Saturday, 12 March 2011 09:06
'The recent article about Russia criticizing US and NATO forces (attached below) struck a chord with me because just a few weeks ago, I discussed how and why I believed US and NATO forces to be the world’s largest drug cartel. The push into the Helmand Province was a key element, being some of the most fertile production areas in the world. In that article, I asked why US and NATO forces have not begun destroying the opium fields, salting the region or even engineering a Monsanto-like gene to sterilize the plants.
In response, I received multiple emails talking about the “poor farmers who have nothing else to do” and how many people would starve if we destroyed the poppy fields. I read several articles on USA Today, CNN, FOX, etc talking about the same thing. They were shifting the blame. The poor Afghan farmer was the victim in these emails and articles.'
Read more: Oil? We’re Here for the Heroin! (at $19,923,200 per barrel!)
Saturday, 12 March 2011 08:31
'The true evils of a man like David Rockefeller are not the most obvious. Sure, he was probably involved in the decision to have Pearl Harbor attacked without warning, given his placement in the scheme of things at the time. Sure he was probably connected to 9/11 one way or another; directly, or through people he leveraged into place over time.
Sure, he actively engaged in promoting wars around the world throughout his life and definitely, he and brother, Nelson visited the most terrible of conditions upon Latin and South America. They and the Rothschilds must have been stepping all over each other every time they turned around. Can I get a hearty, ‘Rio Tinto, te quiero’!
You probably cannot find any great evil of the last 6 decades that David didn’t have some kind of a hand in, profited from or approved of but the real impact of his presence isn’t noted as it should be. In a similar fashion to his brother’s draconian drug law when he was governor of New York, David’s association with The Free Trade Agreement had more to do with destroying America and the livelihoods of the poor and middle class Americans than anything else you can think of. You probably know it as NAFTA.'
Read more: The David Rockefeller, Ball and Chain, Armageddon Club.