Ben Gurion U is inundated with leftist professors who actively work to harm Israel. The bad news is that one of the worst professors Neve Gordon, just published a letter in the LA Times calling on the world to boycott Israel because it was an apartheid state. The good news is that contributors and community leaders raised such a ruckus that the Presidnt of the University who appointed Gordon with her blessings, was extremelhy concerned for the financial well being of the university. T. Belman Steven Plaut reports Ben Gurion University President Rivka Carmi Complains that her The letter was sent en masse to the entire faculty of BGU (august 23, 2009 Isracampus Translation of the Letter: From: Rivka Carmi, President, Ben Gurion University, The President’s Office To all faculty members of Ben Gurion University, Shalom! It is my desire... The international community — including some Israeli pols, American Jews and the media — are pushing hard. The Obama administration isn’t making things any easier. A penetrating analysis that considers claims against Israel’s legitimacy Over the past several years, a growing number of patriotic Israelis have begun to despair. We can’t stand up to the whole world, they say. At the end of the day we will have to give in and surrender most of the land or all of the land we took control over in the 1967 Six Day War. The world won’t accept anything less. By Jerrold Sobel Once again my mailbox is stuffed with donation solicitations from some major Jewish organizations. Most of you that ever sent at least chai; $18.00 to the ADL, AJC, B’nai B’rith, Hillel, or countless others know what I’m talking about. What I find disturbing about their fund raising is, that it’s fund raising for fund raising’s sake alone. It’s never a call to action. Their promotions always go the same way: Somebody, somewhere, has done or is doing something bad to the Jewish people and by parting with anything from $18.00 to the sky’s the limit, this or that group will fight the good fight for the cause. Not that I begrudge them their shekels, what I begrudge is their lack of leadership, their failure to unify Jews and their Christian friends into a cohesive political movement. It’s one thing to tell of Jewish students being intimidated and denied equal access at a Rutger University public event and another to do something about it. By Ted Belman In February Sarah Palin recommended that the US institute a no-fly zone over Libya. Now she is supported by the Arab League and the UN. Doesn’t mean she was right. OLn February 24, JINSA recommended that the US Flatten the Libyan Air Force Without the air force, Gaddafi loses a key tool against his people. By acting to protect the population, getting on the right side of the Libyan revolution and definitively punishing Gaddafi, the United States would demonstrate the limits of Western tolerance for reckless, maniacal, murdering dictators. Remember that the US had to keep the no-fly zone over Iraq for 15 years at great yearly cost. Who wants that for Libya. Just flatten the air force. Simple. ... JINSA It appears that members of the American-trained Palestinian Security Force on the West Bank abetted the Itamar terrorists, prompting outrage over the fact that American military personnel are training Palestinian Security Forces in the first place. The outrage looks through the back end of the microscope – minimizing and magnifying the wrong things. The problem is not the training; it is the political decision-making in Washington that deliberately disconnects the Palestinian military from its political leadership.* Regular readers know that we have long protested the training of Palestinian “police” (read “national-army-in-training”) not because we are worried that individual soldiers will become individual terrorists, but because we are unsure of the nature of the government to which the security force will ultimately be loyal. Current trends are bad. Laura: Jewish professors at UC Irvine come to the aid of muslim brotherhood thugs who disrupted Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren’s speech. Ironically the leftist pro-jihad professors take this stance under the guise of defending free speech. For them, free speech means the right of jihadi thugs to deny the free speech rights of pro-Israel and anti-jihad speakers by any means necessary. Not surprising coming from professors who attempt to indoctrinate students through bullying and intimidation and denying students the right to challenge their perverse ideas. 30 UC Jewish Studies Profs Defend Radical Muslim Students Natan Nestel – Nusbaum – UCI Israel Thirty Jewish Studies professors at the University of California (UC) signed a petition asking the Orange County District Attorney to drop all charges against members of the UC Irvine extremist Muslim Students Union (MSU) who conspired to disrupt Ambassador Oren’s talk at UC...Ben Gurion U subject to massive backlash
university is under unprecedented attack thanks to the “treasonous
article” published by Neve Gordon in the Los Angeles Times.World to Israel: Surrender before it’s too late
These statements have grown more strident in the wake of the slaughter of the Fogel family last Friday night in Itamar. For example on Thursday Ari Shavit , a columnist for Israel’s equivalent of the New York Times, Ha’aretz, called Israeli communities built beyond the 1949 armistice line the local equivalent of Japan’s nuclear reactors. Like the...Mainstream Jewish Organizations: A Lack of Leadership
A “no-fly zone” is a bad idea
The Libyan Air Force is made up of some French F-1 fighters; some Sukhois (old ones) and some old MiGs. There are some helicopter gunships that need to be smashed. It would be 20 minutes work for the U.S. Air Force or, better yet, for a combined NATO force.Only Palestinians Are Not Held to a Standard
There is no “Palestine,” no constitution (there remains a PLO Charter which...“Jewish” Professors For Jihad
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Saturday, 19 March 2011
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