Your agenda is to put out a dual message – to discredit and polarize the conservative movement to the benefit of the establishment left and the elite. Your bizarre and clownish antics of fake crying, which you proved were staged when you replicated them on demand for a GQ photo shoot, are doing nothing but reinforcing the stereotype that the conservative right is insane. Your entire 9/12 project has nothing to do with uniting America and everything to do with reinforcing neo-conservative rhetoric about how we should relinquish our rights and accept the police state because terrorists want to attack us and Saddam Hussein has WMD’s and yellowcake.MARCH 5, 2011
Glenn Beck is a Traitor, Alex Jones is a Patriot
For instance, "Beck takes a page from Jones in discussing state-sponsored terror, but twists it for use against Democrats — ignoring Jones’ more radical theory that both parties are historically capable of heinous acts against their own people," writes Zaitchik. In other words, Beck is a republican and elitist shill, while Alex is a maverick and a true patriot who cares about the well-being of his country, and mankind, not any political party or ruling class.
Alex is the quintessential truth-teller, and rebel. He is the real thing. Beck is not only a copycat, but he is a copycat who changes his spots in order to bamboozle the millions of people who watch Fox News, mistaking it to be the anecdote to the so-called "liberal media," and "liberal agenda."
The truth is there is no liberal media, or liberal agenda. Conservatives and republicans of good will have bought the myth that their enemies are on the left. In reality, conservatives and liberals can be allies and friends against America's real enemies: Washington's war criminals, and Wall Street's criminal banks.
Conservatives should be worried about an agenda that threatens America, but it is a corporatist, globalist agenda. Banks on Wall Street, the leadership of Congress and the Senate, and the President of the United States in the last thirty years, from Reagan and Bush, to Clinton, Bush and Obama, have deliberately deindustrialized America, deceived the American people about the nature of U.S. foreign policy and its wars, and overlooked a transfer of wealth from the poor and the middle class to globally minded oligarchs who are banking on the fact that the American people will be asleep until the day they are finally slaughtered, and shoved aside.
Glenn Beck has gained wealth and fame not by alerting the American people to this very real agenda, but by selling himself as a faithful follower of the constitution and a supporter of conservative values to a clueless and horribly betrayed audience. If the Fox News audience was ever informed that the shining lights on Fox News like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly are in reality devious liars and paid partisan propagandists, they would get mad and demand justice.
Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, and others on Fox News are not innocent, or merely cynical stooges. They have deviously sold their gullible listeners a false bill of goods, which includes the official lie about 9/11, two criminal wars in the Middle East which have caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, Wall Street's rape and takeover of America's economy, and other scandalous events. They could care less about the disappearance of the American middle class, the destruction of America's freedoms under the USA Patriot Act and Homeland Security, and the needless deaths of American soldiers, Iraqis, and Afghans, because they don't have any inkling of patriotism, or love in their dark hearts.
What do you call people who knowingly deceive you into false wars, and persuade you to hand over your life savings and hard-earned tax dollars to cover-up financial crimes committed by soulless bankers? Traitors. We should not shy away from using this word. Beck is not just a sad clown, or your average television whore, he is a traitor because he is consciously dividing his country during a time of crisis. Instead of bringing the left and right together in a common cause against the bankrupt two-party beast, the military-industrial complex's illegal wars, and crooked banks, Beck is pitting ignorant and brainwashed conservatives who love their country against ignorant and brainwashed liberals who also love their country.
Beck is a divider, whereas Alex is a unifier and a real leader. Alex doesn't play ball with the republican establishment, the democratic establishment, and the corporate titans of the news world like Roger Ailes or Rupert Murdoch. He is a man on a mission to educate his countrymen and help save his country. Beck is on a mission to nowhere. His fame is fleeting, and his reputation among his followers will sink when they realize that he is a total fraud. Alex's roots run deep, his moral and intellectual foundation is strong, and his ship is made of steel, which is the complete opposite of Beck. His ship is made of paper, he didn't dig deep for the truth, and he is fine with lying to people about war and murder.
A man who consciously divides his country and helps destroys it by failing to inform his countrymen about the real dangers that threatens their lives and future deserves scorn, and ultimately, a rope around his neck.
Apart from being a traitor, Beck is also a cheap scam artist. People with discernment and good judgment were able to tell right away that Beck was a classic huckster. Fox News was dirty and treacherous before Glenn Beck was brought on board during the first year of Obama's presidency, but since his arrival in January 2009 Fox News has entered the political arena by manufacturing political rallies against the Obama administration. It can no longer be viewed as a right-wing media organization, but a political weapon used by the republican establishment against the American people.
Beck is not focused mainly on repeating republican talking points, which O'Reilly and Hannity mastered with their propaganda operations during the Bush era, instead, he has branched out into the dangerous territory of cultural myth-making, and political scapegoating. He tells his millions of listeners every day that progressives and democrats are responsible for all the problems in America but that is a total lie. Both parties are responsible for the downfall of America. To say otherwise is insane.
Can Beck reform, and walk the path of righteousness with integrity and honesty? I doubt it. He is an opportunist, not a patriot. Beck loves wealth and short-lived recognition more than the truth, and his country. He has chosen his fate. I think it is sad, and tragic. But, not surprising. There are traitors in every country, and every era. Beck probably believes he's on the winning side, the side of the oligarchs, and he doesn't mind fooling conservatives because it's a well-paying gig. If America wasn't a "nation run by swine," as Hunter S. Thompson said, Beck would still be a scumbag on some small-town radio show, not a mega-television star.
In September 2009, Alex wrote an open letter to Glenn Beck, telling him to be on the right side of history. Of course, Beck didn't heed the call. He is happy that his new mask has brought with it millions of dollars, and a prime-time show. Here is an excerpt from Alex's letter:History is what matters and being on the right side of history is what’s important when it comes to the legacy we leave on this planet. You don’t want people to look back on you as a Benedict Arnold, as a traitor to America. You don’t want people to look back on you as a media whore, as playing the role of being loyal opposition to sucker legitimate and growing grass roots opposition to the new world order.
People who compare Alex with Beck, or view Alex as a wackier version of Beck have no clue what they are talking about. Alex is nothing like Beck. Beck is a fraudster. Alex is filled with courage, compassion, and love for his country. He is not misleading his audience by saying that the democrats deserve all the blame for America's problems like Beck is doing, and he doesn't endorse ignorant and deceptive political opportunists like Sarah Palin. He is an anti-war and anti-corruption voice who deserves to be recognized by the mainstream press for the hard-working hero and patriot that he is, not marginalized and ridiculed.
Alex's meteoric rise into the mainstream is an indication that American culture is resilient and good. Scum like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin can rise, but so do good men like Ron Paul and Alex Jones. This was also true in the 1960s, when Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, and other peaceful warriors were rising. They appealed to the better natures of the American people, rather than instilling fear in their minds about the exaggerated communist threat.
The exaggerated threat in our day is terrorism. It is a manufactured threat, and the fact that Alex has done the most to expose this charade should not be forgotten. If Alex was given a national platform on a television network he would undoubtedly lead America into a new enlightenment, and a new political renaissance. He has the talent, and potential to be one of the greatest Americans ever, and remembered as a real hero. His popularity will continue to climb because he has been telling the truth for years. May God bless him, and his loud voice, because it is one of mankind's greatest resources against tyranny in the 21st century.
You should read Alex's letter to Beck in its entirely. He ended the letter by appealing to Beck's better instincts:"I appeal to you directly Glenn – think twice about what you are doing, think twice about what you are a part of right now. Try to do what you can to redeem yourself and don’t be a Benedict Arnold, don’t be a traitor that takes legions of good-natured but hoodwinked people down the rat hole with you as America collapses because those who had voices and platforms used them to deceive and distract rather than tell the truth."
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Rolling Stone has caught on to the fact that the Glenn Beck show is a cheap imitation of the Alex Jones show. Alexander Zaitchik, who wrotea profile of Alex Jones for Rolling Stone, calling him "the most paranoid man in America," says in another piece on Alex, this time focusing on his influence on Beck, that Beck is "reverse engineering," material that is first covered by Alex on his show and then using it to attack progressives and the left while protecting the republican party and the American corporatocracy.
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Britannia Radio