“Think of a 16th-century witchcraft trial, take away the transparency and public approval, and you have it about right.”

Caring Labour Lender Donating Interest to Tories
So we’re being lectured on how the economy should be run by a party teetering on the verge of bankruptcy, whose shadow chancellor is in trouble over debt AND expenses claims.
Maguire’s Dire Conspiracy
The Libyan crisis has had more than its fair share of nonsense around it. First Hague declared Gaddafi was en route to Venezuela and today Kevin Maguire isn’t letting reality get in the way of a good story:
“The theory in Libyan exile circles is the squad was carrying explosives because it was on a sabotage mission. And it gets worse. The anti-Gaddafi Libyans assert the unit intended to destroy rebel positions and blame atrocities on Gaddafi’s forces, to stir up the civil war and win international sympathy, as well as targeting the Colonel’s military machine.”
And the source of this accusation of state sanctioned murder and war crimes? Well some bloke who is Libyan and “mixes with other Libyans in London”. Guido isn’t coming out to bat for Hague, but pull the other one Kev…