Imagine, AOL paid 315 million dollars for this piece of filth: Is Pamela Geller Starting Judaism's Westboro Baptist Church? (VIDEO) According to the Islamic Circle of North America, whose event fell victim to these outrageous voices of hate, Rabbi David Eliezrie of Chabad Yorba Linda and Pamela Geller, head of the infamous group "Stop the Islamization of America" were among those co-sponsoring the event. There is a CAIR propaganda video being circulated among the jihadi blogs and their knave enablers. Half a million views since yesterday. The Puff Ho is only to happy to pimp these lies by a Jewish "writer" (of course!) doing the dirty work of the Islamic supremacists. These traitors are a plague on our people. In the opening of the video it says Pamela Geller was a sponsor of the protest --- I was no such thing. Yes, I ran it on my blog and supported a protest against terrorist sympathizers, but that video was cut to highlight bad behavior, which I don't encourage, nor do you see at my rallies. It is also important to remember that ICNA is not a benign charitable organization, but an Islamic supremacist group with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. It explicitly calls for Sharia rule, which institutionalizes oppression of women and non-Muslims and denies the freedom of speech and the freedom of conscience. This does not excuse people behaving obnoxiously toward ICNA members, but ICNA itself stands for a far greater repression and denial of human rights than that which is represented by a few insulting remarks. The point of this video is to smear the movement but more importantly keep people away from protests against jihadi enablers and Islamic supremacists. They want us to just go quietly. Don't. ICNA, the Islamic Circle of North America sponsored a fundraiser at the city owned Yorba LInda Community Center with two known terror supporters as their keynote speakers. One was Abdel Malik Ali, a supporter of Hamas that demands Israel be eradicated and Jews killed all over the world. Watch him Joining him was Siraj Wahaj, an unindicted co conspirator in the first World Trade Center bombing. I participated in a peaceful protest on the lawn a hundred yards away from the Yorba Linda Community Center. The Mayor, city council members, congressman, the local reform rabbi, and others spoke. This video spliced images from the two events. It does not show me or other speakers with this group near the building entrance since I did not join them. Nor does it mention that the speakers at this event for a Muslim organization have a long history of supporting terror. Read the flyer distributed at the peaceful protest Congressman Ed Royce also participated in the rally his statement: "The Council on American-Islamic Relations this week attacked my calling attention to the two individuals keynoting afundraiser for a New York-based Muslim group held at the Yorba Linda Community Center. "I have had many conversations with my Muslim constituents over the years, and I know they reject these two individuals: "One speaker, Imam Siraj Wahhaj, advocates replacing our democracy with sharia law and refuses to criticize Osama Bin Laden. There is nothing peaceful about him. "Imam Siraj Wahhaj was linked by investigators to the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. A few years later, he stood as a character witness for Sheik Omar Abel-Rahman, and for three other terrorists convicted in the attack. The "Blind Sheik" is now serving a life sentence for conspiring to bomb a series of New York City landmarks in 1995. "Wahhaj warns "If Allah says cut off their hand you cut off their hand. If Allah says stone them to death…then you stone them to death, because it’s the obedience of Allah and his messenger – nothing personal." This worldview is incompatible with American democracy, to say the least. "The second speaker, Amir Abdel Malik-Ali, is a vocal supporter of Hezbollah, a terrorist group once called the "A-team" of terrorists by a top U.S. government official. "Faced with Wahhaj's ideology, we can go one of two ways. One, ignore expressions of extremism, essentially deem them acceptable, and undermine our values and government. "Or two, we can speak out about Wahhaj and Malik-Ali's extremism. For me, looking at the growth of terrorism overseas, and in our country, silence isn't an option. Silence leads to the tragic mistake of denying that the Fort Hood shooter was a radical, advocating terrorist acts, despite his years of known adherence to such views. "What's wrong with the Holocaust survivor we heard speak about not wanting to live under sharia law? I think he had a point when he argued for the lessons of the Enlightenment and his preference for the U.S. Constitution. He knows that bad ideas can have bad consequences. "We spoke at the park adjacent to the community center. It is regrettable that some protesters at the community center yelled insults at Imam Wahhaj's supporters. Nothing though should deflect from the radicalism of Wahhaj and Malik-Ali. "As to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, my experience is that it isn't interested in bringing together Americans. If they were, they would be calling attention to Imam Wahhaj and Amir Abdel Malik Ali's radicalism, not advancing their cause." Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, March 05, 2011 at 12:43 PM in Jewicidal Jews, Dhimmi, Leftard and Democrat | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis A first of its kind federal civil rights case has been filed in United States District Court in Oakland, California, against the University of California at Berkeley, by a Jewish student who had been assaulted on campus last year by a leader of a Muslim student organization during a pro-Israel event. It's about time. The persecution of Jews on university and college campuses is another leftwing dirty secret. Islamic antisemitism is the new radical chic. The modern age of the barbarian. Download Felber v. Yudof et al Complaint-1 Jewish Student Brings Civil Rights Case Against Berkeley Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, March 05, 2011 at 01:32 AM in Islamic Jew hatred | Permalink | Comments (12) ShareThis Freedom! Liberté, égalité, fraternité! Not so much. Obama say, "Respect it!" Daisy the Khan say, "the era of extemism is ovuh!" Geller say, "allah FUBAR!" (AINA) -- A mob of nearly four thousand Muslims has attacked Coptic homes this evening in the village of Soul, Atfif in Helwan Governorate, 30 kilometers from Cairo, and torched the Church of St. Mina and St. George. There are conflicting reports about the whereabouts of the Church pastor Father Yosha and three deacons who were at church; some say they died in the fire and some say they are being held captive by the Muslims inside the church. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, March 05, 2011 at 12:40 AM in Egypt | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis Ethiopia has been struggling against Muslim supremacism for some time. Back in 2006, I was posting on the jihad in Ethiopia. In 2007, Bush sent warships in to assist here. Obama is no Bush. International Christian Concern is reporting that Ethiopian Muslims burnt down five churches, and more attacks are feared from the religion of barbarianism. Now church leaders are asking for government protction from the ongoing Muslim attacks. Washington, D.C. (March 3, 2011)–International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that in the past two days, thousands of Muslims have razed five churches and the homes of two evangelists in Asendabo, Ethiopia. Christian leaders are asking for protection after the Muslim attackers continued burning churches even after the federal police were sent to the town. I have not seen this story anywhere in the mainstream media. Nowhere. Weak quislings. The Muslims started the attacks yesterday after falsely accusing the Christians of desecrating the Qur’an. More than ten thousand Muslims shouted “Allah Akbar” (Allah is great) as they burned down five evangelical churches.The government sent the federal police force to protect the Christians after the Muslims burned down the first three churches. The Muslims overwhelmed the police force and burned down two more churches today. Speaking with ICC, Christian leaders expressed their fear that Muslims will start killing the Christians unless the government sends more security forces to contain the Muslim attackers. At the time of the writing of this report, none of the Muslim attackers have been arrested. The government officials detained some Christians and took them to the nearby Jimma town stating that they need to do that for their own security. Ethiopia is a Christian majority country and was one of the first nations to accept Christianity. However, in the areas of the country where Muslims are the majority, Christians face attacks. “We urge Ethiopian government forces to send reinforcement to protect the Christians in the city of Asendabo from the Muslim attacks. We ask Christians around the world to prevent any further attacks by calling the Ethiopian officials in their countries and asking them to protect the Christians and their property,” said ICC’s Regional Manager for Africa, Jonathan Racho. Please urgently contact the Ethiopian officials in your country and urge them to send more security forces to protect the Christians from the Muslim attacks. I would tell you to contact Ayatollah Obama, but I fear whom he would assist in this slaughter. Ethiopian Muslims Burn Down Five Churches, More Attacks Feared AINA More at Before it's News UPDATE: The killing begins: Ethiopian Muslims Kill Christian, Burn More Churches and Christian Homes in Ongoing Attacks Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, March 04, 2011 at 10:40 PM in Global Jihad 2011 | Permalink | Comments (14) ShareThis Madeleine Peyroux doing a cover of Leonard Cohen's "Dance Me to the End of Love." If only .......... Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, March 04, 2011 at 07:32 PM in Art that speaks to me | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis Last week, the NY Daily News ran a hit piece on yours truly, trumpeting the hate group designation of SIOA by a corrupt, uber left-wing hate organzation notorious for doing little but fundraising a lot on the backs of holocaust survivors, the SPLC. I took out the trash here. Did the Corkster look into or even question the breathtaking corruption or complete lack of scruples in their disinformation campaign? An Atlas reader, so enraged by the ugly propaganda being promoted by the smear piece by NY Daily News reporter, Corky Siemaszko, that he emailed the Corkster the following: Mister Siemaszko, To which the quisling responded and revealed himself: From: Corky Siemaszko Genius, Corky. Now everyone knows what a tool you are. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, March 04, 2011 at 05:48 PM in How the Left Destroys the Nation, SPLC | Permalink | Comments (9) ShareThis Nine months after shamefully electing the Qaddafi regime to its Human Rights Council, the UN today reversed itself and suspended Libya's membership. Click here for details. From the moment the Libyan regime declared its candidacy last year, UN Watch initiated the opposition to Qaddafi sitting as a world judge of human rights. Click here for chronology of UN Watch's tireless campaign. In September, when the Libyan regime took its seat, UN Watch launched a campaign demanding Libya’s suspension from the Geneva-based Council, becoming the first voice to do so. We were supported by 27 human rights groups, a number thatsurpassed 80 in our renewed NGO appeal of nine days ago. Silence of the ghouls: UN Watch Asks Rights Chief: "Why Were You Silent on Qaddafi's Crimes? Around the globe, the Qaddafis were kings. No longer. The head of the London School of Economics has just resigned over his ties to the Qaddafi regime. Rock stars Beyonce, Nelly Furtado and Mariah Carey are expressing remorse for paid peformances at Qaddafi family parties. Former Egyptian minister of culture Gaber Asfour renounced his 2010 “Qaddafi International Award for Literature.” Madame High Commissioner, Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, March 04, 2011 at 01:59 PM in UN: Global Machine of Organization of Islamic Conference | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis The American people elected Barack Hussein Obama, and he will never stop punishing them for it. Clearly, the American people were well beyond "race" when they elected Obama to the most powerful office in the world. Not just because they elected a black man; for most Americans, it wasn't about race. Granted, the overwhelming majority of black Americans (96%) voted for him as a point of pride, but on the overall, America voted for the man. And since that election, those same people who elected him are the same people that he and his party repeatedly call racist. It has become increasingly clear that the left will never lose its racism and its knee jerk reaction to blame and race-bait when called out for its failures. The leftists do not want to get past racism. It defines them. Now, the President of the United States is doing the race baiting. Even now, two-plus years into his presidency, he has not grown. On the contrary, he has gotten .....smaller. He is a failure as a President, and is incapable of owning or taking responsibility for the unintended (or intended) consequences of his policies. He is weak and conceited and instead blames "racism" for the logical and distinctly American response to mass debt, giant government, big union payoffs, socialized medicine, etc. The latest revelations seek to create a divide among the American people by a sitting president. Think about that. The President of all the people is stoking the unfounded fears of racism and incitement. To what end? Divide and conquer? More like divide and destroy. Is this a re-election strategy? Prove you are not racist, vote for me again. Ugh. He is a very dangerous man. Read this already. Obama Says Race a Key Component in Tea Party Protests In a new book, President Obama talks candidly about race and the presidency But Obama, in his most candid moments, acknowledged that race was still a problem. In May 2010, he told guests at a private White House dinner that race was probably a key component in the rising opposition to his presidency from conservatives, especially right-wing activists in the anti-incumbent "Tea Party" movement that was then surging across the country. Many middle-class and working-class whites felt aggrieved and resentful that the federal government was helping other groups, including bankers, automakers, irresponsible people who had defaulted on their mortgages, and the poor, but wasn't helping them nearly enough, he said. A guest suggested that when Tea Party activists said they wanted to "take back" their country, their real motivation was to stir up anger and anxiety at having a black president, and Obama didn't dispute the idea. He agreed that there was a "subterranean agenda" in the anti-Obama movement—a racially biased one—that was unfortunate. But he sadly conceded that there was little he could do about it. Vile. He is not fit to be president. Read the rest. Can we expect to see another beer summit for these latest false accusations? America, the President owes you a beer. Don't hold your breath. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, March 04, 2011 at 12:32 PM in President Hussein | Permalink | Comments (40) ShareThis The Obama administration is preparing for the prospect that Islamist governments will take hold in North Africa and the Middle East, acknowledging that the popular revolutions there will bring a more religious cast to the region's politics. The administration is already taking steps to distinguish between various movements in the region that promote Islamic law in government. An internal assessment, ordered by the White House last month, identified large ideological differences between such movements as the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and al-Qaeda that will guide the U.S. approach to the region. The Obama administration is not only preparing but is working to make this happen. What kind of statecraft is at play here? Name one Muslim country living under the sharia that is humane or free. The United States is sanctioning a global caliphate. Gd forgive us. U.S. troops are gunned down by a shooter who screams “Allahu akbar!” before opening fire. Official statements are rushed out by Obama's State department -- the jihadi was a "lone wolf " -- not so. He was a member of any number of jihadi groups. "His motive was unclear" -- he was screaming the Islamic war chant right before he fired. "There are no links to terrorism" -- it was jihad. That is terror. Sound familiar? It should, because when Islam is the cause of American tragedy, President Obama hides his head in the sand. Mr. Obama made a typical noncommittal statement shortly after the shooting, saying it was a “stark reminder of the extraordinary sacrifices that our men and women in uniform are making all around the world to keep us safe, and the dangers that they face all around the globe.” He made no mention of the nature of the threat or the reason for the sacrifices. In this respect, he was behaving true to form. The Frankfurt shooting is the latest in a troubling series of jihadist terror attacks in which the Obama administration refuses to face reality. Among the first was the June 1, 2009, shooting at a recruiting station in Little Rock. Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad, a Muslim convert who had recently travelled to Yemen, killed one U.S. Army recruiter and wounded another.Muhammad told police if other troops had been available, he would have shot them too. The White House waited two days before making a statement that omitted any reference to the attacker or his jihadist motives. The Nov. 5, 2009, Fort Hood massacre, in which 14 were killed and 30 wounded, was given a persistent coat of whitewash from the Obama administration. The first coat was applied with initial statements that shooter Nidal Malik Hassan was a “lone wolf” and continued through the comprehensive “force protection review” that somehow omitted any reference to Hasan’s jihadist motives or contacts with al Qaeda. The Obama team had a similarly slippery reaction to the Dec. 25, 2009, attempted “underwear bomb” attack on Northwest flight 253. Al Qaeda-linked bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was initially not even charged with attempting to commit an act of terrorism. Faisal Shahzad, who attempted the Times Square bombing in May 2010, was also called a lone wolf with no ties to terrorism and was even described as more a victim of the economic downturn than a committed Islamic extremist. In all these cases, the initial assessments turned out to be wrong, yet the White House still obstinately refuses to discuss the jihadist motives of the terrorists involved. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, March 04, 2011 at 11:50 AM in President Hussein | Permalink | Comments (11) ShareThis Alessa, bearded with a blue prison suit, went first. Flanked by two U.S. Marshals he was pleading to a charge of conspiracy to commit murder outside the United States with Almonte and others. The courtroom was filled with FBI agents and onlookers for the 10 a.m. proceeding in front of U.S. District Court Judge Dickinson Debevoise. The FBI arrested Alessa, 21, of North Bergen, and Almonte, 24, of Elmwood Park, for conspiring to fly to Somalia in June to wage violent jihad. They were arrested at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York on June 5 as they tried to board separate flights to Egypt on their way to join Al Shabaab, a violent Somali extremist group linked to al-Qaida. They allegedly told an undercover New York police officer that they wanted to kill Americans, but Alessa's parents said the officer had urged their son to become radical. Mohamed Alessa and Carlos Almonte, the two North Jersey men who allegedly told an undercover officer that they wanted to kill Americans, are pleading guilty in a Newark federal court hearing that is already underway this morning. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, March 03, 2011 at 11:28 PM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst | Permalink | Comments (25) ShareThis Looks like a class action suit would have to be filed immediately on behalf of all parents for child abuse, sexual molestation, trauma and sexual abuse against the Federal government, the teachers union, the city and any other sick pervert who had a hand in this. The decaying left, a pox on America's soul. The NEA, the teachers unions, the public school curriculum, all irretrievably broken. They must be destroyed and relegated to the dustbin of history. Still snoozing, Americans? HOMESCHOOL. NEA to UN: “Oral sex, masturbation, and orgasms need to be taught in education” American Blogger, Right Wing News. The United Nations was busy recently, deciding what every country in the world needs to be teaching their wards. Not wanting to be left out of any meeting that involves the programming of children’s minds, the National Education Association had a seat at the table. The brought their sexualization of children packet and made the case for teaching, well, “Oral sex, masturbation, and orgasms need to be taught in education,” Diane Schneider told the audience at a panel on combating homophobia and transphobia. Schneider, representing the National Education Association (NEA), the largest teachers union in the US, advocated for more “inclusive” sex education in US schools, with curricula based on liberal hetero and homosexual expression. She claimed that the idea of sex education remains an oxymoron if it is abstinence-based, or if students are still able to opt-out. Two things to note here. One, the NEA thinks sex education in America needs to be “more ‘inclusive,’” because kids just aren’t being indoctrinated enough, and two, choice is for abortion. These kids need to be forced to sit in this class. Now, maybe I have always been more of a self starter than others, but I don’t remember needing a class on masturbation. I think this is one lesson that makes everyone a bit autodidactic. Seriously though, this is stuff the NEA thinks students in grades 6-9 need to be forced to attend. Apparently, learning about oral sex will help them be less homophobic, or something: “Gender identity expression and sexual orientation are a spectrum,” she explained, and said that those opposed to homosexuality “are stuck in a binary box that religion and family create.” Read it again. Yeah, you are reading that right. The NEA went to the UN and said this curriculum was needed, and every student needed to be forced to attend, in order to reprogram them out of the teachings they had learned from their religion and their family. The parents of the child are of no consequence. The collective is supreme. And you might not believe this, but the UN agreed: A Belgian panelist at the same event explained how necessary it was to have government support when educating about anti-discrimination issues. He claimed that the “positive, pro-LGBT policies in Belgian schools are a direct consequence of liberal and open-minded legislation in Belgium,” and went on to stress the importance of states in providing relevant materials for students and schoolteachers. He also held up Belgium’s “gender in the blender” programs, which are discussion-based programs for Belgian teachers who want to discuss gender and transgender issues in their courses, as a model for other nations who wished to encourage their teachers to address these topics. You know what this reminds me of? ”Brave New World,” by Aldus Huxley. Here’s what I am talking about: One of the things that makes the society in Brave New World so different from ours is the lack of spirituality. The pleasure-seeking society pursues no spiritual experiences or joys, preferring carnal ones. The lack of a religion that seeks a true transcendental understanding helps ensure that the masses of people, upper and lower classes, have no reason to rebel. What religious ritual they have begins as an attempt to reach a higher level of understanding as a community but quickly turns into a chance to please the carnal nature of man through orgiastic ritual. This denies the human soul, which is usually searching for a pleasure not experienced in the flesh but in the mind, and preserves the society based on happiness which they have established. The novel addresses the importance of family values and the family structure as an integral part of our society. A new way to be born and raised has done away with the family and brought in a dehumanizing strict class structure and psychological messages to replace it. There are five rigid classes in this world, each with its own characteristics ranging from jobs to clothing to intelligence level. These classes are enforced from birth through experience and suggestion. A dislike of roses and books, for example, is enforced through electric shock while the children are still babies. The knowledge of the different classes in the world and why it is best to be in the class you are in is implanted in the child’s mind through hypnopaedia, a series of hypnotic suggestions played while the child is asleep. Through the suggestions that make up the childhood of the adults in this society, the adults are “raised” by the leaders of the State to think and act as they are told. Rather than individual parents instilling their own values into their children, the State chooses how and what each child will learn. The parental relationship of a father and mother to a child has become a dirty and improper idea. Feelings have become obsolete. It is this lack of family that helps keep the different classes in their place. They are conditioned to think and act only as a member of their class, rather than as an individual. Things that create problems in society’s class structure, such as the desire of parents to want something better for their children, or people striving for something better for themselves, have been eliminated with the family. So, in the Brave New World, religion and family were destroyed. Sound familiar? One of the more bizarre things in Brave New World is the child sex. Oh, you may find it abhorrent, but in the book, it’s promoted. Here’s an excerpt from Chapter Three: OUTSIDE, in the garden, it was playtime. Naked in the warm June sunshine, six or seven hundred little boys and girls were running with shrill yells over the lawns, or playing ball games, or squatting silently in twos and threes among the flowering shrubs. The roses were in bloom, two nightingales soliloquized in the boskage, a cuckoo was just going out of tune among the lime trees. The air was drowsy with the murmur of bees and helicopters. …”That’s a charming little group,” he said, pointing. In a little grassy bay between tall clumps of Mediterranean heather, two children, a little boy of about seven and a little girl who might have been a year older, were playing, very gravely and with all the focussed attention of scientists intent on a labour of discovery, a rudimentary sexual game. “Charming, charming!” the D.H.C. repeated sentimentally. “Charming,” the boys politely agreed. But their smile was rather patronizing. They had put aside similar childish amusements too recently to be able to watch them now without a touch of contempt. Charming? but it was just a pair of kids fooling about; that was all. Just kids. “I always think,” the Director was continuing in the same rather maudlin tone, when he was interrupted by a loud boo-hooing. From a neighbouring shrubbery emerged a nurse, leading by the hand a small boy, who howled as he went. An anxious-looking little girl trotted at her heels. “What’s the matter?” asked the Director. The nurse shrugged her shoulders. “Nothing much,” she answered. “It’s just that this little boy seems rather reluctant to join in the ordinary erotic play. I’d noticed it once or twice before. And now again to-day. He started yelling just now …” “Honestly,” put in the anxious-looking little girl, “I didn’t mean to hurt him or anything. Honestly.” “Of course you didn’t, dear,” said the nurse reassuringly. “And so,” she went on, turning back to the Director, ”I’m taking him in to see the Assistant Superintendent of Psychology. Just to see if anything’s at all abnormal.” “Quite right,” said the Director. “Take him in. You stay here, little girl,” he added, as the nurse moved away with her still howling charge. “What’s your name?” “Polly Trotsky.” “And a very good name too,” said the Director. “Run away now and see if you can find some other little boy to play with.” The child scampered off into the bushes and was lost to sight. “Exquisite little creature!” said the Director, looking after her. Then, turning to his students, “What I’m going to tell you now,” he said, “may sound incredible. But then, when you’re not accustomed to history, most facts about the past do sound incredible.” There's more. Go. UPDATE: If this is where we are, we are finished. If this is what is taught at universities, then they should be vanquished. Nothing is sacred. Nothing is holy. Live sex toy demonstration held on Northwestern campus Chicago Tribune hat tip Mary Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, March 03, 2011 at 10:26 PM in How the Left Destroys the Nation | Permalink | Comments (65) ShareThis Over the past two weeks, many readers wrote and asked me if I or my organization would be in DC today for an anti-sharia rally. I said no, and advised them not to go. Choudary was never coming; he is on a no-fly list and the State department had issued no visa. The DC Parks department issued no permit. It was a hoax. And Choudary and the Islamic Thinkers Society represent a tiny fringe group of extreme and violent freaks, so why would we want to give then any credence? They are not our problem. Adding to the carnival atmosphere of the sparsely attended circus were fringe elements like Terry Jones and other carny barkers. We must pick our fights, and I have too much respect for my readers and their time to waste it or send them to something that will cast them in an ugly light. As predicted, the "anti-sharia" rally was nothing more than a freak show, and reflects poorly on the good and righteous souls fighting a very real enemy here in America. TPMMuckracker was there with this report. The video is awful. It's as if these people are trying to sabotage our cause. Very bad. This is what not to do, and not what we do. Of course the enemedia will insinuate that Robert Spencer and I are part of this. We are not. We had nothing to do with it, and I counseled readers and friends not to attend. As for the lone Muslim who decided to get into middle of it and pray, well, that seems somewhat provocative. But in the video, he appears noble, courageous, pious, harmless and righteous. And the "anti-sharia" agitators appear menacing, boorish and hostile. Very badly done. This is not SIOA or AFDI. In every demonstration we are in involved in, our people are focused on defending good, American values and conduct themselves with dignity and respect (infiltrators and plants not included). Anti-Muslim Protestor Throws Crosses At Feet Of Man Praying By White House (VIDEO) But just as the rally was dying out, a Muslim man who showed up to pray in front of the White House. He was quickly surrounded by a large group of protestors who shouted an array of insults at him: mocking him for drinking Starbucks coffee, telling him to go back to his country and even throwing tiny crosses at his feet as he prayed. I captured the scene in the video below. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, March 03, 2011 at 05:42 PM | Permalink | Comments (47) ShareThis Imagine the girls you don't hear about. As we import more and more Muslim communities, we will see more of this and the continued diminished status of women in the West. Let's watch CAIR smear this girl as they did Rifqa Bary. HESPERIA, Calif. -- Investigators who spent more than a week searching for a 13-year-old girl her family feared had run away with someone she met online found her unharmed in a hotel Wednesday, where she said she had been hiding to avoid being forced into an arranged marriage in Pakistan. Jesse Bender was taken into child protective custody as authorities decide whether to recommend filing charges against her family, San Bernardino County sheriff's spokeswoman Cindy Bachman said. No arrests have been made. A call to the Bender family home in the desert city of Hesperia went unanswered late Wednesday. Jesse's mother reported her missing on Feb. 22, telling authorities that her daughter was upset about having to go on a two-month vacation to her father's native Pakistan, Bachman said. Several days later, Melissa Bender told investigators she was worried her daughter ran off with someone she had been communicating with on Facebook. Her statement launched a nationwide kidnapping investigation by the FBI, U.S. Marshals Service, and multiple law enforcement agencies fearful that the girl was with an Internet predator. Detectives served several search warrants and the investigation reached as far as Chicago because the mother believed the person who befriended her daughter on Facebook lived there. "All that information was misleading," Bachman said. "Whoever she was communicating with online was not a threat to her." As detectives began to focus on the Bender family, they learned that a relative was hiding Jessie in the nearby town of Apple Valley out of fear that she would be taken to Pakistan. That relative led detectives to the hotel early Wednesday. Jesse's three siblings were also taken into child protective custody pending the completion of the investigation, Bachman said. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, March 03, 2011 at 03:52 PM in Honor Killings: Islam Misogyny, Women and children | Permalink | Comments (36) ShareThis Has Katie Couric bit off her tongue yet? Not to worry, the jihadists she so enthusiastically defends and abets will do it soon enough. Just as the world is undergoing a seismic shift in the arab regimes and dictatorships, the American media landscape is desperately in need of a revolution. The old media must be overthrown. You'll notice that Reuters buried the lede. "Bring Bush! Make a no fly zone, bomb the planes," shouted soldiers Imagine that. Ayatollah Obama has achieved what would have been thought to be impossible: worldwide calls for the return of George Bush. They pleaded for Bush in Iran, too, when they were being slaughtered in the street while Obama ....... ate ice cream. Gaddafi bombs oil areas, faces crimes probe Reuters AL-UQAYLA, Libya (Reuters) – Muammar Gaddafi struck at rebel control of a key Libyan coastal road for a second day Thursday but received a warning he would be held to account at The Hague for suspected crimes by his security forces. Venezuela said Gaddafi had agreed to its proposal for an international commission to negotiate an end to the turmoil in the world's 12th largest oil exporting nation. But a leader of the uprising against Gaddafi's 41-year-old rule rejected any proposal for talks with the veteran leader. In Paris, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said France and Britain would support the idea of setting up a no-fly zone over Libya if Gaddafi's forces continued to attack civilians. The uprising, the bloodiest yet against long-serving rulers in the Middle East and North Africa, has torn through the OPEC-member country and knocked out nearly 50 percent of its 1.6 million barrels per day output, the bedrock of Libya's economy. But on the ground, events appeared to turn against Gaddafi, as rebels spearheading the unprecedented popular revolt pushed their frontline against government loyalists west of Brega, where they had repulsed an attack a day earlier. The opposition fighters said troops loyal to Gaddafi had been driven back to Ras Lanuf, home to another major oil terminal and 600 km (375 miles) east of Tripoli. They also said they had captured a group of mercenaries. In an angry scene at al-Uqayla, east of Ras Lanuf, a rebel shouted inches from the face of a captured young African and alleged mercenary: "You were carrying guns, yes or no? You were with Gaddafi's brigades yes or no?" The silent youth was shoved onto his knees into the dirt. A man held a pistol close to the boy's face before a reporter protested and told the man that the rebels were not judges. In The Hague, International Criminal Court prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo said Gaddafi and members of his inner circle, including some of his sons, could be investigated for alleged crimes committed since the uprising broke out in mid-February. ARREST WARRANTS He said a request for arrest warrants over Libya could be made in a few months time. "We have identified some individuals in the de facto or former authority who have authority over the security forces who allegedly committed the crimes," Moreno-Ocampo said. "They are Muammar Gaddafi, his inner circle including some of his sons, who had this de facto authority. There are also some people with formal authority who should pay attention to crimes committed by their people." Libyan government spokesman Musa Ibrahim told BBC Radio the news from The Hague was "close to a joke." "No fact-finding mission has been sent to Libya. No diplomats, no ministers, no NGOs or organizations of any type were sent to Libya to check the facts ... No one can be sent to prison based on media reports," he said. As the struggle on the ground intensified, a spokesman for Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a Gaddafi ally, said the Libyan government had accepted a plan by Venezuela to seek a negotiated solution to the conflict in the North African country, Information Minister Andres Izarra also confirmed the Arab League had shown interest in the Chavez plan to send an international commission to talk with both sides in Libya Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa said earlier that the plan was under consideration. Moussa said he himself had not agreed to it and did not know whether Gaddafi had done so. Oil fell on news of the plan. Brent crude fell more than $3 to $113.09 per barrel as investors eyed a possible deal brokered by Chavez. It later edged up to $114.78. Chavez's plan would involve a commission from Latin America, Europe and the Middle East trying to reach a negotiated outcome between the Libyan leader and rebel forces. Al Jazeera said the chairman of the rebels' National Libyan Council, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, rejected any talks with Gaddafi. The rebels, armed with rocket launchers, anti-aircraft guns and tanks, called Wednesday for U.N.-backed air strikes on foreign mercenaries it said were fighting for Gaddafi. Opposition activists called for a no-fly zone, echoing a demand by Libya's deputy U.N. envoy, who now opposes Gaddafi. "Bring Bush! Make a no fly zone, bomb the planes," shouted soldier-turned-rebel Nasr Ali, referring to a no-fly zone imposed on Iraq in 1991 by then U.S. President George Bush. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, March 03, 2011 at 02:30 PM in Africa Lost | Permalink | Comments (20) ShareThis UPDATE: Check out to see the real unemployment rate, what it would be without all the statistical cheating they employ to get to the 10.3%. If you use the Reagan Admin. method, the rate is 22.4%. The enemedia railed, shreiked and practically had grand mal seizres over Bush's unemployment rate of 4.6%. America, you are under attack, daily. Build your networks. Weaponize your email lists, blogs, listservs in this war of ideas -- this is the informational battlespace. Report for duty. 2012 -- Bolton, West, Palin, Bachmann -- get to work. Volunteer. Run for office. Do something. The one-two punch. Sky-high unemployment and astronomical amounts of debt. PRINCETON, NJ — Unemployment, as measured by Gallup without seasonal adjustment, hit 10.3% in February — up from 9.8% at the end of January. The U.S. unemployment rate is now essentially the same as the 10.4% at the end of February 2010. Underemployment, a measure that combines part-time workers wanting full-time work with those who are unemployed, surged in February to 19.9%. This resulted from the combination of a sharp 0.5-point increase since the end of January in the percentage unemployed and a 0.5-point increase in the percentage working part time but wanting full-time work. Underemployment is now higher than it was at this point a year ago (19.7%). Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, March 03, 2011 at 02:05 PM in How the Left Destroys the Nation | Permalink | Comments (5) ShareThis Julia Gorin on the Kosovo jihadi attack on US airmen yesterday. But I thought it was something the Serbs were doing that made Albanians violent. I mean, isn’t it something Israel is doing that makes Palestinians violent? And Macedonians make Macedonian-Albanians violent. No? Well then this must be because of the “Kosovars’” frustration over the slow pace of getting their independence. No wait! — we just celebrated the third year of that independence. This is so confusing! Keep on, US Gov. Keep on. Frankfurt airport shooting: two killed in attack on US military bus Two US airmen have been shot dead and two wounded at Frankfurt airport. The gunman, believed to be from Kosovo, opened fire on a bus containing US airmen in front of Terminal 2. The bus driver and a passenger were killed and two others were seriously injured. Police said it appeared an argument had broken out on board the bus before the suspect opened fire. The dead soldier was found outside the bus, which had a US government licence plate marked “AF”, for air force. What our soldiers have not been briefed on about Our Friends the Albanians — and by design — and what they still don’t know about Our Friends the Albanians is that they kill easily. You’re not supposed to argue with them. Because this is how Albanian males tend to end arguments. Even in church. In fact, as the recent Council of Europe report made abundantly clear, that’s the rule that’s been guiding our entire Kosovo policy meeting maximalist Albanian demands: Don’t argue. As I’ve tried toexplain before, the violence of Islam is a redundancy for Albanianism. The two injured had been shot in the head and chest, police said. The gunman fled from the scene and a suspect was arrested inside the terminal shortly afterwards. Police would not give out any information on the suspect, but Kosovo said he was one of its citizens. Kosovo’s interior minister, Bajram Rexhepi, said German police had identified the suspect as 21-year-old Ari[d] Uka, from the northern town of Mitrovica. Note the mention of his town of origin: Mitrovica. That’s the place that’s divided into North and South, with the only relatively safe place for a Serb being in the North. That northern part of Mitrovica is what U.S.-led NATO is trying to bring under the governance of folks like Arid Uka. And the only thing the U.S. government wants Mitrovica to be known for is Serbian lawlessness! So much for that. The fact that way too many Americans just learned the word Mitrovica is sure gonna make it harder to sneak a U.S.-led NATO military operation there later this year to force Christian-Serb capitulation to the ‘non-Muslimy’, ‘non-terrorist’ Albanians. 2 killed in Germany airport shooting, police say …U.S. President Barack Obama told reporters, saying he was “saddened and outraged” by the attack. “We will spare no effort in learning how this outrageous attack took place,” he said, adding that the United States is working with German authorities. “Learning how this outrageous attack took place”? I’ve been trying to educate you on how, Mr. President(s): It took place via March 24, 1999 and the continuing, consistent, worldwide impunity and political protection for Albanians as we insist, against all evidence, that they’re the good guys. Pretty effective camouflage, if you ask me. So now the U.S. and Germany are working together to straighten this ‘incident’ out — how ironic. The two chief architects of resurrecting the Third Reich in the Balkans, via Albanian-terrorist proxies who were Hitler’s erstwhile proxies, have been targeted together in an event that is rather symbolic of the U.S.-German marriage that helped make it happen. Or did these two “great powers” envision their pro-terror, pro-Nazi partnership in the Balkans leading to a different sort of outcome? Too bad that, as usual, our soldiers’ blood pays for the sins of the fathers of these policies. And of course those policymakers really care. You can tell by the fact that their policy has changed course [NOT!] since the last time Americans were hurt by it. “We don’t have all the information yet, and you will be fully briefed when we get more information, but this is a stark reminder of the extraordinary sacrifices that our men and women in uniform are making all around the world to keep us safe…” Obama said. While you endanger them with your pro-terror policies in the Balkans. Continue reading "American and German Efforts on Kosovo Pay Off in Frankfurt" » Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, March 03, 2011 at 11:54 AM in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia: Militant Islam | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis I was interviewed earlier today concerning our victory over the shameless and vicious Ground Zero mosqueteers, who had intended to exploit 911 stories to further their grotesque supremacist Ground Zero organizations, Cordoba and ASMA, in a coldblooded act of shameless self-promotion. "We're so relieved," 911 family member Rosaleen Tallon said Wednesday afternoon. "We don't want 9/11 exploited by the Cordoba Initiative to further their effort to build a mosque at Ground Zero," Tallon said earlier in the day, before the show was canceled. "This is very upsetting to us." Read more: here Here is the statement from the 911 families concerning the cancellation of this gruesome display: "9/11 Parents and Families of Firefighters and WTC Victims" and " Advocates for a 9/11 Fallen Heroes Memorial" are most gratified to announce that tonight's showing of "Performing Tribute", performed by WTC Tribute Center docents and sponsored by Cordoba Initiative and ASMA, is Canceled. Ground Zero Mosquerade: Rauf and Daisy's Theatre of the Vicious the 911 families who spoke out: Members of "9/11 Parents and Families of Firefighters and WTC Victims" and " Advocates for a 9/11 Fallen Heroes Memorial" are shocked and appalled that a play, Performing Tribute which is closely identified and aligned with the "September 11th Families' Association Tribute WTC Visitor Center" is now being promoted and presented by Daisy Kahn. The play will be performed at an Interfaith Center located at the address of the Cordoba Initiative & ASMA offices, 475 Riverside Drive, NYC, on Wednesday, March 2nd, at 6:30PM. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, March 03, 2011 at 02:18 AM in Atlas TV, Ground Zero Mega Mosque: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (18) ShareThis More sharia (Islamic law): this is enforcement of blasphemy laws, do not insult Islam. How much more of our freedoms are we going to allow them to seize? James Lafferty wrote: WMAL management has caved to CAIR once again! Fred Grandy is off-the-air because he told the truth about jihadists working within America to destroy our government and subjugate all Americans to Islam. Stand by for further Atlas action on this. VAST The Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force Former Congressman Fred Grandy is no longer on WMAL Radio in Washington, DC because he and his wife told the truth about the threat which Shariah and Radical Islam pose to America. Fred Grandy and “Mrs. Fred” interviewed former FBI agents, experts on Shariah law and activists who are fighting radical Islamists in their communities. They told the truth about radical jihadists and their plans to gut the Constitution and destroy America. On March 2, 2011, WMAL’s management told Grandy he needed to “tone down” any stories on radical Islam. They also told him his wife, an outspoken critic of Islamist infiltration, could not be included in future programs. Fred Grandy refused to accept those conditions and that was his last day on WMAL radio. The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), an unindicted co-conspirator in the federal Holy Land Foundation terror-financing trial, has complained about Grandy’s outspoken criticism of their organization and other radical groups. WMAL has a record of yielding to CAIR demands. On two previous occasions, the station removed talk show hosts who had been targeted by CAIR. Fred Grandy, the First Amendment and the Truth need your voice. Monday (March 7) and Tuesday (March 8) are “Call Out WMAL Days.” From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. each of those days, please call WMAL at (202) 895-2350 and (202) 686-3100 and tell them you will not listen to their station until Fred and Mrs. Fred Grandy return. America expects radio stations to be committed to free speech and the Truth. We expect WMAL to grow a backbone and stand up to CAIR and the other radicals. Call early and often. Then at 10 a.m. Wednesday, we will meet at WMAL’s studios, 4400 Jenifer St. NW, Washington, DC 20015 with signs to demonstrate our support for Fred Grandy and his wife and their courageous stand against radical Islam. WMAL Becomes America’s First Shariah-Compliant Radio Station — No Criticism of Radical Islam and No Women. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, March 02, 2011 at 03:50 PM in Free Speech Silenced, FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE AGE OF JIHAD | Permalink | Comments (40) ShareThis JS points out, "This is just the latest in the climate of violence and terror coming out of Kosovo that should raise red flags. Back in 2007 you had Dritan Duka, Shain Duka and Agron Abdullahu arrested after meeting an FBI informant to buy three AK-47 automatic machine guns and four semi-automatic M-16 rifles so they could attack Fort Dix. In 2009 you had the arrests of Hysen Sherifi and Daniel Boyd – among others – in Kosovo for plotting an attack on Quantico. The ememdia is reporting a "lone" jihadi. How the hell do they know what Islamic group Arif Uka belonged to? We are always being admonished not to rush to judgment (they are still scratching their heads over the Fort Hood jihadi -- Gd forbid they rush to judgment), but these devout bastards can wail Koranic verses while they are mowing people down -- but Gd forbid we say it. How many have to die before we can call this war what it is? How many? No independent state for Kosovo! Are they crazy? Two American airmen were shot dead and another left fighting for his life today after a Kosovo Albanian gunman stormed their bus before opening fire at Germany’s busiest airport. Some media reports said the gunman identified as Arik Uka, 21, shouted out 'Islamic slogans' before opening fire. He gunned down his first victim as the soldier stood in front of the vehicle at Terminal 2 before turning his weapon on the driver as he sat behind the wheel. Investigation: Firemen attach blankets to the U.S. military bus where two American airmen were shot dead at Frankfurt Airport today Deadly: The troops had just got off a flight and were being taken to barracks when a Kosovan man opened fire A fourth man was lightly injured and both he and the gravely wounded man are now being treated at the city’s University Clinic Hospital. The airport, continental Europe’s second biggest after Paris, is routinely used by American soldiers based in Germany for arrivals and departures. It is understood the soldiers were based in Germany and had just returned from a long-haul flight from the USA, although some media reports claimed that were from Lakenheath in the UK, site of a huge U.S. airbase. Police arrested the Kosovo man yards from the bus with the automatic weapon he used. He was also armed with a knife. Stationary: The bus was parked outside Terminal 2 of the airport when the attack occurred En route: The soldiers had just arrived in Germany having left their Lakenheath base in Britain In the murky world of international terrorism, the city of Frankfurt comes up again and again. It was here that 9/11 terrorist Mohamed Atta was observed buying chemicals while he was based in Germany In 2007, terrorists were plotting to strike the airport on the sixth anniversary of 9/11. Prosecutors said they disrupted what would have been the 'worst terror attack in German history'. The group were jailed for between five and 12 years in March last year after being found guilty of plotting to cause explosions several times bigger than on 7/7. Fritz Gelowicz, 30, and Daniel Schneider, 24, were jailed for 12 years. Adem Yilmaz, 31, was told he must serve 11 years behind bars abd Attila Selek, 25, was given five years. Frankfurt, in the south-west of Germany, has a population of 2.3million people. German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters in Berlin that two 'American soldiers' had been killed, as she condemned the 'terrible incident.' 'We'll do everything possible to find out what happened,' she pledged. She said her sympathies were with the victims and their families. At the airport, taxi cab driver Salimi Seraidon said he was sitting at a stand about 200 yards away when the attack took place, and that it was over quickly as police rushed onto the scene. 'We just heard the shots,' he said At least one round pierced the window of the bus that contained young American airmen, all of whom were dressed in civvies. Most of them required psychological counselling after the attack, according to German police. Flights around Europe continued to operate normally after the ambush as a massive security operation at the airport swung into operation. 'Only time will tell if this terrible and shocking act has a terrorist background,' said Boris Rhein, interior minister of the state of Hesse who was supervising the police investigation. Armed police threw a cordon around part of the terminal and sniffer dogs were used to check if any bags bearing bombs had been left in the airport building. 'We cannot exclude anything at the moment, ' said the minister, 'We will have to take a very close look at the perpetrator.' Police spokesman Jürgen Linker said; 'Everything happened inside the bus.' Eyewitnesses said the man 'infiltrated' himself among the GIs before shouting out radical Islamic slogans and then reaching into a bag for his gun. Kosovo Interior Minister Bajram Rexhepi said that the gunman had been identified as Arif Uka a Kosovo citizen from the northern town of Mitrovica. He had recently been living in Germany. 'This is a devastating and a tragic event,' Rexhepi said. U.S. soldiers arrive at the scene in the wake of the shooting: There had initially been fears that there might also be a bomb at the site At the scene: The German chancellor Angela Merkel said everything would be done to get to the bottom of the killings 'We are trying to find out was this something that was organised or what was the nature of the attack.' Although the motives for the attack are still unclear, many Kosovans are Muslims, raising the suspicion that Islamic extremism may have been a factor behind the attack In the States, a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Patrick Meehan, said in Washington that it looked like a terrorist attack. Investigators spend the afternoon carrying out a finger-tip search of the scene. The wheel of the bus where the driver had been sitting was swathed in sheets. Only last year the interior ministry in Berlin put Germany on high alert for a terror attack after receiving information that al-Qaeda was planning 'a bloodbath' because of German involvement in Afghanistan. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, March 02, 2011 at 02:36 PM in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia: Militant Islam, Global Jihad 2011 | Permalink | Comments (134) ShareThis Due to the overwhelming response for free tickets to “Performing Tribute” tonight’s performance has been canceled. The venue is not big enough to fit everyone who wished to attend and a larger venue was not available. I apologize for the inconvenience. Earliy this morning I received my confirmation of my reservation for tonight's exploitation of the 911 families for the personal gain of Cordoba's Daisy Khan and Imam Rauf ........ go here for the whole sordid business: On Mar 2, 2011, at 7:58 AM, Pamela Geller wrote: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Donna Kaz Pamela, Uh, not so fast. Pamela Hall just got this: From: "Donna Kaz" Kudos and high praise for the 911 families who spoke out: Members of "9/11 Parents and Families of Firefighters and WTC Victims" and " Advocates for a 9/11 Fallen Heroes Memorial" are shocked and appalled that a play, Performing Tribute which is closely identified and aligned with the "September 11th Families' Association Tribute WTC Visitor Center" is now being promoted and presented by Daisy Kahn. The play will be performed at an Interfaith Center located at the address of the Cordoba Initiative & ASMA offices, 475 Riverside Drive, NYC, on Wednesday, March 2nd, at 6:30PM. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, March 02, 2011 at 12:21 PM | Permalink | Comments (12) ShareThis UPDATE: Frankfurt Airport murderer shouted Islamic slogans during the attack on the bus Frankfurt Airport Shooting Update: So says the German-language article "Kosovare greift US-Soldaten an – zwei Tote!" inBild, March 2 (thanks to Buraq Is Dead): "Supposedly, the offender shouted Islamist slogans during the attack on the bus." _________________________________________________________ A "Kosovo" man..... perhaps a misunderstander unhappy with the speed in which the US, EU and NATO are establishing an independent militant Islamic state in the heart of Europe. Let's sit back and watch the media squirm and obfuscate while setting us all up for target practice. Bus driver and US soldier killed and two others injured in shooting at Frankfurt airport, reports say Two people have died after a gunman opened fire on a bus carrying American soldiers at Frankfurt Airport, police say. The driver of the bus and a US soldier were reportedly killed, while two others were seriously injured. A 21-year-old suspect from Kosovo is said to have been arrested after the shooting in front of Terminal 2 at Europe's second-biggest airport. Police have told German media it is not clear if it was a terrorist attack. "Everything happened on board the bus," police spokesman Jurgen Linker told AFP news agency. "The suspected gunman has been arrested. There are two dead and two seriously injured." US Army Europe has not yet issued a comment, but said it was looking into the incident. The BBC's Stephen Evans in Berlin says the airport is not far from Ramstein Air Base, the US Air Force's headquarters in Europe. Four Islamists were convicted in March last year in Germany for plotting to bomb targets including Ramstein Air Base. Last month the German parliament extended by one year the military mission in Afghanistan. Germany has 4,860 troops there, despite domestic polls suggesting the mission's unpopularity. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, March 02, 2011 at 11:56 AM in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia: Militant Islam | Permalink | Comments (24) ShareThis This is not sustainable. Economic failure. Almost 228,000 Idahoans are now on food stamps.The state has the largest growth in enrollment in the nation.In just one hour, cashiers rang up more than 570 customers.In 2007, roughly 87,000 Idahoans needed food stamps. Five years later that number has jumped to nearly 228,000. (hat tip Jason) Source: KTVB Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, March 02, 2011 at 08:39 AM in How the Left Destroys the Nation | Permalink | Comments (17) ShareThis UPDATE: BBC reporting: Pamphlets by al-Qaeda and Tehrik-i-Taliban Punjab, a branch of the Taliban in Pakistan's most populous province, were found at the scene. Tehrik-i-Taliban told BBC Urdu they carried out the attack. "This man was a known blasphemer of the Prophet [Muhammad]," said the group's deputy spokesman, Ahsanullah Ahsan. "We will continue to target all those who speak against the law which punishes those who insult the prophet. Their fate will be the same." Photo: Unidentified relatives of the minorities minister, Shahbaz Bhatti, look at the car in which he was killed in Islamabad on Wednesday. NY Times "Shahbaz Bhatti, the minister of minorities and Pakistan's only Christian cabinet member, was shot eight times by gunmen who ambushed him as he stepped into his car, police officials said. A pamphlet written by a group of Taliban [Obama's would-be peace partners -- but no matter how much he grovels and accedes key negotiating points, they mock and taunt our national-embarassment-in-chief] from the province of Punjab was found near the scene in a middle-class residential neighborhood, the officials said." "The international advocacy group Human Rights Watch said on Wednesday that Mr. Bhatti’s killing represented the 'bitter fruit of appeasement of extremist and militant groups.'" Tell that to the assclown in the White House. This jihadi assassination mimics the pious assassination of the Pakistan governor who was shot dead in cold blood two months ago because he criticized Islamic blasphemy laws (the sharia). [Jihad murder victim, Governor] Taseer had recently spoken out in defense of a Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy and calling for the law to be struck down, drawing ire from Islamist parties. Recently on Twitter, Mr. Taseer had been calling for people to demonstrate on the street against the blasphemy laws, which date to the dictatorship of former military Gen. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq in the 1980s. Taseer's Muslim murderer was showered with rose petals. Thousands took to the streets in support of the killer. Consistent with Islam's 1,400 year history, the moderate, reasoned voices are eliminated. Always. And still. The reformers are the true "radicals." Moderates have no theological leg to stand on in Islam. Period. Obama say, "Respect it!" Daisy the Khan say, "the era of extremism is over." Geller say, "Defeat jihad!" Gunmen Kill Pakistani Cabinet Minister NY Times ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — The only Christian minister in the Pakistan government was shot dead by assailants as he left his home in the capital Wednesday morning to attend a cabinet meeting, an attack strikingly similar to the killing two months ago of another senior politician holding liberal views. Shahbaz Bhatti, the minister of minorities, was shot eight times by gunmen who ambushed him as he stepped into his car, police officials said. A pamphlet written by a group of Taliban from the province of Punjab was found near the scene in a middle-class residential neighborhood, the officials said. Witnesses said three gunmen stopped the minister’s black Toyota Corolla at the corner of his street, pulled the driver out of the car and began firing. The gunmen were wearing traditional Pakistani garb of baggy pants and long tunic, the inspector general of Islamabad police, Wajid Durrani, said. The pamphlet found at the site warned against changes in Pakistan’s draconian blasphemy law and bore the imprint of the Taliban and al Qaeda, police officials said. It specifically named Mr. Bhatti. Mr. Bhatti, like Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab who was gunned down Jan. 4, had campaigned for the reform of Pakistan’s blasphemy law. The law, introduced in the 1970s, calls for the death penalty for those accused of speaking against the Prophet Muhammad. The identity of Mr. Bhatti’s killers is not known but suspicion immediately fell on members of extremist militant groups. Mr. Taseer was shot by his own government bodyguard, Malik Mumtaz Qadri, who within days was hailed as a hero by lawyers who only a few years ago were seen as the hope for a more liberal Pakistan. At court appearances on murder charges, Mr. Qadri was showered with flower petals. The killing of Mr. Bhatti is likely to further expose the depth of religious conservatism among ordinary Pakistanis and in the educated middle class, who at the same time are fed up with the shortcomings of a feeble civilian government unable to deliver basic needs. “This is the mindset adopted in the 1980s when Pakistan and the United States were fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan,” said Athar Minallah, a liberal leader of the lawyers movement, who has condemned the killing of Mr. Taseer, and now Mr. Bhatti. “It says infidels are allowed to be killed.” Islamist teachings were adopted in the school curriculum in the 1980s under the military rule of the pro-American dictator, Gen. Mohammad Zia ul-Haq, and have remained intact since. Mr. Minallah insisted this militant view remained a minority but “the collapse of the state has given the mindset this space.” President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani strongly condemned the killing of Mr. Bhatti. But neither attended the funeral of Mr. Taseer, leaving the impression that they were afraid to show such public sympathy for their colleague. Senior members of the Pakistani military also stayed away from that funeral. In a sign of the retreat of the ruling party on the question of enacting more tolerant laws, Prime Minister Gilani pledged in Parliament earlier this year that the government had no intention of pursuing the reform agenda on the blasphemy laws. An alliance of conservative religious parties showed their strength in the major cities in early February, staging rallies of tens of thousands that called the government lackeys of the United States, and too reliant on a reform agenda. Alarmed by the rising tide of militant sentiments, senior American officials suggested to Mr. Zardari and Mr. Gilani that they make public speeches on the need for tolerance — “Churchillian” presentations, said one diplomat — but the leaders had cited lack of security and fear for their lives. Mr. Bhatti had expressed nervousness about speaking out and had shunned public appearances, his aides said. One of Mr. Bhatti’s favorite sayings came from the inaugural address in 1947 of the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who declared that Pakistan would not be a theocracy, and all religions would be respected. “I am receiving threats on speaking against the blasphemy law but my faith gives me strength and we will not allow the handful of extremists to fulfill their agenda,” Mr. Bhatti said shortly before his death. The international advocacy group Human Rights Watch said on Wednesday that Mr. Bhatti’s killing represented the “bitter fruit of appeasement of extremist and militant groups” in the last several months. It called for an “urgent” reappraisal of the “political cowardice” that had overtaken the ruling party in the government, the Pakistan Peoples Party. A month before Mr. Taseer was killed, the ruling party, under pressure from conservative religious groups and like-minded politicians, backed off from its support of reform of the blasphemy law. Mr. Bhatti, a relative newcomer to politics, had been at the forefront of the campaign to change the blasphemy laws but by December had become isolated on that question within his own party. Aides to Mr. Bhatti said Wednesday he had feared an attempt on his life and requested security guards. There were was no sign of guards, however at the scene of the ambush. The minister’s government driver rushed Mr. Bhatti to the hospital after the attack and he was pronounced dead. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, March 02, 2011 at 08:28 AM | Permalink | Comments (23) ShareThis Here's the thing: devout Muslim parents beat the crap (literally) out of their their kids for being "bad Muslims," and it's the child case worker who is accused of violating the rights of a Muslim family. Where does this sickness end? On a side note, thank G-d they kept the hijabed Heagney off this story. A Franklin County Children Services worker who is accused of violating the rights of a Muslim family said agency files contain references to their religion because it was a source of conflict between the parents and children. Amber Spires told jurors in U.S. District Court that Naim and Hadiya AbdulSalaam's strict practices were an issue with their children, especially their 16-year-old son, Mandela, who was the first to be placed in foster care, in 2003. "That was part of the argument between Mandela and the family," Spires testified yesterday in the trial of a lawsuit against her."They are strict, and they are Islamic." Mrs. AbdulSalaam's attorney, Michael Moore, asked Spires whether she would have noted that a family was "strict Christians." "I might have, yes," Spires said. The caseworker testified that the three teenage daughters told her that their mother and stepfather had stripped Mandela and beaten him until he lost control of his bowels. "His sisters specifically told me that he had been disciplined for being a bad Muslim," Spires testified. She also said that, during her first meeting with the girls in May 2003, one asked whether she could remove her headscarf. Spires said she asked whether their mother allowed that, and she explained that she would be truthful if Mrs. AbdulSalaam asked about it. After the agency accused the parents of not providing proper education and medical care and forcing the girls to work long hours in the home and family store, the three girls also went into foster care, in July 2003. Spires said Mandela told her the girls also were beaten. Mrs. AbdulSalaam, 55, of Grandview Heights, complained to the agency numerous times about the handling of her case. She said the agency refused to find a Muslim foster home, allowed a foster family to take the girls to church, and placed the children in predominately white schools, where they were uncomfortable. Spires testified that, even though she was a new caseworker handling a difficult case, she did not worry that she was being unfair. "That did not cause me concern, because I knew I did not do anything discriminatory towards her," Spires said of Mrs. AbdulSalaam. Spires acknowledged that one of the girls ended up singing in her foster family's church choir but said the girl wasn't forced. "We had gone over and over with them (the foster parents) what they could and couldn't do with these kids because of their religion," Spires testified. "When we got this information that she was singing in the choir, we were perplexed." Officials have said that the children were raised Christian until Mrs. AbdulSalaam married Mr. AbdulSalaam. Mrs. AbdulSalaam should rot in jail. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, March 02, 2011 at 08:09 AM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis The 911 Family members have issued this press release on Daisy and Rauf's jihad. 9/11 Family Members Question Cordoba Initiative Event WHAT: 9/11 Family members to attend " Performing Tribute" play sponsored by Cordoba Initiative and ASMA. 3/2/11 - contact: Jim McCaffrey - Daisy the Kahn and Imam Rauf exposed. Yet again. A little over a week ago, I published a breathtakingly cold-blooded and vicious advertisement for a taxpayer funded "event" benefiting the Ground Zero mosque Islamic supremacists by using and exploiting the tragedies of 911 family victims to advance the mosquestrosity. This has become their field of expertise, their modus operandi, has it not? It takes a special kind of evil to think of such dehumanizing tactics to further such a malevolent goal, and a special kind of stupid for the city to allow itself to manipulated in such a way using our taxpayer dollars. And shame on the Manhattan Community Art Fund, NYC Dept of Cultural Affairs, administered by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, for being so ill-used, using our taxpayer dollars to fund this offensive and grotesque propaganda. Daisy the Khan and Imam Rauf know how the majority of the 911 families feel about the Ground Zero mosque. And they do this. The 911 families have issued a statement concerning this demoralization. Check out the promo -- read the first paragraph, and then scroll to the bottom. Despicable. They. have. no. shame. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, March 02, 2011 at 07:55 AM in Ground Zero Mega Mosque: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (9) ShareThis Late night Rand. Man oh man, I love this woman.CAIR VIDEO: ISLAMIC SUPREMACISTS LIES AND THE LEFTISTS WHO CARRY THEIR WATER
Huffington PostStatement about False Video On YouTube Placed by CAIR
From Rabbi David Eliezrie
Another demonstration started near the entrance of the Community Center. Those in the second rally spoke harshly as indicated on the video. We did not join them, in fact we told people not to go there.
The edited video by CAIR is another incident in long history of distorting the truth. In their press release they state two of thefundraiser’s speakers, who were to speak on the "importance of charity in Islam” failing to mention one is in supporter of Hamas and the second was an unindicted co conspirator in the first World Trade Center bombing.
Peaceful protest against those who call for the murder of Jews is not hatred. If we don't speak out then we allow these to spew hatred against Jews to do so freely. The Hamas charter calls for the destruction of Israel. It also states that "The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews [and kill them]; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: Oh Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!”
Report in the OC Register noting "That a splinter group" left the peaceful protest and gathered near the entrance.Saturday, March 05, 2011
Claims the University failed to take measures to protect against racially motivated assault
A first of its kind federal civil rights case has been filed in United States District Court in Oakland, California, against the University of California at Berkeley, the Regents of the University of California and their ranking officials, by a Jewish student who had been assaulted on campus last year by a leader of a Muslim student organization during a pro-Israel event.
On March 5, 2010, Jessica Felber, a twenty year old Jewish student at Berkeley, was attacked and injured on campus because of her Jewish ancestry and religious affiliation. At the time she was holding a sign stating “Israel wants Peace.” Her assailant, Husam Zakharia, also a UC Berkeley student, was the leader of Students for Justice in Palestine (“SJP”) at Berkeley.
Defendants were fully aware that Zakharia, the SJP and similar student groups had been involved in other incidents on campus to incite violence against and intimidate Jewish and other students. Nevertheless, in clear dereliction of their legal responsibilities, Defendants took no reasonable steps to protect Ms. Felber and others.
The Complaint further describes how the SJP conspires and coordinates with the Muslim Student Association (“MSA”), which has a publicly documented history of affiliation with and support of organizations deemed “terror organizations” by the United States Department of State. That they have resorted to intimidation and harassment is evidenced most recently by the fact that the District Attorney of Orange County, California, has indicted eleven students from these groups for inciting and disrupting a speech given by the Israeli Ambassador to the United States at the University of California, Irvine.
The Complaint charges that the assault was the result of the university having: (1) fostered and encouraged campus terrorist incitements by the SJP and the MSA) ; (2) turned a blind eye to the perpetrators of illegal activities; (3) failed to effectively discipline the MSA and SJP for their pro-terrorist programs, goals and conduct; despite having ample notice that such violence was foreseeable; and (4) failed to provide adequate security to prevent the violence, harassment and intimidation which occurred on March 5, 2010.
Ignoring complaints from students about the poisonous climate on campus, defendants condoned, allowed and enabled groups such as the MSA and the SJP to threaten, harass and intimidate Jewish students and to endanger their health and safety. Their tolerance of the growing cancer of a dangerous anti-Semitic climate on its campuses, and their failure to take adequate measures to quell it, violated the rights of Ms. Felber’s and other students to enjoy a peaceful campus environment free from threats and intimidation.
As the Complaint reminds us, the on-campus activities of the SJP and MSA against plaintiff and other students of Jewish religion and ancestry - and the university's failure to confront them - present a disturbing echo of the darkest period in history: the incitement, intimidation, harassment and violence carried out under the Nazi regime and those of its allies in Europe against Jewish students and scholars in the leading universities of those countries during the turbulent years leading up to and including the Holocaust.
There is a genuine fear by Ms. Felber and other students of Jewish ancestry on campuses throughout the University of California system that the tragic lessons of history have not yet been learned by these defendants. They fear that the University of California campuses are no longer places of hope and dignity, of academic and personal freedom, or of peaceful life and personal safety.
Ms. Felber is represented by Joel H. Siegal a civil rights attorney in San Francisco, and New York attorney Neal M. Sher, who for many years was the Director of the Justice Department’s Nazi prosecution office.4000 MUSLIMS ATTACK CHRISTIAN HOMES IN EGYPT, TORCH CHURCH
Nearly 4000 Muslims Attack Christian Homes in Egypt, Torch Church Blazing Cat Fur
Friday, March 04, 2011
Washington -- International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that in the past two days, thousands of Muslims have razed five churches and the homes of two evangelists in Asendabo, Ethiopia. Christian leaders are asking for protection after the Muslim attackers continued burning churches even after the federal police were sent to the town.
The Muslims started the attacks yesterday after falsely accusing the Christians of desecrating the Qur'an. More than ten thousand Muslims shouted "Allah Akbar" (Allah is great) as they burned down five evangelical churches. The government sent the federal police force to protect the Christians after the Muslims burned down the first three churches. The Muslims overwhelmed the police force and burned down two more churches today.
Speaking with ICC, Christian leaders expressed their fear that Muslims will start killing the Christians unless the government sends more security forces to contain the Muslim attackers.
At the time of the writing of this report, none of the Muslim attackers have been arrested. The government officials detained some Christians and took them to the nearby Jimma town stating that they need to do that for their own security.
Ethiopia is a Christian majority country and was one of the first nations to accept Christianity. However, in the areas of the country where Muslims are the majority, Christians face attacks.
"We urge Ethiopian government forces to send reinforcement to protect the Christians in the city of Asendabo from the Muslim attacks. We ask Christians around the world to prevent any further attacks by calling the Ethiopian officials in their countries and asking them to protect the Christians and their property," said ICC's Regional Manager for Africa, Jonathan Racho.DANCE ME TO THE END OF AN OPEN THREAD
The only hate groups I know are all ... leftist groups (and muslim outfits).
They are masters in turning things upside down with wicked propaganda campaigns.
Stop demonising Geller, she is the most courageous woman on the face of the earth.
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2011 15:09:17 -0500
To: "milan"
Ms. Geller is demonizing herself. CS"WHY DID YOU NOT SPEAK OUT?"
Reversal: UN Ousts Qaddafi from Human Rights Council UN Watch
Yet at the U.N., no one is willing to take the slightest responsibility for the world body's tight embrace of the Qaddafi regime. In the plenary of the UN Human Rights Council yesterday, UN Watch’s Hillel Neuer urged U.N. rights chief Navi Pillay to begin the soul-searching. She refused to respond. Click here for video. The text follows below.
We thank you for your report, and applaud its emphasis on the core principle of accountability. We commend your recent leadership on human rights in Libya. As you stated, “the people of Libya had long been victims of the serious excesses of the Libyan leadership.”
In this regard, given that accountability begins at home, we wish to ask whether your office has begun to reflect upon how, in recent years, the United Nations and its human rights system could have shown greater solidarity with Libya’s victims. We offer five specific questions:
1. Given that your responsibility is to mainstream human rights throughout the U.N. system, we ask: When the Qaddafi regime was chosen to serve on the Security Council for 2008 and 2009; when its representative was chosen as President of the General Assembly in 2009; when Col. Qaddafi’s daughter Ayesha was designated in 2009 a U.N. Goodwill Ambassador — why did you not speak out?
2. According to a study of all your published statements from September 2008 through June 2010, you never once mentioned human rights in Libya. Why?
3. Your report refers to your office’s strong support for the Durban process, for which you served as Secretary-General of its 2009 World Conference on Racism. When a representative of the Libyan regime was chosen to chair that conference’s two-year planning committee, and to chair the main committee, why did you not speak out?
4. When the Qaddafi regime was elected as a member of this council last year, why did you not speak out?
5. Your report refers to the council’s Advisory Committee. In 2008, ignoring the appeal of UN Watch and 25 human rights groups, the council elected Jean Ziegler, the co-founder of the Muammar Qaddafi Human Rights Prize—a propaganda tool for the regime—to this body. Last year he was made the committee’s vice-president. Why did you not speak out?
And will you now call on the recipients of this prize—former Cuban President Fidel Castro in 1998, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez in 2004, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega in 2009, and Turkish PM Erdogan in 2010—to renounce this prize, and to apologize to all the human rights victims—past and present—of Col. Muammar Qaddafi?
Thank you, Madame High Commissioner.OBAMA PLAYING THE RACE CARD, AGAIN
Obama mulls Islam's post-revolt role in Mideast CBS
Revolts in N. Africa, Mideast could bring regimes rooted more in Muslim tradition than democracy (Washington Post)
Thursday, March 03, 2011
Jersey boys
Alessa, bearded with a blue prison suit, went first. Flanked by two U.S. Marshals he was pleading to a charge of conspiracy to commit murder outside the United States with Almonte and others.
The courtroom was filled with FBI agents and onlookers for the 10 a.m. proceeding in front of U.S. District Court Judge Dickinson Debevoise.
The FBI arrested Alessa, 21, of North Bergen, and Almonte, 24, of Elmwood Park, for conspiring to fly to Somalia in June to wage violent jihad. They were arrested at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York on June 5 as they tried to board separate flights to Egypt on their way to join Al Shabaab, a violent Somali extremist group linked to al-Qaida.
They allegedly told an undercover New York police officer that they wanted to kill Americans, but Alessa's parents said the officer had urged their son to become radical.NEA TO UN: “ORAL SEX, MASTURBATION, AND ORGASMS NEED TO BE TAUGHT IN EDUCATION”
everything…to middle school kids:
The sex act was performed in front of about 100 students in psychology professor John Michael Bailey’s human sexuality class. The demonstration occurred after class, and attendance was optional.
The university will pay several hundred dollars to guest lecturer Ken Melvoin-Berg, co-owner of Weird Chicago Tours. His Feb. 21 discussion of bondage, swinging and other sexual fetishes was arranged by Bailey, who gets extra funding from the university’s College of Arts & Sciences for lectures and other activities he routinely holds after class.
“The students find the events to be quite valuable, typically, because engaging real people in conversation provides useful examples and extensions of concepts students learn about in traditional academic ways,” Bailey said in a prepared statement Wednesday night
After an initial discussion at Ryan Family Auditorium, the class was told that a couple was going to demonstrate the use of a sex toy and female orgasm.
“Both Professor Bailey and myself gave them five or six warnings about what was about to happen and it would be graphic,” Melvoin-Berg said.
The woman undressed and got on stage with her male partner, who used a device that looks like a machine-powered saw with a phallic object instead of a blade. Melvoin-Berg said the couple are exhibitionists who enjoy having people watch them have sex, and they were not paid for the demonstration.
Jim Marcus said he and his fiancé hadn’t planned to show off the sex act at first, but decided to do so after the class watched a video on female orgasm that he thought was unrealistic. They already had brought the equipment to show as part of the discussion.
“It seems like a human sexuality class is a smart place to dispel some of the mistakes that we saw in the video,” said Marcus, a musician who also teaches sex education.
He said the demonstration with his fiancé, Faith Kroll, was different from a live sex show or pornography.
“I was more than happy to. We have fun with it,” Kroll said. “I’m an exhibitionist. I enjoy the attention, being seen by other people. It was entertaining because there were a lot of curious minds, so that was cool.”
“What we did was not designed to titillate people, but to educate people,” Marcus said. He said the demonstration was accompanied by a discussion about safety and consent, for example.
“I hope (Bailey) doesn’t take a lot of flak for this, but I suspect he will,” Marcus said.
“It is probably something I will remember for the rest of my life. I can’t say that about my Econ 202 class and the material that I learned there,” said Northwestern senior Justin Smith. Smith, 21, said students were told there would be a “sex tour operator” speaking about fetishes after class, but they didn’t initially know there would be a live demonstration.
“We were watching a video on sexual arousal. They thought, ‘Why not give a demonstration?,” Smith said. “The main guy, Ken, said, ‘Are you ready for the live sex show?’ We were like, ‘OK.’”
There were several warnings and some students trickled out, he said. He said most students were sitting in the auditorium’s balcony, including a student’s mom who attended class that day.
Once the demonstration began, Smith said, “there was a lot of covering of the mouth like ‘Oh my gosh.’ It was pretty quiet … I didn’t really see people take affront, but they were engaged with the experience.’”
Melvoin-Berg called it an educational experience for the students, and said it lasted about three minutes. “We wanted to share not only our lifestyles and talk about it, but demonstrate what we do in our personal lives,” he said. The students, he said, “seemed to be incredibly pleased. We had a number of them that got closer and closer.”
An Evanston police department spokesman said Northwestern police would be responsible for determining whether the demonstration violated any local ordinances. University spokesman Alan Cubbage said “the issue has not been raised,” and nobody had filed a complaint with the police department.HOW NOT TO WIN THE WAR
California Girl Claims She Ran Away to Avoid Arranged Marriage in Pakistan
Twenty-one year-old Albanian born and raised in Germany carries out revenge attack on…No wait…on Americans?
Patrick Meehan, a member of the US homeland security committee, said it looked like a terrorist attack.WPIX TV INTERVIEW WITH PAMELA GELLER ON DAISY KHAN /RAUF CANCELLATION OF CORDOBA EVENT EXPLOITING 911 TRAGEDIES FOR SHAMELESS PROMOTION
We are most relieved to know that our loved ones' memory will not be exploited by the Cordoba Initiative and others who support the construction of a mosque and cultural center at Ground Zero.
Thank you to all family members and friends that responded to our call to attend this event. We ask that all family members remain vigilant, and join together to speak out against those individuals and groups who feel that to "go along to get along" is better than honoring the 3,000 innocent people who died on 9/11/01.
Ms. Kahn and The Cordoba Initiative are the driving force behind the renamed "Park 51" cultural center and mosque project which has been the focus of great consternation and grief for many 9/11 family members. Uniformed and civilian family members have asked Cordoba for tolerance, understanding and sensitivity to the feelings of the majority of families who are deeply offended by the thought of a mosque and cultural center at this site. FDNY, NYPD and civilian family members have joined thousands of others to demonstrate against building this structure so close to the sacred ground of the WTC site.
Our family members will not allow the memory of the lives and deaths of their loved ones to be used as a tool for the Cordoba Initiative. To use this play to imply a "dialogue with 9/11 families" as a basis for obtaining funding from the LMDC and other sources across the country for an Islamic center at GZ, is a disingenuous travesty.
The vast majority of 9/11 family members oppose this building. We will continue to speak out to oppose the co opting of the narrative of 9/11 by self serving individuals and groups. We will not allow the story of 9/11 and the lives and deaths of our loved ones to be hijacked for the shameless self promotion of those individuals and groups whose goal is to build an Islamic center and mosque near the sacred ground.
The memory of our loved ones, who lived and died for this country on 9/11, deserves nothing less.
*Family members will attend this play and will be available to discuss their viewpoints before and after the performance .
www.performingtribute.comWednesday, March 02, 2011
Of course there was also the news back in January of the Council of Europe alleging that top government leaders, including Hashim Thaci, participated in the trafficking of human organs before, during and after the 1999 conflict [covered extensively at Atlas here, here.]Two shot dead as 'Kosovan' gunman opens fire on bus picking up American soldiers from Frankfurt Airport Daily Mail
Donna, Please add myself and one guest for tonight's performance.
Yours in liberty,
Pamela Geller
Subject: Re: Reservation for two
Date: March 2, 2011 8:25:33 AM EST
To: Pamela Geller
I have you down for two.
Donna Kaz
Date: Wed, Mar 2, 2011 11:43 am
Subject: reservation for 1 screening wed march 2
To: "pamela hall"
Due to the overwhelming response for free tickets to “Performing Tribute” tonight’s performance has been canceled. The venue is not big enough to fit everyone who wished to attend and a larger venue was not available. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Donna Kaz
Ms. Kahn and The Cordoba Initiative are the driving force behind the renamed "Park 51" cultural center and mosque project which has been the focus of great consternation and grief for many 9/11 family members. Uniformed and civilian family members have asked Cordoba for tolerance, understanding and sensitivity to the feelings of the majority of families who are deeply offended by the thought of a mosque and cultural center at this site. FDNY, NYPD and civilian family members have joined thousands of others to demonstrate against building this structure so close to the sacred ground of the WTC site.
Our family members will not allow the memory of the lives and deaths of their loved ones to be used as a tool for the Cordoba Initiative. To use this play to imply a "dialogue with 9/11 families" as a basis for obtaining funding from the LMDC and other sources across the country for an Islamic center at GZ, is a disingenuous travesty.
The vast majority of 9/11 family members oppose this building. We will continue to speak out to oppose the co opting of the narrative of 9/11 by self serving individuals and groups. We will not allow the story of 9/11 and the lives and deaths of our loved ones to be hijacked for the shameless self promotion of those individuals and groups whose goal is to build an Islamic center and mosque near the sacred ground.
The memory of our loved ones, who lived and died for this country on 9/11, deserves nothing less.
*Family members will attend this play and will be available to discuss their viewpoints before and after the performance .
Frankfurt airport shooting: two killed, two wounded in attack on US military bus
Kids beaten for being bad Muslims, caseworker says Boy was beaten for not following Islam closely enough, girls say THE COLUMBUS DISPATCH hat tip Diane
WHERE: Cordoba Initiative / American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA) and Interchurch Center, 475 Riverside Drive, NYC, (Claremont Ave. entrance)
WHEN: Wednesday, March 2, 2011 at 6:00PM
WHY : Members of "9/11 Parents and Families of Firefighters and WTC Victims" and " Advocates for a 9/11 Fallen Heroes Memorial" are shocked and appalled that a play, Performing Tribute which is closely identified and aligned with the "September 11th Families' Association Tribute WTC Visitor Center" is now being promoted and presented by Daisy Kahn. The play will be performed at an Interfaith Center located at the address of the Cordoba Initiative & ASMA offices, 475 Riverside Drive, NYC, on Wednesday, March 2nd, at 6:30PM.
Ms. Kahn and The Cordoba Initiative are the driving force behind the renamed "Park 51" cultural center and mosque project which has been the focus of great consternation and grief for many 9/11 family members. Uniformed and civilian family members have asked Cordoba for tolerance, understanding and sensitivity to the feelings of the majority of families who are deeply offended by the thought of a mosque and cultural center at this site. FDNY, NYPD and civilian family members have joined thousands of others to demonstrate against building this structure so close to the sacred ground of the WTC site.
Our family members will not allow the memory of the lives and deaths of their loved ones to be used as a tool for the Cordoba Initiative. To use this play to imply a "dialogue with 9/11 families" as a basis for obtaining funding from the LMDC and other sources across the country for an Islamic center at GZ, is a disingenuous travesty.
The vast majority of 9/11 family members oppose this building. We will continue to speak out to oppose the co opting of the narrative of 9/11 by self serving individuals and groups. We will not allow the story of 9/11 and the lives and deaths of our loved ones to be hijacked for the shameless self promotion of those individuals and groups whose goal is to build an Islamic center and mosque near the sacred ground.
The memory of our loved ones, who lived and died for this country on 9/11, deserves nothing less.
*Family members will attend this play and will be available to discuss their viewpoints before and after the performance .
Rosaleen Tallon -
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Posted by
Britannia Radio