Weekly Roundup From More Links:
The Financial Brain TrustAshish Advani: Global Unrest Doesn't Derail Asia's Growth Express At this point, my dear reader, you may be sick and tired of hearing about the crisis in Egypt. So I will keep my commentary short on Egypt, and rather focus on the good news continuing to emanate out of Asia . . . get the full story, click here.
David Skarica: Don’t be Shortsighted: Plan for the Long Run What I find funny about the markets and investors is that we want instant gratification. People want to know every zig, every zag, every up, and every down. However, where you make money is in the long-term trends . . . get the full story, click here.
Special Offer:Bill Spetrino: Rules Weren’t Made to Be Broken: A Look at Obamacare Don’t want to belong to Obamacare? No worries, just get a waiver. The healthcare law was touted as President Barack Obama’s great accomplishment. He claimed it would lower costs for everyone and cover 30 million more people . . . get the full story, click here.
David Frazier: Ignore the Noise, Focus on the Future As a result of the situation in Egypt, several investors with whom I spoke during the past few days told me that they were considering selling their stock market holdings. Although I understood those persons’ concerns, I urged the investors with whom I spoke to ignore the media’s coverage of Egypt, and I encouraged them to focus instead on the continuing improvements in the U.S. economy . . . get the full story,click here.
Sean Hyman: Stock Drop Will Give Short-Term Boost to Dollar I recently rolled out my weekly video to my subscribers of the Money Matrix Insider newsletter. In that video, I explained how I believe that there would be a stock-market correction coming in the near-term. I believe that Friday may have been the starting point of that correction . . . get the full story, click here.
Saturday, 5 February 2011
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Britannia Radio