Mail

A Step Closer to Tests for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme Disease

Researchers who analyzed the spinal fluid of people with chronic fatigue syndrome and post-treatment Lyme disease were able to find proteins that were specific to each disorder — and different from proteins in the spinal fluid of healthy people. The discovery, published today in the journal PLoS One, opens up the possibility of finding diagnostic tests for the puzzling and controversial conditions. Doctors sometimes consider patients who don’t recover from Lyme disease despite treatment to have a form of chronic fatigue syndrome. Some key symptoms do overlap, such as severe fatigue and cognitive dysfunction, making it challenging to distinguish the groups. The study’s findings could eventually lead to diagnostic tests for the conditions, although much more work still needs to be done. Scientists still don’t know the cause of CFS or why an estimated 10-15% of people diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease don’t get better .
Amy Dockser Marcus, The Wall Street Journal Blogs