Looks like Wilders' book will be coming out late this year. Most excellent news. Atlas will be reviewing and interviewing -- also don't miss Wilders in our film, The Ground Zero Mosque: The Second Wave of the 911 Attacks. Wilders book: Islam is ideology Radio Netherlands Populist MP Geert Wilders is writing a book about the history of Islam that argues it is not a religion but an ideology. The book, which was to be published in the first half of 2011, is now due to appear in the second half of the year, Mr Wilders told news website NU.nl. The initiative for the book, Mr Wilders says, comes from the United States, where it will appear first, to be followed by a Dutch translation. Mr Wilders also revealed he is working on a continuation of his short anti-Islam film Fitna, but he couldn't yet say when it would be completed.WILDERS BOOK: ISLAM IS AN IDEOLOGY
Monday, 28 February 2011
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Britannia Radio