Mosque Makeovers With Your Tax Dollars (VIDEO, click here) The State Department refused CBS's request for an interview. When asked why they were spending millions on mosques, the State Department said in an email, "it is fighting Islamic extremism by building relationshps with islamic leaders." Nonie Darwish responds, "trying to buy respect in the Middle East just shows US weakness." "America is not showing its power, it is showing appeasement." "They're laughing all the way to the bank." Related: State Department Mosque Calendars State Department Bankrolls Ground Zero Imam Rauf's Middle East Tour ... Ground Zero Mosque: US Taxpayers to Foot Bill for Daisy the Con's Mideast Trip ... White House Workshops Fund Muslim Brotherhood Proxies with Your Taxpayer dollars...US STATE DEPARTMENT SPENDING 100S OF MILLIONS ON MOSQUES IN MIDDLE EAST
Monday, 28 February 2011
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Britannia Radio