Dear Daily Crux reader,
Each day, the Crux team canvases the investment advisory world to bring you the world's top insight and news. Here are the top selling products in the industry right now...
How to tell who is lying to you
If you could tell in advance who was lying to you and who wasn't... then you'd probably end up saving (and making) a lot of money in the process. One West Coast man has created a technology that helps him to do just that. He used it to help him spot lies in the real estate market in 2005-6... and ended up selling his own house as a result, before the market came crashing down. He used it recently to pick up activity in the silver market, which led to a 210% gain. What's it helping him detect today?
You could be paying $10 a gallon by March 11
Do you remember the 1970's? Unrest in the Middle East could soon lead to $200 oil. Gas lines may return soon. But some investors aren't losing any sleep. So turn off the news, and click here to find out how this is possible.
How the ultra rich really invest
Through a German business partner (he's worth over $100 million and has connections to some of Europe's richest families), my family has learned exactly how the ultra rich invest their money. For over a year now, my dad and I have been working on a way to make the benefits of this long-time secret of the super wealthy available to people like you. It's very elite. It involves my family, a small circle of old friends and associates, and some savvy wealth builders. And maybe you.
Can this mathematical formula make you wealthy?
Cambridge-trained mathematician Martin Hutchinson proves that it can. His "Rich Man's Multiplier" quietly exploits a little-known market anomaly and quickly boosts yields by 50 to 100%. Martin's readers have already had the opportunity to pocket $119,362 in gains because of this very formula. They're currently sitting on gains of 162%, 133% and 160%, to name a few. Anyone can use it.
A stunning power shift -- back to the USA
If this video is any indication, we're about to see one of the greatest power shifts in geopolitical history. A move that would have been simply unimaginable a decade ago. And for investors on the right side of this trend, it could mean a windfall.
Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux
Saturday, 5 March 2011
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Britannia Radio