Saturday, 26 March 2011

Subject:Top EU official defends Bahrain crackdown
Top EU official defends Bahrain crackdown - ANDREW RETTMAN

UOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - A senior advisor to EU foreign affairs chief C

Eatherine Ashton has defended Bahrain's security forces after they
to MEPs in the foreign affairs committee in Brussels on Tuesday (22 Ma
opened fire on protesters with live ammunition last week. Speaking
rch) after visiting Bahrain, Robert Cooper, Ashton's top advisor on the
pleasant, peaceful place." He went on: "I'm not sure if the polic
western Balkans and the Middle East, said the island is normally "a rathe
re have had to deal with these public order questions before. It's not easy dealing with large
ething that we always get right in the best Western countries and ac
demonstrations in which there may be violence. It's a difficult task for policemen. It's not so
mcidents happen." He noted that two policemen were also killed last week. Referring to opposition roadblocks on the Manama airport road, he
One should understand the authorities were right to restore calm
added: "The situation had in fact, from the point of view of the management of Bahrain, which is a small island, become almost intolerable ...
and order and that's what they've done. But that is only right if it is followed by dialogue." Bahrain security forces on Friday launched a crackdown on protesters
at unarmed civilians. Shots were also fired into the crowd from con
camped out in the capital's Pearl Square reportedly killing four and injuring over 200. Amateur video footage showed heavily-armed and balaclava-wearing men shootin
gvoys of jeeps and tanks were brought onto the streets in a level of violence described by the United Nations as "shocking." Government forces also blocked off the main hospital, preventing doctors from treating casualties.
Cooper's endorsement disturbed one MEP at the debate. "'Accide
The UN on Tuesday said that between 50 and 100 people have gone missing since the crackdown began, two of which have turned up dead. One doctor detained by security forces said he was severely beaten and threatened with rape.
nts happen?' ... I'm sorry this is a funny picture as you describe it," German Green deputy Franziska Brantner said. "What are you talking about? I find this very scary." Ashton's top diplomat in charge of the Middle East, Hugues Mingarelli,
in the next "few days." He said: "I don't see how the president
told MEPs the EU has no clout in the Gulf. "To be realistic, the instruments at our disposal, the opportunities we have, are fairly restricted," he said. Turning to Yemen, Mingarelli predicted that President Ali Abdullah Saleh is likely to fall
can govern when part of the army, several tribal leaders and parts of his own government have distanced themselves from him ... Things are getting out of control. Things are going to speed up in the next few days." He added that the EU, or EU "eminent personalities" could go to mediate in
see the difference between
Yemen if they were invited. German centre-right deputy Elmar Brok also indicated that the EU is applying double standards in its handling of Libya and of Arabian Gulf countries. Speaking of President Saleh's snipers aiming at people's heads and of wounded children, he said: "I really can't
what is happening in Libya and what is happening in Yemen." The Arabian Gulf countries are Western allies in the war on terror and in the campaign against Iran. Cooper, a career British diplomat and a writer, is credited with influencing former British leader Tony Blair. In a widely-cited
f an earlier era - force, pre-emptive attack, deception."
article in 2002 he said: "The challenge to the postmodern world is to get used to the idea of double standards. Among ourselves, we operate on the basis of laws and open co-operative security. But when dealing with more old-fashioned kinds of states ... we need to revert to the rougher methods