March 8, 2011UK & Australia: Treason by Immigration
Saturday, 12 March 2011
There is a distinction between immigration which serves the needs of a society, and mass migration which is used by elites to dilute, divide and subdue it.
by Daniel
"Genocide involves the attempt to achieve the disappearance of a group by whatever means. It does not have to be violent, it could be a combination of policies that would lead to a certain group dying out." Malcolm Fraser (Prime Minister of Australia 1975-1983)
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Two passports are given to UK immigrants every minute. 1,500,000 were issued since Labour was elected in 1997.
The former UK Labor Party immigration minister, Phil Woolas, admitted Feb 25 that his own children have 'suffered' because the influx of migrants has taken a toll on local communities and services.
Woolas' bizarre declaration came as new official figures revealed the number of foreigners given UK passports has soared.
A total of 203,865 people were handed British citizenship in 2009 - an increase of 58 per cent on the previous year.
Tens of thousands more immigrants were also given the right to settle in the UK, with the total up 30 per cent to more than 190,000.
Quarterly immigration figures, published by the Office for National Statistics, also showed a 30 per cent increase in student visa numbers last year compared to 2008.
In the final three months of 2009, 61,715 student visas were issued - an astonishing rise of 92 per cent on the same period in 2008.
Whitehall documents revealed this week confirm Labour encouraged mass immigration despite voter opposition.
The Government said the public stance was down to 'racism' and ministers were told to try to alter the population's attitude.
The approach was unveiled after a document from 2000 showed that ministers were advised that only the ill-educated and those who had never met a migrant were opposed to immigration.
They were also told that large-scale immigration would bring increases in crime, but they concealed these concerns from the public.
Sections of the paper, which underpinned Labour policies that admitted between two and three million immigrants to Britain in less than a decade, have already been made public.
These have showed that Labour aimed to use immigration not only for economic reasons but also to change the social make-up of the country.
Now we turn to Australia:
The European character of Australia can be eliminated by swamping the nation with Third World immigration.
Genocide by migration can succeed via several factors:
- High rates of immigration from the Third World, especially Asia.
- High birth rates of non-White immigrants
- Increasing the number of student visas issued, making it easier for foreign students to remain after graduation, guaranteeing that immigrants will be better paid and achieve higher social status than native-born White Australians.
- Lower birth rates of those from British/European backgrounds, via pressure from taxation and the transfer of benefits to non-White immigrants.
- Encouragement of inter-racial mating via state-sponsored propaganda, advertising, television-programming, and movie production.
- Encouragement of abortion, especially amongst the predominantly White middle classes. Increased financial support for immigrant
single mothers.
One legal barrier to enforced globalization is The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide that was approved and proposed for signature and ratification or accession by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 260A (111) of December 9th, 1948.
Article 11 states: "In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national ethical, racial or religious group as such: ... (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; ..." Unfortunately, this convention is widely ignored.
With no ethnic base to support cultural traditions, all cultures merge; certain
acceptable and safe cultural traits may be permitted to survive, in a conglomerate style, but most cultural traditions will vanish and be replaced by a vapid or downright satanic homogeneous popular culture.
Australia's most respected demographic expert, Charles Price, has published his projections:
"By 2020 26.7% of the total Australian population or 6.6. million people will be of Asian or part Asian decent."
Phillip Ruthven, Director of Australia's Ibis Business Information, has forecast a "neo-Eurasian nation" by 2010, turning "Eurasian" by mid-century, and becoming "Asian" at the end of the century.
Various Establishment politicians, from both sides of the political fence, have revealed their support for the Asianisation or Eurasianisation of Australia.
John Gorton (Liberal Party), when Prime Minister, said in 1971, "I think if we build up gradually inside Australia a proportion of people without white
skins, then there will be a complete lack of consciousness that it is being built up... and that we will arrive at a state where we will have a multi-racial
country without racial tensions - and perhaps the first in the world."
The majority of the population in Australia will eventually be of Asian/Eurasian background.
Just as the Chinese have practiced necessary ethnic cleansing in Tibet, and Indonesian administrators infiltrated alien populations into West Irian and East Timor, so eliotes can infiltrate outside genotypes into the Australian territory to achieve the gradual disappearance of the White Australian host.
The advent of Australia as an Asian or Eurasian country will mean the end of the European national and cultural identity and way of life. Gradually the offending base element will die out, allowing global governance to come about all the sooner.
Australia's geographical isolation serves as an excellent laboratory for the more wide-scale programmes underway in Europe and North America. At the present time, people of European racial background make up approximately 8% of the world's population. That figure is quickly shrinking.
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Britannia Radio