Two Entities That Threaten Freedom The Economy Obama Fiddles While Middle East Burns Hurry! Fight this gun bill! (Yawn) Purpose Driven dismantling of Christianity, Part 1 The real danger to traditional Christianity is not from without, but from within its own ranks. Millions of professing Christians have conformed to the world and have been taken in “through philosophy” and “the tradition of men” and are “not after Christ.” (Col. 2:8) Not that this is anything new. The attempt to blend Christianity with paganism has been going on since the days of the early church. And here we are 2 millennia later, still fighting some of the same battles. One of the major problems....... Al-Jazeera Hosted American Academics at "Opulent" Forum
My name is Tom DeWeese, President of the American Policy Center, and according to the Southern Poverty Law Center I am a right wing extremist, a racist and a potentially violent terrorist. In March, 2010, SPLC issued a report entitled “Rage on the Right: The Year in Hate and Extremism,” in which groups opposed to issues like the Obama health care plan and illegal immigration were lumped with white supremacist groups like the National Socialist Movement and Skin Heads. In August, 2010 SPLC launched an.....
by Tom DeWeese
I recently watched the Inside Job, a new documentary film by Charles Ferguson and narrated by Matt Damon. The Oscar-nominated filmmaker performs a vital public service, offering a comprehensive and forthright look at the root causes behind the 2008 global economic crisis. The Inside Job is a must-see, since the events exposed in this film are shaping the future of every American. The following is my account of the current economic crisis and how it has forever altered the way the world does business........
by Al Duncan
Obama is dangerous, ineffective, cowardly, and most UN American. The nation must rise up and vote him out in 2012. We have a lot of repair work to do here and abroad, but first we have to get our principles back into shape and our constitutional vision back in line as to who we are. Join me on my show and let me know what you think......
by Laurie Roth
How many headlines have we seen over the past two years about the usurper camped out in the White House going to grab your firearms? Endless. There are approximately 85 million gun owners in this country. How many of them voted for the putative president, Obama/Soetoro/Dunham? If every single gun owner in this country had gotten off their backsides and voted against him in November 2008, not even vote fraud could have ushered such a despicable liar into office. Yet, the numbers tell us.....
by Devvy Kidd
by Marsha West
Americans attending this event were Steve Clemons, author of The Washington Note blog; Ahmed Rehab of the Council on American-Islamic Relations; Marc Lynch, Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs at George Washington University; and Philip Seib, Professor of Journalism and Public Diplomacy and Professor of International Relations at the University of Southern California......
by Cliff Kincaid
Saturday, 19 March 2011
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Britannia Radio