Thursday, 10 March 2011

European Union Directives,Regulations and Laws.
EU countries not ready for cookie law
Alex Hanff, of Privacy International, said he is shocked by how unprepared Europeangovernments are for the directive which comes into force on 25 May. He said that thelaw has been coming for three years and the IT industry and governments are simply...
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Oilseed groups concerned with EU energy directives
Southeast Farm Press
“As other Member States transpose the RED into national law, ASA anticipates the economic viability of exporting US soybeans to the EU will be further eroded, and that a $1 billion market could be lost.” In order for biofuels to qualify for EU tax ...
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EU to monitor implementation of media law, says EP President
The European Commission's expectation was for Hungary to bring the media law in line with the EUbasic treaty and the audiovisual media services directive. Buzek said the process showed that theEU is working effectively, checking that national laws ...
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EU Demands "opt-in" for Cookies. New Legislation on its Way
By ottor
In a stricter interpretation, it may mean that the visitor must approve all types of tracking. Here is an extreme example of how this might look on a website: 2. ...
KliKKi - Search Engine Optimization,... -
Why the Cookie Monster Won't Kill European Startups: Tech News and ...
By Bobbie Johnson
It doesn't make opt-in compulsory yet. Because of the system, directives take a long time to become enforceable laws. So while the directive might come into force on May 25, it's not going to be resulting in court cases for years. ... The EU directive isn't a perfectly-formulated piece of work by any stretch of the imagination, but if the continent's entrepreneurs really want to be competitive with the rest of the world they'll have to pick their battles carefully and ...
GigaOM -

Commission Directive 2011/33/EU of 8 March 2011 amending Council ...
at the latest the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with thisDirective. They shall forthwith ...
EU Treaties, Directives, Regulations and court judgments. We advise on: Competition law and State aid. •. Regulatory law, including sectoral regulation, ...
ECJ: Ireland breaching EU law again; system for assessing big ...
This is a discussion on ECJ: Ireland breaching EU law again; system for .... reporting/accountingregulations and environmental protection directive that emerged ... However without various EUenvironmental directives there is no doubt ...
News release 8 March 2011 UK businesses must 'wake up' to new EU ...
The new law, which will come into force on 25 May 2011, is an amendment to the EU's Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive. It will require UK businesses ... “Once the new regulationsare published there will be a major job of ...