Sunday, 13 March 2011

The coward of Lebanon and head of the goon squads must go! He is directly responsible for these murders. During he entire tenure as Defence Minister, his entire effort has been to make war against the Jews of Israel and to pander our Arab enemies. The Army had clear intelligence that something was going to happen but due to Barak's stuffing the ranks with goons and psychopaths, any threat against Jews is ignored. ....Aryeh Zelasko


Yahoo! News

Israel hunts for killers of sleeping settlers

By ARON HELLER, Associated Press Aron Heller, Associated Press 26 mins ago

JERUSALEM – Israel hunted for the perpetrators of a grisly murder of a family of five in a remote West Bank settlement Saturday, appealing for help from the Palestinian Authority, which sent security forces to join the manhunt.
[Freeman Note: The PA are the murderers, the inciters, the anti-Semites and the terrorists. Appealling to them for help is like appealling to "a wolf to aid in the search for murderers of chicken and sheep" For Bibi and Obama-Pay Attention: "One can not defeat an enemy, that one can not recognize."]

The knife attack, which killed two young children, a baby and their parents as they slept, was the deadliest in years. It comes at a delicate moment, with pressure building on Israel to launch a new peace initiative and the Palestinians pushing for world recognition of an independent state with or without a peace deal.

Israeli forces set up checkpoints throughout the area surrounding the Itamar settlement in the northern West Bank and were still sweeping the region late into Saturday. Military officials said they had made some arrests, but wouldn't provide details.

The governor of the nearby Palestinian city of Nablus, Jibril Bakri, told The Associated Press that Palestinian security forces were also searching for suspects. It was a rare instance of the two sides both searching for militant suspects, though Israeli forces and those of the Western-backed Palestinian Authority in the West Bank do cooperate on security issues.
[The above paragraph is bullsh*t]

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened a special security meeting to decide upon further action, saying he was "deeply shocked" by the attack.

"We all know, as those who want to strike at us will know, that the future of the settlements will not be decided upon by terror," he said in a statement. "Israel will not stand by idly after such a despicable murder and will act vigorously to safeguard the lives of the citizens of Israel and punish the murderers."

The Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, a mostly defunct Palestinian militant group, took responsibility for the attack. However, they frequently claim to be behind attacks they didn't do in hopes of raising their profile.

"Violence does not justify violence, we condemn it completely, whoever does it and whoever the victims are," Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyadtold The Associated Press. [A know liar.]

But in Gaza, Hamas officials applauded the attack and residents celebrated the killing of the settlers. [Hamas is honest and tells the truth about how they love killing Jews.]

TV Footage from the scene showed children's toys covered in blood and furniture tipped over. Israeli officials said at least one Palestinian militant infiltrated the settlement, entered the family home and stabbed the parents and three of their children, ages 11, 3 and 4 months, as they slept.

Two young children asleep in another part of the house survived. Another family member, a 12-year-old girl, was away at a youth group function when the attack occurred. She arrived home to discover the carnage and then alerted authorities.

Itamar is a small and extreme [Read peaceful - the Media lies] settlement that has rocky relations with the nearby Palestinian towns and villages. [Rocky cause the Arabs wish them dead or out of Israel completely.]

The overnight attack was the first against settlers in months and the deadliest in years, marking a rare outburst of violence during a relatively calm period. It comes as Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts are at a standstill and could complicate efforts to restart them.

Peace talks between the two sides collapsed last year over disputes over Israeli settlements in the West Bank, territory Palestinians envision as part of their future state.
[Freeman Note: Arabs are full of fantasies. They make up history and reality. YESHA is not their territory and ever and will never be. Their dreams of destroying Israel and 'reclaiming' their territory will will return them to the great Arabian desert from whence they came 1500 years ago.]

A 10-month Israeli freeze of new settlement construction expired last September, but a de facto slowdown has since continued on the ground, angering settlers.

Ron Nahman, mayor of the Ariel settlement, called on the government to respond to the "massacre" by resuming construction in earnest. He said anything else would send a message to Arabs that "you can do anything against the settlers."

The attack was reminiscent of a similar one in Itamar in June 2002, during the height of a Palestinian uprising, when a gunmen burst into the home of a family and shot dead a mother and three of her children. Another two children were seriously injured and a local security official was shot to death as he tried to help.

Israel's new military chief, Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, visited the family's home in Itamar and vowed that Israel "will not rest until we capture the murderers."

The attack occurred on the Jewish Sabbath when the observant are prohibited from working and most physical activity, instead spending the day in prayer or rest. Itamar is an observant community and there was no official comment from residents there.

The White House condemned the attack and offering condolences to the Israeli people.

"There is no possible justification for the killing of parents and children in their home. We call on the Palestinian Authority to unequivocally condemn thisterrorist attack and for the perpetrators of this heinous crime to be held accountable."

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said he would file a complaint with the U.N. over the attack and that he expects "worldwide condemnation of the satanic murder of an entire family." [Don't bother. If the pro-Arab World never stopped the slaughter in Lybia or the Sudan, Do you you really think they care about 5 Jews.]

The U.N. Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Robert Serry issued a statement in which condemned the "shocking murder of an Israeli family of five" and called for those responsible to be brought to justice.

"Now maybe the international community that condemns us all the time will understand who we are dealing with here," said Danny Danon, a hawkish member of Netanyahu's Likud party. "In every peace agreement they want us to sign, they need to understand who is on the other side."
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In the history of the world, no tyranny has ever voluntarily relinquished power or been replaced by peaceful means.

Have a nice day

Aryeh Zelasko :-)
Beit Shemesh
Dear lovers of Israel,

These photos were released by the family. They have given full permission for their use and they have asked us to report on the horrific reality of murdering children and babies in their sleep, simply because they are Jewish. I am including the link, rather than inserting the pictures because decent people, as all of you are, should never have to see such pictures without warning. But we live during indecent times, so such pictures exist because people who do such things exist.