READ THE NEWS ON ONE CLICK 1. Bradley Manning Speaks READ THE NEWS ON ONE CLICK hearts go out to those affected by the Japan tsunami
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The alleged WikiLeaks source, Bradley Manning, has released an eleven page document that details the way that he is being treated by the US government at the Quantico prison in Virginia. This is the first time that Bradley has spoken of his treatment. Even though prison psychiatrists have found that Bradley is not a danger to himself, he is being kept on suicide watch as a pretext for torture in an attempt to break him, naked and essentially blind. His account is entirely harrowing. What the United States is doing to Bradley Manning is simply atrocious. Every time you read of the United States criticising third world regimes for contravening Human Rights, just remember what this so-called democracy is doing to this young man who has been kept in solitary confinement without trial for the last 298 days. Please donate to the Bradley Manning Advocacy Fund without delay.
The One Click Group
Related Links:
Rebuttal To Complaint Of Wrongs Under Article 138 UCMJ
Private First Class Bradley Manning U.S. Army
* Manning’s Father Condemns Treatment of Imprisoned Son
Kim Zetter, Wired
2. Anonymous Threatens To Post Information On Bradley Manning's Guards
The hive mind collective Anonymous is giving the U.S. military until Monday to improve its treatment of Bradley Manning, the U.S. army private accused of leaking classified information to Wikileaks. The threat is to post the personal information of the staff at the Quantico, Va., marine base where Manning is being held, according to Barrett Brown, who describes himself as the group's spokesperson. The reason for the attack is the inhumane treatment of Manning, Brown says. "To me, when you strip down a U.S. soldier -- strip him naked - and force him to stand outside of his cell, you lose your status as a human being," he said. Brown himself says he and the group have contacts within the military. "This isn't the kid in the basement," Brown said. "If HB Gary had known that they'd have backed off."
Jesse Emspak, International Business Times
3. Alex Deane: Why I won't be completing the UK Census
I'm not going to fill out the Census form that I received yesterday. I thought that I would write a piece here to set out why. My view is not unorthodox. Indeed, as I've explained on this site before, my view is precisely the one held by the Conservative Party before the election - that the Census in this form is "invasive and intrusive". I think that this 32-page Census is wildly excessive. It's not a marginal question, not one that is in doubt - it is completely unacceptable in my view (again, for what it's worth, my view is no more than that held by my Party in opposition). One's threatened with the law in relation to the Census, of course - just as our bullying bureaucracy likes to threaten us with punishment to ensure that we bow down to them over just about everything. But millions of people won't bother to complete the form without ramifications - three million didn't comply last time, and there were fewer than 100 prosecutions. Why can't I bring myself to complete and sign this dreadful nonsense, even though there's no real harm that will come to me personally if I do, and the avoidance of potential pain is assured if I do? Because it symbolises all that's wrong with modern Britain, and I don't want to go along with it.
Alex Deane, Conservative Home
Related Links:
* UK Census 2011: Police Have Fishing Expedition Rights To Your Data
Kathleen Hall, Computer Weekly
* Surveillance State: Fury As Cops Given Access To Your File
Neil Chandler, Daily Star
* ConDem Government Provokes £480m Worth Of Civil Unrest - UK Census 2011
Brian Reade, Daily Mirror
* UK Census 2011: ConDem Government vs. Electorate Unrest
JP Floru, Adam Smith Institute
* UK ConDem Government Launches Census 2011 Bureaucratic Assault
Ian Dunt,
* The census has become far too nosey
Philip Johnston, Daily Telegraph
* Census spies will track every home: Anger at 'intrusion of vast computer network'
Steve Doughty, Daily Mail
4. Japan reports sixth infant death after vaccination
Japan's health ministry on Thursday reported the death of a sixth infant who recently received vaccinations made by Pfizer or Sanofi-Aventis that have been suspended since last week. The ministry said the unidentified boy, aged between six months and one year, died seven days after receiving Sanofi Pasteur's ActHIB in combination with a DPT shot for diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus on February 15.
Related Links:
* Japan Withdraws Pfizer & Sanofi Vaccines After Four Infants Die
Kyodo News, The Japan Times
5. NVIC's 'Ask Nurse Vicky' Educates Consumers
A new online video health education program produced by the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) will feature Vicky Debold, RN, PhD, responding to letters from consumers asking questions about vaccination. Since its founding in 1982, NVIC has responded to letters and telephone calls from parents seeking more information about infectious diseases and vaccines and has provided networking support to those reporting vaccine reactions. "Ask Nurse Vicky" was created by Vicky Debold, who is NVIC's volunteer Director of Research and Patient Safety, to educate vaccine consumers about ways to minimize the risk to individuals for suffering a vaccine reaction. "Last year, NVIC received more than 3,000 requests for information. Clearly, there is an enormous unmet need for factual information supporting informed vaccination decision making," said Dr. Debold, who is a public health educator and nurse with many years of professional expe rience.
Information Release, National Vaccine Information Center
6. Survey - state of health of unvaccinated children
For statistical evaluation of the state of health of entirely unvaccinated children we request you to fill out the following form. The data will be published anonymously and handled with utmost confidentiality. The results help us to acquire accurate information about the health of unvaccinated children. Before filling out the survey, please check the hospital birthing record, whether your kid got hepatitis B vaccination at birth in hospital. If you have several children, please fill in a form for each child.
Vaccine Injury Info
7. This Year Alone, Drug Industry To Lose $50 Billion
At long last Big Pharma's ill-begotten profits are slated to take a major financial hit. "This is panic time, this is truly panic time for the industry," said Kenneth I. Kaitin, director of the Center for the Study of Drug Development at Tufts University in Medford, Mass. This industry's mythological (false) claims about its expenditures on "Research and Development" are proven to be nothing but smoke and mirrors. In reality, this industry has failed utterly to plan ahead for the future--as genuine productive businesses do. The fact is, this industry failed to devote adequate resources to genuine research and development. Instead, Pharma put its money on marketing "me too" drugs of no real clinical value.
Vera Hassner Sharav, AHRP
8. 100% Of Drugs Meta Analyses Reviewed Are Corrupted By Pharma
Meta-analyses — studies that combine and analyze the results of several studies on a topic — are among the most influential papers published in medical journals. They’re cited more than any other type of study, and are relied on heavily when medical groups determine their best practices. A new study has found, however, that meta-analyses leave out a crucial bit of information: financial conflicts of interest in the studies they analyze. As reported Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), researchers reviewed 29 meta-analyses of drug treatments published in top-tier medical journals (including JAMA, the New England Journal of Medicine, and the Annals of Internal Medicine) during a 10-month period in 2009. These meta-analyses included data from 509 randomized controlled trials. The researchers found that none of the meta-analyses reported the financial conflicts of interest (ties to the pharmaceutical industry) o f the authors of the original randomized controlled trials and only two provided information on conflicts of interest regarding the trials’ funding sources. 100 percent of the trials being analyzed reported at least one conflict of interest (pharmaceutical funding or author-industry financial ties), yet only one of those meta-analyses made mention of that fact.
Susan Perry, MinnPost
9. WHO-appointed experts slam handling of swine flu
A WHO-appointed group of experts published on Thursday a damning report on the UN agency's handling of the H1N1 flu pandemic, saying that it failed to issue timely guidance and that its flu plans needed revision. The draft report released by the agency found that a "lack of a sufficiently robust, systematic and open set of procedures for disclosing, recognizing and managing conflicts of interest among expert advisors" had contributed to suspicions about the organisation's interests. The WHO failed to dispel confusion even in the most basic definition of what constituted a pandemic, according to the experts.
Related Links:
* Swine Flu: Politicians Must Learn From Their Pharma Mistakes
Press Release, European Parliament
Friday, 11 March 2011
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Britannia Radio