The CIA’s Libya Rebels:
2007 West Point Study Shows Benghazi-Darnah-Tobruk Area
By Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.
Many commentators have voiced anxiety because of the mystery which surrounds the anti-Qaddafi transitional government which emerged at the beginning of March in the city of Benghazi. Continue
By James Petras
The enormous concentration of wealth in the hands of this tiny parasitical ruling class is one reason why the US has the worst inequalities of any advanced economy and among the worst in the entire world. Continue
What They're Covering Up at Fukushima: I’m speaking of the worst case, but the probability is not low. This is the danger that the world is watching.
Google funds tools to expose government attempts to censor, shut down the Internet:Georgia Tech researchers devising tools to give end users visibility into government censorship, service provider bandwidth throttling, equipment issues
Portugal braces for govt collapse over debt vote: Portugal's government is on the verge of collapse after opposition parties withdrew their support for another round of austerity policies aimed at averting a financial bailout.
Warren Buffett: The U.S. is moving toward plutocracy : The rich have more influence in politics than they did 50 years ago."
US home sales slump to lowest level since 1960's: Sales tumbled nearly 17 percent in February, the Commerce Department said, to a seasonally adjusted total of 250,000 sales during the month. The biggest slowdown in turnover was seen in the country's populous northeast, with sales down 57 percent from January.