Friday, 25 March 2011

Christian Concern

Christian Weekly News

Every Friday Christian Concern will bring you stories of fundamental significance to Christians and our Nation. To equip you to pray and act. To put the hope of Christ at the centre of our Nation.

Please visit our website at:

Christian Concern is pleased to be leading the Not Ashamed initiative.

In this edition

Highlights, Religious Freedom, Church, Family and Social, Abortion, End of Life and Bioethics, Sexual Orientation, Islam, International Persecution, Events

Christian Weekly News

Action Alert

Opposing Sex Establishments – Action Point

neon lightsMany of our cities and towns are blighted by an increasing number of sexual entertainment venues.

The law relating to sex entertainment licences changed in 2010 and Christian Concern have produced a guide (
here) which may be of interest to those who want to oppose local sex entertainment venues.

From 6 April 2010, local authorities have been able to adopt a resolution which gives them extended powers to control sex establishments.

If a local authority has not made a resolution before 5 April 2011, it must, as soon as is reasonably practicable, consult local people about whether such a resolution should be made.

If your local authority has not adopted a resolution, we would encourage you to contact the licensing department to find out whether there are plans for the resolution to be adopted.

Local Counsellor Peter Wilson talks about opposing sex establishments in his area in
this video.

The recent decision of the local authority in Oxford to deny a licence to a sex venue outside St Ebbes church has now been appealed and we will let you know any further developments.

Sign the Petition – 100,000 signatures secures a Parliamentary debate

PetitionPlease sign our recently launched Equalities and Conscience Petition here.

We registered 1000 signatures in 1 hour. It would be great to get 100,000 signatures!

Prime Minister David Cameron has previously indicated that any petition with a million signatures will allow members of the public to introduce a bill on which MPs will be required to vote; and any petition that collects 100,000 signatures will be eligible to be formally debated in the Commons.

Please can you help us make this happen?

Please help us to secure as many signatures as possible. Please forward the petition to your friends, promote it on facebook and print off the sheets
here to collect signatures at your church.

Contribute to Egg and Sperm Donation Survey

HFEA logoThe Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) is conducting a survey on the donation of eggs and sperm. The issues are often controversial which is unsurprising given what donation involves: making children who will not be genetically related to their parents. The HFEA regulates sperm and egg donation and treatment.

It is important that the HFEA hear a Christian voice on this issue. Please take part

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