Friday, 11 March 2011

March 11, 2011

Leftist Press and Academia, Torpedo Arizona State rights
On March 3rd, Arizona Senator Lori Klein was one vote shy of passing her SB 1433 initiative which would have made Arizona the first in the nation to protect its Tenth Amendment rights and place the state in a position to void unconstitutional acts of the federal government currently bankrupting all states. Sixteen Senate votes were needed to pass the measure on to the House and on March 4th, sixteen senators voted YES to put SB 1433 back on the floor for consideration vote on March 8th......
by JB Williams

Obama Calling Tea Party Racist Reveals A Disturbing Reality
Please consider the validity of what I am about to say rather than having a knee jerk reaction dismissing it as being “over the top.” Folks, we have an irresponsible egocentric evil man occupying the Oval Office. The democrats and the liberal mainstream media sold the American people on Obama, “the man.” Despite Obama's zero experience at running anything, they said a leader with his spirit and heart was “what we have...”.......
by Lloyd Marcus

Tears Help Radical Rep. Ellison Deflect Scrutiny of His Own Record
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) got some headlines for breaking down in tears during the Homeland Security Committee hearing on Thursday, but another witness, Abdirizak Bihi, Director of the Somali Education and Social Advocacy Center in Minneapolis, offered something more newsworthy—an indictment of Ellison himself. Although he didn’t identify Ellison by name, Bihi’s criticism of local leaders, religious and political, was seen as partly a reference to Ellison being an obstacle to finding out what.....
by Cliff Kincaid

Michelle Obama, 'Bullying Summit' and Islamic Radicalism
Americans must stand for Freedom, responsibility and hope in our schools, but also around the world. This President is a total failure and coward when standing for freedom movements going on right in front of our eyes. To hear lectures from Obama and Hillary that we are not to lead but to follow is not only UN American but only hurts the world more than it is already hurting with the push of radical Islam and tyranny......
by Laurie Roth