Sir Howard Davies is being treated by the BBC as if he were the first martyr of the London School of Economics given his resignation over LSE closeness to the Libyan tyranny. However I get the impression from BBC coverage of this issue (On Today 8.34am and 8.49am, a double whammy!) that the BBC thinks Sir Howard has perhaps been a little precipitative in his resignation over this "unfortunate" issue and anyway, isn't UK business itself guilty of taking money from some questionable sources? Never miss the opportunity to attack the capitalist system, right? Of course the biggest scandal of all is that millions of us Brits are forced by the BBC to given them our cash to fund their social engineering broadcasting network. That is every bit as big a scandal as anything the LSE do with Libyan blodd money. To all of those cynics out there who consider the EU a black-hearted tyranny, chill. Richard Black, BBC Environment correspondent brings us good news... THE FIRST MARTYR OF THE LSE....
>> SATURDAY, MARCH 05, 2011
The European Commission will not call for tougher targets on carbon emmissions despite analysis showing doing so would be cost-effective.
If you read the item he has posted, there is a distinct sense ofdisappointment that the noble Eurocrats have not imposed even stiffer targets on carbon emissions, thus implying that the 20% targets already in place are reaonable and sensible - when nothing could be further from the truth! Fellow B-BBC writer Robin Horbury has done a great job exposing the activist role played by Black and others even as they posture as models of journalistic impartiality. I simply take the view that everything Black says is just...well, so much hot air. Can we cap that?BBC DEMI-GODS
If you examine the 2005 report by Lord Wilson of Dinton into the BBC's coverage of EU-related matters, what leaps out is bias by omission, the crude but systematic ignoring by BBC journalists of important EU issues. Six years on, nothing has changed. Transcripts of relevant items on yesterday's main news programmes on BBC radio and television show that there was scarcely any discussion of UKIP's remarkable second-place result in the Barnsley by-election. There was a 20-seconds soundbite from Nigel Farage on Today, but that was virtually it; UKIP was airbrushed out and the only angle that was covered was that the Lib Dems got a good kicking - giving BBC journalists another excuse to continue with their cacophony of anti-cuts stories. This fits in with their long-term agenda to both brand UKIP as loonies and otherwise ignore the party. The idea that UKIP reflects a major and fast-growing anti-EU swell of opinion is repugant to all BBC journalists. In fact, the EU only ever comes under criticism from the BBC when there is worry that Brussels is not doing enough about climate change. Here, Richard Black sets out at length and without balance the views of those who think that an already suicidal 20% cut in C02 emissions should be increased to a lunatic 25% or more. To enliven his argument, he highlights a quote from a group of his eco-zealot chums called Sandbag, the jolly members of which are pictured above. They say, no doubt exactly in line with Mr Black's own views:
"The scaremongering tactics of a handful of industrial lobbyists have successfully castrated Europe's climate ambitions”
As I have noted before, there's a clear link between Sandbag and theFuterra PR camapigning group which trains BBC personnel in propaganda techniques. That aside, as far as I can see, the only qualifications that this loathsome self-important, eco-fascist group have to lecture us are that they have spent years on fat salaries working for groups such as Oxfam and WWF. For Mr Black, of course, they are demi-gods.
Saturday, 5 March 2011
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Britannia Radio