Laura: In Tennessee the left are joining up with muslim brotherhood front groups to defend jihad and the implementation of sharia law under the guise of defending freedom of religion for muslims, which this proposed law in Tennessee does NOT hinder. But of course this is typical of the treachery of the left which desires the downfall of America. What I find more disturbing are those small number of conservatives who find sharia appealing as a way to deal with America’s moral decay. They have the misconception that islamic societies are morally superior. They have the misconception that women are respected and protected. But in fact under sharia women are chattel and violence against women is sanctioned, often rape victims are imprisoned not their perpetrators. Female genital mutilation, stoning, little girls being married off to old men are acceptable and legal practices under sharia. Also human trafficking and sex slavery is... Ya’alon: Leave the Situation in the PA As Is “It’s no secret that I am not satisfied with the enforcement policy in Judea and Samaria. As a law-abiding citizen I think we need to enforce the law against illegal construction, be it Jewish or Arab. Regarding our right to build and live in Judea and Samaria, I have expressed my opinion more than once: I am not satisfied with the way this right is applied.” “Such questions should not be referred to me. I said I am not satisfied with the policy and I have been acting accordingly over the last two years.” Will I get... By Ted Belman James Prince, president of the Democracy Council and a leading expert in democracy and civil society in the Arab world, suggests Why Israel should support Arab democracy and acknowledges, Yes, the long road to democracy in the Arab world, like in the West, will be messy with many chances for landmines, static defenses and roadblocks. It will take years, if not decades, to develop and institutionalize real reforms, during which time newly vocal stakeholders from across the political spectrum, including liberal and conservative political Islamists, will vie for the prevailing position. And, yes, the average Arab in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen and elsewhere believes in a more hard-line position than that of his dictatorial rulers. This will, no doubt, mean that regional governments will take a more strident position in bilateral talks with the United States and in multinational forums such as the Arab League and the United Nations. But is not deterred. ...Leftists and Islamists Align to Halt Tennessee Legislation
Yaalon sheds light on government policy
Another issue is the communities in Judea and Samaria. Does it seem reasonable to you that the authority to approve new construction is in the hands of the Minister of Defense? After all, it is often a political person, like Barak, whose political interest is to prevent construction. Is there no conflict of interest?
What about the functionality of the Defense Minister?Belman: “For Muslims to embrace democracy they would have to reject Islam.”
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Saturday, 5 March 2011
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