Damian Green said any new member state joining the EU will face the most “stringent controls” on access to the labour market – which would mean a bar on working here for seven years. Officials also hope many of the current Eastern European migrants will head to Germany, Austria and other, closer, countries from next month when they are forced to lift similar restrictions imposed in 2004. The UK was one of only three countries that gave full access to jobs for workers from the eight Eastern European nations, including Poland and the Czech Republic, when they joined the EU in 2004. Other countries used existing powers to impose “transitional restrictions” on the new members, preventing them from access to jobs for seven years. Those arrangements come to a close at the end of next month and Mr Green told MPs yesterday: “This government will push for stringent controls to stop workers from new member states from being able to access our labour market – we will not repeat the mistakes of the past. “It is in no one’s interest to see another unplanned influx from abroad. We need to protect the interests of British workers.” Turkey, which has a population of almost 80 million, is an official candidate for future EU membership, along with Croatia, Iceland, Macedonia and Montenegro. Albania and Serbia have also applied. But Mr Green said the Government would look to apply transitional restrictions “as a matter of course” to any future member. The lifting seven-year restrictions for the 2004 entrants means they can go to any other member state from May for work. In the UK it means hundreds of thousands of extra migrant will have greater access to state benefits. While the country opened the, it imposed a 12-month restriction for each arriving migrant for access to some handouts. But with the transitional arrangements lifted, any Eastern European who shows they have lived in the UK for three months will be able to claim hundreds of pounds a week in jobseeker's allowance, council tax and housing benefits. The change in rules will also lead to a rise in the number of eastern Europeans living in Britain who receive child benefit for children still living in their home country. It emerged last year that there are already more than 32,000 children living in eastern Europe whose parents receive child benefit in Britain.Future EU members to be barred from UK jobs
Migrants from future EU countries will be banned from taking British jobs to avoid a repeat of Labour’s “mistake” that saw more than a million Eastern Europeans head here for work, the immigration minister said yesterday.
Friday, 11 March 2011
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Britannia Radio