What is to Be Done?
Prof. Paul Eidelberg
Yesterday I wrote "Will Judea and Samaria be a Replay of Gush Katif?" Today I want to follow this up with specific proposals of what should not and what should be done to prevent a replay of the unspeakable crime perpetrated by the Sharon government in 2005 against the 10,000 Jews in Gaza and Northern Samaria. These Jews devoted their lives, their financial resources, and noble aspirations constructing the 25 beautiful and flourishing communities destroyed by a treacherous government parading in the policy of "Peace" under the banner of "Democracy"—the secular god of our age.
A. Here are things you need to keep in mind.
1. More than 70 percent of the Jews who voted in the election that brought Sharon to power in 2003 supported parties that opposed withdrawal from Gaza.
2. Unbiased polls since 1992 indicate that 80 to 90 percent of the public regard the Knesset as corrupt, meaning, that MKs are more concerned about their personal and partisan interests than the national interest. This is exactly what David Ben-Gurion said in his Memoirs about the Cabinet, which, under Israel’s system of Proportional Representation (PR) and a low electoral threshold, inevitably consists of 5 or more rival parties competing for the largest share of the public budget.
3. PR has fragmented and disempowered the people of Israel. It has enabled the government to ignore the will of the people with impunity, as Sharon did in 2003 when this democratically elected autocrat adopted Labor’s policy of withdrawal from Gaza, even though that policy had been rejected not only by an overwhelmingly majority of the public, but also by Israel’s highest ranking Defense and Intelligence officers in testimony before the Knesset.
B. What should Jews faithful to the land and heritage of the Jewish people not do?
1. Don’t waste time, energy, and money on demonstrations unless your goal is to bring down the government and you have an alternative and competent team ready to assume power. The people are bored with demonstrations, and they want to see more serious kinds of action.
2. Don’t waste money on ads, which are expensive and not cost-effective.
3. Don’t waste time with petitions to the government. That’s addressing stone walls. Neither reason nor sentiment will have any effect on the government, which you should regard as your enemy. It is hardly more amenable to moral suasion than the PLO.
C. What should be done?
1. Form teams of experienced and respected people including (a) experts in domestic and constitutional law as well as in Jewish law: (b) experts in politics; (c) economic experts; (d) experts in diverse kinds of military tactics; (e) experts in PR; (f) computer experts; (g) a renowned American lawyer with liaisons in Congress; and (h) experts in Islam and the Middle East.
2. The initial purpose of these teams is to produce a set of one-page easy-to- understand position papers (in Hebrew, English, and Russian) with single references to related scholarly articles or monographs. The brevity of the papers will facilitate mass distribution via Facebook and other media.
3. The papers on the legal issues should obviously show that forced evacuation of Judea and Samaria violates Jewish, domestic, and international law. Reference Rabbi Dr. Haim Zimmerman (z"l), Howard Grief, and Professor Louis Rene Beres to substantiate the paper, and avoid polemics.)
4. Two sets of teams, one for Israel and one for America, Allow me to recommend Geert Wilders, Walid Shoebat, Wafa Sultan, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Nonie Darwish, Brigitte Gabriel, Bat Ye’or, Moorthy Muthuswami, Serge Trifkovkic, Ralph Peters, Yossef Bodansky, George W. Weigel, and Robert R. Reilly. (Ignore "experts" who obscure the intrinsic nature of the enemy with euphemisms like "Islamism," "Radical Islam," etc. The issue is Imphasized by forthright observers in the past such as Winston Churchill and Alexis de Tocqueville).
The teams must discredit the government’s policy of "territory for peace." Hence it must include Israelis who can expose Israel’s corrupt system of government, while revealing the hidden anti-Jewish motives of this government’s otherwise irrational policy of yielding Jewish land for an impossible Arab