The magnificent turmoil now gripping statehouses in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana and soon others marks an epic political moment. The nation faces a fiscal crisis of historic proportions and, remarkably, our muddled, gridlocked, allegedly broken politics have yielded singular clarity. Wisconsin is the... Palestinian issue was never the key to stability By Danny Ayalon, The Washington Times The last few weeks and months have finally proven the fallacy of one of the most mistaken theories about development and peace in the Middle East. For a number of years, foreign officials, experts and commentators have claimed that if the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was solved, then there would be peace in the Middle East. This was coined “linkage.” Could This Year be Its Swan Song? by Ron Radosh, PAJAMAS MEDIA Even before its national conference convenes on Saturday night (which I and other PJM folk will be covering and blogging about throughout the conference), J Street is facing opposition from Kadima, the Israeli centrist party headed by Tzipi Livni, because some of its members agreed to attend and speak at the event. By Ted Belman Long after the creation of Kosovo was a done deal made necessary by the “war crimes” of the Serbs, Felix Quigley, aided by Nathan Pearlstein and Robert Peter North, educated me and our readers for over a year and a half on the propaganda campaign throughout the world, that labelled the Serbs the bad guys and which lead to the bombing of Serbia by NATO.. As a result I came to believe that not only was there no Srebrenica Massacre but that the Serbs were simply defending against jihad and Clinton was at fault for siding with the Jihadists. American Thinker had an article yesterday in which they describe the aftermath. In addition, Europe’s problems have been worsened by American policies in the Balkans of the past 15 years. This is true in three... Is he nuts? Who gave him the right? “temporary? Yeah right. T. Belman by Maayana Miskin, Due to the ongoing violence in Libya, 300 “Palestinian refugees” from the north African country will be allowed to seek refuge “temporarily” in Judea and Samaria. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who approved the move, said the 300 would be allowed in as a humanitarian gesture. As far as is known, this will be the first time an Israeli leader has allowed foreign-born Arab “refugees” to live in PA-controlled regions. Palestinian Authority officials have told Israel that the refugees are in mortal danger as long as they remain in Libya. The north African country has been wracked by violence in recent days as dictator Muammar Qaddafi battles demonstrators who are calling for an ouster similar to those in Tunisia and Egypt. Qaddafi has vowed to “die as a martyr” rather than giving in to protesters’ demands. The hundreds of Arabs who will enter Judea and Samaria... By KAREEM FAHIM and DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK, NEW YORK TIMES BENGHAZI, Libya — Rebels seeking to overturn the 40-year rule of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi repelled a concerted assault by his forces on Thursday on cities close to the capital, removing any doubt that Libya’s patchwork of protests had evolved into an increasingly well-armed revolutionary movement. Netanyahu said he was going to announce a new peace plan in two weeks. Meanwhile, Quartet tries new Israeli-Palestinian peace bid in which it proposed meetings with the two sides on all core issues blocking a peace settlement. That’s what an arbitrator does before he announces his decision. I am afraid that such meetings will lead to the Quartet announcing their own plan. And it won’t be friendly to Israel. T. Belman A crisis erupted between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. During a telephone call this week, Merkel told Netanyahu that he had disappointed her and had done nothing to advance peace, sources told Haaretz. Fox news commentator Glenn Beck apologized on Thursday for comments that he made about the Reform movement of Judaism, which drew widespread criticism among American Jewish leaders. On his February 22 radio show, Beck compared Reform Judaism to “radical Islam,” saying that both were more about ‘politics’ – changing what is outside of oneself – rather than about ‘religion’ – changing what is inside of oneself. The Jewish Funds for Justice... Laura: Why is the American Bar Association working to undermine the American legal system by siding with those pushing for sharia law? Shouldn’t they be in favor of upholding the American constitution? Pamela Geller, American Thinker The American Bar Association (ABA) has decided to undertake the fight for Sharia law. The ABA’s Executive Counsel “has organized a Task Force to review the legislation of 14 states — Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wyoming – in which anti-Sharia legislation has been introduced.” The goal of the ABA’s Task Force is to fight against these legislative initiatives by free people, and to develop “an informal set of ‘talking points’ that local opponents of these initiatives could use to make their case in each of these states.” Here’s the relevant extract from the ABA’s International Policies 2010:...Rubicon: A river in Wisconsin
AYALON: The death of ‘linkage’
J Street’s Troubles Began Even Before its National Conference Convenes
The West is planting the seeds of its own destruction
PM Allows 300 Libyan Arabs to ‘Return’ to Judea, Samaria
Libyan Rebels Repel Qaddafi’s Forces Near Tripoli
Merkel to Netanyahu: “How dare you”
Glenn Beck apologizes for comparing Reform Judaism to Islamic extremism
The ABA Defends Sharia Law
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Saturday, 26 February 2011
At the federal level, President Obama’s budget makes clear that Democrats are determined to do nothing about the debt crisis, while House Republicans have announced that beyond their proposed cuts in discretionary spending, their April budget will actually propose real entitlement reform. Simultaneously, in Wisconsin and other states, Republican governors are taking on unsustainable, fiscally ruinous pension and health-care obligations, while Democrats are full-throated in support of the public-employee unions crying, “Hell, no.”
A choice, not an echo: Democrats desperately defending the status quo; Republicans charging the barricades.
Former President Jimmy Carter was once asked, “Is the linkage policy right?” He replied, “I don’t think it’s about a linkage policy, but a linkage fact. … Without doubt, the path to peace in the Middle East goes through Jerusalem.” Another enthusiast of linkage is former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, who said, “The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the single most combustible and galvanizing issue in the Arab world.”
The WikiLeaks revelations proved that among Arab decision makers and policy-shapers, the...
Writing today in the Jerusalem Post, Gil Hoffman reveals that the few who accepted the invitation to speak were told by colleagues in their own faction that “they should not be supporting the left-wing American lobby.” By putting it in this way, the opponents of participation have accurately portrayed J Street for what it is: a fringe leftist sect trying to appear as a mainstream part of American Jewish life.
Hoffman also notes that J Street was unable to get senior Israeli politicians to attend, even a minister whom Hoffman calls “the most dovish minister in the cabinet, Intelligence Services...
My fear was that this was a harbringer of things to come in Israel.
Furthermore, we learned of the probability that the nice Muslims of Kosovo were really drug dealers and slave traffickers.
The series of determined stands by rebel forces on Thursday — especially in the strategic city of Zawiyah, near important oil resources and 30 miles from the capital, Tripoli — presented the gravest threat yet to the Libyan leader. In Zawiyah, more than 100 people were killed as Colonel Qaddafi’s forces turned automatic weapons on a mosque filled with protesters, a witness said. Still, residents rallied afterward.
Colonel Qaddafi’s evident frustration at the resistance in Zawiyah spilled out in a rant by telephone over the state television network charging that Osama bin Laden had drugged the town’s youth into a...
The prime minister tried to persuade Merkel that he was about to launch a diplomatic initiative, explaining he is making a speech in two weeks in which he will outline a new peace plan.
A senior German source...
Beck began his Thursday radio show by saying, “I made a mistake on Tuesday and I want to make sure you understand I was wrong on it and I apologize on it.”
Referring to the comments, Beck said “someone called me ‘ignorant’ for it and it’s a good description of what I said. I started comparing Judaism to Islamic extremism and it was stupid.” He added that he “didn’t do enough homework” on the topic.
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
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