Saturday, 5 March 2011
"All over Europe multicultural elites are waging total war against their populations. Their goal is to continue the strategy of mass immigration, which will ultimately result in an Islamic Europe - a Europe without freedom: Eurabia." Geert Wilders at hearing in Amsterdam
I know many of you "don't want to know about ANY politics" - and that is extremely sad, but I send you this in good faith and suggest you find a few moments of your precious time, to watch and listen to Geert Wilders - the Dutch politician, making his opening address at his trial in Holland, for "crimes against Islam".
This really is very important, both nationally and globally - and I sincerely wish him well - for all our sakes, as he is so right in his comments! I strongly suggest you remember his name - if you don't already know it. Note the title!
The video runs for 4 min 54 secs and needs sound about 40% - there are clear sub-titles, as on this occasion, he naturally speaks in Dutch.
We are facing a very bleak and dark future.
Posted by
Britannia Radio
do you have a print out in english?
Mr. Wilders says what he believes and what is true and he says it eloquently. Europe is in grave danger (as is the U.S. with the Mexican “Reconquistas” who plan to take over the SW and then the entire U.S.) The Globalists don’t want nations to exist - if nations exsits, they will not be able to rule the world and make a “One World Gov’t” (their goal). The host does not allow Wilders to even finish one sentence and is belligerent and obnoxious. The host ingenuously and apparently has not read the Koran where it tells their followers to murder anyone who is a non-believer. Maybe the host should find another profession if he is unwilling to research the topic adequately.
Mr. Wilders says what he believes and what is true and he says it eloquently. Europe is in grave danger (as is the U.S. with the Mexican “Reconquistas” who plan to take over the SW and then the entire U.S.) The Globalists don’t want nations to exist - if nations exist, they will not be able to rule the world and make a “One World Gov’t” (their goal). The host does not allow Wilders to even finish one sentence and is belligerent and obnoxious. The host ingenuously and apparently has not read the Koran where it tells their followers to murder anyone who is a non-believer. Maybe the host should find another profession if he is unwilling to research the topic adequately.
This is what happens when your women decide that they’d rather have a single child and a career than stay at home where they belong and raise a proper family of 3 or 4 children. When white women are gang raped in the street by Muslims / Arabs / Persians, they have no one to blame for the presence of those predatory foreigners but themselves. In choosing to have a single child or to remain childless, they have forced their respective countries to open their borders to hostile immigrants to fill the need for labor. If you want to re-take your countries from the Muslim thugs, then you need to have the manpower to do so. In short, breed or become permanent victims.