The mainline media are exclaiming that freedom is breaking out all over the Middle East. And with what, exactly, are we replacing it?
John's boralogue analyzes why the reporting from the Middle East is ignoring critical indicators that things may not end well. They are blinded by their worldview and commitment to multicultural ideology.
Dexter van Zile from CAMERA ( is today's first guest and we'll focus on the history of the Muslim Brotherhood. The mainline press are running interference for this organization, which has a long-standing position of advocating violence against Jews and infidels.
Then we'll switch to the condition of Christians in countries under revolution, notably the Copts in Egypt. Ibrahim Habib from United Copts of Great Britain ( joins the conversation.
Popcorn time follows so we can run clips of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke trying to convince congress there is no inflation. Also, a big green dragon is raising its head from one of those bills congress doesn't read when it passes legislation. Frank Suess ( explains.
Finally, has the U.S. Constitution totally failed? If it's kaput, can we fix it? Constitutional scholar Dr. Robert Owens